KiNgBrAdLeY7: I wish to be able to get a weapon-owning-license quickly and easily, in order to import an authentic, handmade, katana from Japan (as a luxury gift to myself, am a collector of many things, and i need to train in ukemis with weapon drawn, i got my green belt already).
You are informed in a letter that your license is on hold for some reason, so you call in a favor. The next day you receive word from not only the licensing authority, but also a nervous-sounding man with an impenetrable Asian accent. You aren't exactly sure everything he says to you, but you do figure out that he is trying to sell a katana with a famous history. You immediately wire him the money, but what you didn't understand from him is that the "famous history" is that it's actually the prized heirloom of an influential Yakuza family.
Late one evening, several days later, you are at your dojo with your colleagues when a dark figure appears at the door. As you approach to open it, a thickly-accented voice growls, "special delivery," and you hear the soft sound of metal sliding against wood...
It is the last thing that you hear.
The newspapers report that the police are still investigating the mysterious and sudden fire that engulfed a small martial arts studio the previous day.
I wish someone would attack me with a banana, or perhaps some other kind of fresh fruit, so I could show off my incredible self-defense skills.