Painted_Doll: I don't see that update .
Might just be for 8.1 users.
I think it's been loaded since Friday (that's when my PC started flaking out as it does when there's a new update to install)
There were some important .net and 64-bit patches.
Under Optional there was the 'Upgrade to Windows 10' patch already ticked on.
carnival73: Check 'Optional" ---> Upgrade to Win 10 is in there an ticked on by default.
Just a warning for anyone trying to avoid the 10 update.
If I hadn't noticed all my work would've been wiped and my PC tied up when I woke up and was meant to be working.
rotorde: I'm not sure it would have installed the OS but it would probably have downloaded quite a bit of data. These days you really need to check what the updates contain before you update. Even some updates marked as important contain telemetry stuff and windows 10 preparatory things. I recommend doing some googling and hiding the ones you don't need in case you care about it. Don't hide the security ones though.
Thanks. Yeah I got a list of important updates to hide from Bleeping Computer awhile back but MS likes to find backdoor ways to offer those again.