An added bit of preface: It seems you might be taking this a bit personally(like me when reading some of your posts sometimes in such threads).....please know that I am just trying to debate this civilly as a fellow user who just wants more games for all to come here & I am not trying to be underhanded/sneaky/etc by doing so.....I just want to talk about the game and maybe see it come here for people to buy: That's about it.
And yeah, I can tell you love the site/store/forums and want the best for them, but you should know that I also want the same as well....I just also want more choice for all, even if I or you or anyone else dislikes the games being discussed.....all that should matter is people getting more choice and GOG making money, correct?
That said, I will reply to any more replies you make, but I ask you to please think before replying and try to keep an open mind & try to see things from the other side's POV...i.e. mull it about a bit mentally and think if a persons stances have merit before casting them aside due to thinking the other person is dumb/etc, and then reply, and try not to take what is said(unless you know for certain something is) as an insult as most of the time it is not meant as such.
Have a good one
RWarehall: Go to Steam. Look at the prices the games are being sold for.
Screw you for calling me a liar, you are the one being a jerk here. Learn to Google!
(Bits snipped and rewritten as preface above)
meant that you
seemed to be inferring/saying that Vendetta would be sold for 30 dollars or so
if it was SOLD HERE.
You did the same thing with the other two games you said shouldn't be sold here,
both of which were sold below what you claimed/said they would be if they were sold you saying this game(if GOG sold it) would be 30 dollars(or so) and that that is a reason it shouldn't be sold here is not a very solid or believable argument.
RWarehall: Furthermore, Elminage Original is NOT here on GoG! You can't even get your facts straight and don't seem to know anything at all about these games you are arguing about. Not surprising... And I said nothing about it's price. I did say the fact it had only 33 (now - probably less then) total reviews in over 2 years was a bad sign for potential sales here and is likely the reason it is not here.
If I mixed this one up(with the other ones where you DID say GOG/devs would sell it for much more money), then I apologize for that, but you DID say it wouldn't sell well.....and it clearly did.
RWarehall: As to Wizardry, you seem to think this game with its 2.5 stars on GoG is some sort of great success...
It's here. It was a first day release. Hopefully enough people bought it that it made GoG enough money, but now it sits in the catalog as the new equivalent of Master of Orion 3 or Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods, Ultima 9 or Jagged Alliance: Rage. $14.99 for a 10-year old game that wasn't well received...I has Wizardry in its's here to be part of the series and that's about it.
It still sold well enough, though, and
THAT is what should matter...not whether you or I like it or not, but whether it will sell well and make GOG money/help the site & company flourish/grow.
RWarehall: I think I'd have nearly 100% agreement that what really needs to get here are Wizardry 1-5. Real classics and truly nostalgic Wizardry.
I agree they should be here, but I also think ANY game that will sell well and people might like or want to play should he here, even if one of us(even me) doesn't like the game in question.
RWarehall: But Vendetta would not be coming here as part of a series. Is still buggy as heck. Has laughably bad voice acting and is currently severely overpriced especially for a horribly received 5 year old game. It's not surprising at all why GoG has not confidence in it. Despite 168 reviews 45% means only 75-76 of those are positive! Not a good sign at all.
You say it's overpriced ONCE AGAIN.....what does it being overpriced on ANOTHER STORE have anything to do with it's possible price if sold here? Or do you think they won't sell it for less here like the other devs did with Elminage and Wizardry?
Also as said before, I take your stances on games not selling well with(understandably) a grain of salt after you were proven wrong twice(on games that were rejected coming here & selling well or not, and on the one game how much GOG/devs would sell it here for).
This is not to say I distrust you completely, just that your stances on these/those games & your upholding of steam/etc data(and how it might impact GOG sales) over other data/etc seems to adversely influence how you think a game will be received here, so it's harder to take you seriously on some things you say on such.
RWarehall: What would happen to GoG if 55% of those who buy the game were to refund it because of how bad it is?
Depends on how much it would cost to bring it here/support it/sell it.....
if they made a net profit then it'd still be a win, even if 55% refunded it.