Posted September 08, 2015
low rated
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Wish cannot be granted. I love female "anatomy" to the point of body worshiping fetish, even to a point of religious fervor and zeal (look at title), but never to the point of having it myself. Like Yin and Yang, you are one side, always in search and unison to the other one; only this leads to balance.
I wish dtgreene wouldn't insist on cis straights to have trans worries, personalities, anatomy of a different gender, etc.
Wish cannot be granted. It is necessary for people to understand the experiences of other people and not make assumptions. I wish dtgreene wouldn't insist on cis straights to have trans worries, personalities, anatomy of a different gender, etc.
I wish that somebody other than KiNgBrAdLeY7 would grant (and corrupt) the wish I made in my previous post:
I wish that KiNgBrAdLeY7 were a trans man. (In other words, that he were born with female anatomy and assigned female, but still identified as male.)