misteryo: Here's what I think, informed as I am by groups on the internet.
1. You run it.
2. You pick the games.
3. You pick the duration.
4. You post the threads.
5. Expect the first 3 to suck - nobody joins, you'll get complaints, etc. But after that, if you keep posting a game symposium *love the title btw* thread, you will get joiners. And if the rules are set, clear and not up for discussion, eventually people will come to respect them. People will join the thread when they can and not bitch very much when they can't.
DaCostaBR: You are right.
This is what I do when my friends get caught in a loop of trying to decide things, but I don't like it. What can I say? I'm an idealist, I still believe in democracy triumphing in the end.
I'll make the recommendations schedule myself, I really hope people get an interest, so I think I might start with some games that are more popular and people have already played, and a bit more expensive than I'd like, but never above $10; then transition to slightly lesser known stuff, that is hopefully cheaper as well.
Then once we get some regulars I can start to delegate some of the responsability.
Upcoming discussion schedule: November 1st: Beyond Good and Evil, currently free on
Uplay. Thanks to Vainamoinen for the suggestion.
November 8th: Hotline Miami November 15th: Gunpoint November 22nd::
The Shivah November 29th: Her Story Looks promising.
Downloading Beyond Good and Evil now.