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dwgog: This:
And if you knew anything about GOG Connect it's about allowing people who have purchased games on Steam to transfer over to GOG if they wish to
dwgog: @Trilarion:
I'm guessing they'll want credit card info, which they won't get. But I'll look into it.
But they are. Look at the banner at the top of the black friday sale. Says they are giving them Limbo free.

There is a possibility I'm misinterpreting, but their wording certainly sounds like they're giving it away free.

@GOG: could you clarify?
Yeah... it's not a free game, it's a Connect game.
Which means you only get it if you own it on Steam. So it's not penalising non Steam users, if it penalises anyone it's people who don't already own the game but I think that's a fairly thin argument.
Opening a steam account won't do you any good (though they shouldn't require any card info unless you buy something) unless you own the game (which you might do on Humble maybe?)
dwgog: This:
Yes, it specifically says "with Steam Connect". Steam Connect is GOG's feature for getting some of the games that you already own on Steam.

So no, I don't feel that you were lied to or misled. If anything GOG gives away a whole bunch of games for free. In fact I'd be ashamed to complain like this for not getting a $1.99 game for free. If you are that destitute, would you like me to buy it for you?
Trilarion: I wish GOG would be that specific in their headlines. They certainly do not convey that message at first glance.
Well yeah, but the GOG PR team is awful.
And several other departments as well.
Smannesman: And what about the 'freebies' GOG gives away and the people that bought said 'freebies' in the past?
Shouldn't they get something else of equal value as well?
And hey why not just give games away to people with large libraries, they especially should be rewarded for their patronage.
Looks like you're stretching it a bit, but thanks for your comment. You can have a sarcasm reward, perhaps.

Hopefully they'll clarify. Since I don't use Steam, I don't have experience with the system. If I've misunderstood, then that's great. Certainly a reason to tear someone apart.

And if my guess is correct, and they will not level the playing field, I'll probably buy it anyway. It's only $2. It wasn't about the money, just the looooove.

Smannesman: USERNAME:dwgog#Q&_^Q&Q#GROUP:4#Q&_^Q&Q#LINK:13#Q&_^Q&Q#This:#Q&_^Q&Q#LINK:13#Q&_^Q&Q#
Nope, but that's a kind offer. See my post above -- only wanted to be included in what I thought was a freebie. I'm probably going to buy it if after a few mins of let's play, it looks to be my kind of game. I'm not a scroller player, but it does look pretty good, and Terraria infected me a year or so ago.
Post edited November 22, 2016 by dwgog
I don't use Steam either and this isn't going to change, but I don't think, GOG could do something for us.

Actually GOG doesn't give games through connect for free. Users are just allowed to add games they already own on Steam to their GOG account.

Anyway, if you're interested in Limbo, I could send you a link/code for Humble Bundle. It includes the DRM-free version and a Steam key. I think it doesn't expire, but I cannot check it, since if I click the link it will be considered redeemed.
dwgog: Nope, but that's a kind offer. See my post above -- only wanted to be included in what I thought was a freebie. I'm probably going to buy it if after a few mins of let's play, it looks to be my kind of game. I'm not a scroller player, but it does look pretty good, and Terraria infected me a year or so ago.
It's a very nice (albeit a very short) game). You'll enjoy it. =)
dwgog: This is a boo-hoo post. Fair warning.

It seems terribly unjust and misguided even, to exclude users who, like me, are here on GOG specifically because we do not use Steam. Steam users are being given copies of Limbo free for using Steam. Those like me (all three of us) are left out of this reward, because we don't use the competitor's service. o.O

Look, GOG is great, generous, cool. I love it and my growing library. But I would like a free copy of Limbo (something I can actually play without upgrading) for being a loyal, paying customer, not get left out for not using the competition. I buy from Humble Bundle, if that counts. Certainly more benevolent than Steam. In fact, I've bought on HB and then RE-bought on GOG (Amnesia TDD) just because dealing with HB was proving a hassle.

GOG: Can't I be rewarded for my loyal patronage, too?
Boo-hoo, cry me a river. Now man up and buy the friggin game. And stand proud that you had the endurance to wait it out till it arrives DRM free.
Okay, okay, I'll buy it. Probably. :)

@vanchann: thanks for the offer, but it's yours, you keep it
low rated
Trilarion: You could just open a fake Steam account, connect to it and get Limbo. GOG doesn't require you to have games on Steam, or does it?
This is exactly what i was ready to do, but if you later remove the steam account from the connect service, the associated games are removed, too. I myself will have to skip this type of free games on GOG website, alas (free for connecting steam account).

I would welcome though any suggestion that could possibly circumvent this (keep Limbo after removing the steam account, after first having connected it to gog)!
Post edited November 22, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
KiNgBrAdLeY7: if you later remove the steam account from the connect service, the associated games are removed, too
You mean i can connect, claim the free game, then ask the gog stuff for disconnect and keep Limbo...?
Post edited November 22, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
KiNgBrAdLeY7: You mean i can connect, claim the free game, then ask the gog stuff for disconnect and keep Limbo...?

Assuming, you actually have that game purchased on your Steam account. Because, as was pointed out before, it's not a free game. It's just a copy of the game you presumably already paid for on Steam.
Post edited November 22, 2016 by Bigs
KiNgBrAdLeY7: You mean i can connect, claim the free game, then ask the gog stuff for disconnect and keep Limbo...?
once connected both accounts can't be disconnected. (FAQ : point 6)

also if you remove the game from your Steam account , GOG could remove the game from your GOG's library (FAQ; point 15)
Post edited November 22, 2016 by DyNaer