Momo1991: Do you guys even read the threads that aren't GA's? I think I saw a commenter that was complaining about a music thread complaining here about GA threads - so which is it? Too many GA's? Or too many "general" threads? See there ARE game forums here, of course. Tons of them...not sure what the problem with the "general" forum is exactly... I think if you have a complaint, you should also explain EXACTLY what you envision the "general" thread should contain - especially if you're complaining about non-GA threads. See what I'm saying?
Oh and btw, it's not every "man"...I happen to be female and I do the occasional GA - just sayin' So maybe it's every oldster, hipster, hippy, nerd, geek, gamer etc...and their pets".... I suggest that you who don't like it, install the widget to filter out any thread containing the word "giveaway" and stop freaking complaining...
Last word - GOG support has stated that they don't have the funds to fix the forum, so this thread is kind of a moot point, albeit a good place for members that show up only to complain to feel like they have been heard. Good luck with that... this forum has always had a ton of GA's and hopefully it will continue in the vein of generosity that makes it kind of special. So I guess what I'm saying is it ain't gonna change anytime soon....

lazydog: I read and post in threads on the general forum that are relevant to me. My complaint is that there are far too many of these giveways in the general forum. They were intrusive enough to me by numbers alone-and now they have started getting personal-real personal and calling into question DRM.
Gifters are now calling for entry qualifications for their gifts, it is absolutely laughable. Gift your gift and get on with it. But no, now there is all kinds of talk about who exactly is entitled to a 'gift', based on anything the 'gifter' seems appropriate. You will create an elitist forum if that continues.
This situation has arisen by gifting. A profit can be made from it, yet it continues. I am asking that it gets moved to a a separate forum in the vain hope that it can be policed better there, but from what you are saying about short resources on gog I too doubt it.
Finally, I recognise this is a general forum and that crossovers have to be expected, but I do not see gifting happening in game specific threads, either.
I especially take extreme exception to you bringing up your sex in this argument, it is not necessary.
Extreme exception? Ok.
As to requirements, I don't usually set any but many people do simply to ensure that new members are encouraged to be here awhile and participate in threads "other than GA's"... If that's elitist, then well I think your exact point is rendered moot.
See what is great about this forum is how so many people from all over the world, with so many disparate cultures and so many different tastes in types of games come together to share - some share about personal triumphs (finally got a job!, just got married!, just had a baby! etc...) and some share about personal losses (lost my job :-(, my dog died :-(, my parent has cancer :-(, I'm suffering from depression :-()... Some share gaming news, some share stories they've written or games they've designed, some share threads about sports, some share about some specific game they loved, etc..... There are tons of threads that don't contain GA's though many include them with their personal news...
I STILL suggest that you install the widget that filters out the words such as, "giveaway", "GA", "give away".... Most of us attempt to include these indicators for peeps just like you that loathe giveaways. See the thing is, most of us DO try to be friendly with each other and to recognize that all kinds of people frequent this forum.
I notice that regardless of my message, you still haven't asked where the widget is that would make YOUR personal experience better... instead, you seem happier trying to make everyone follow your personal preferences or arguing or taking "extreme exception"... Aren't there forums out there that are better suited to "Someone on the internet is wrong!"? Might I suggest that you might be happier on one of those forums rather than one that encourages sharing and welcomes everyone to post whatever they might decide to post? ~yeah, probably not...~
Not that you asked for it but since I do occasionally try to be helpful, even despite "stuff", here's the link to the thread that has the script;