Okay, looks like people might want it once a week.
I looked up Beyond Good and Evil on HowLongToBeat and it says it's 10 hours long, that's way too long to force people to finish within a week, but we do want to start with a popular game and many people have already played BGE, so I think the length might not be too big of a problem in this one case. And like BlackThorny pointed out it is free for the time being, that's a huge plus.
starting with Beyond Good and Evil. Like Fantasysci5, I also could use an excuse to get it out of my backlog.
But before we set a date to start this,
let's make a schedule. Okay, now we do
need some suggestions. I want to list in every entry the next 4 or 5 games. That way if you want to skip one week, you can get a head start in the next game. The first one is BGE, I can think of something for the following week, probably something free like OFF or Cart Life, so we need another 3 or 4 suggestions from you guys.
misteryo: 1st game suggestion: Inside
This one is too new and it has never been on sale, so I don't think we can do it right now. Black Friday is just one month away, we could pencil it in for the first week of December, if you want? Assuming it will get some form of discount by then.
The games you pick don't have to be great, they can be rough around the edges, they just need to be interesting. And
please be mindful of length and price when you suggest a game.
Beyond that I just have one request: don't be a stranger. Don't recommend a game, disappear and only show up for your game's discussion, never to be seen again. If you want to dictate what the group will play, you should at least try to be active in the discussions.
Finally, I'm thinking of calling it the "GOG Gaming Symposium", it doesn't have book in the title, it's not generic, and it's very pretentious, which might attract a few more eyeballs to the discussions out of curiosity alone.