Posted January 02, 2020

TRUMP'S THE MAN!!!!!! 2020 WINNER!!!!!
Registered: Jul 2015
From Australia

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted January 03, 2020
low rated
Giver or taker? This is a bit vague.
If you meant takers: No one with no games asked for a game, all were very polite about it, etc...also I don't see you saying such when the winners here won games on other contests.
If you meant me: How would I be scamming anyone? I don't ask for rep and I have no use for it(i'd give out games if all posts got low rated), and the low raters cancel it out anyways. As for the people who appreciate this, again the low raters cancel out any good they might do, so I would get little-no benefit from such either.
You want to put your money where your mouth is? Let's see you accuse EVERY giver or taker in every contest of such...else you're full of hot air & likely just being a douche because you have a chip on your shoulder about others or me.
If you meant takers: No one with no games asked for a game, all were very polite about it, etc...also I don't see you saying such when the winners here won games on other contests.
If you meant me: How would I be scamming anyone? I don't ask for rep and I have no use for it(i'd give out games if all posts got low rated), and the low raters cancel it out anyways. As for the people who appreciate this, again the low raters cancel out any good they might do, so I would get little-no benefit from such either.
You want to put your money where your mouth is? Let's see you accuse EVERY giver or taker in every contest of such...else you're full of hot air & likely just being a douche because you have a chip on your shoulder about others or me.
Post edited January 03, 2020 by GameRager

We live in a society
Registered: May 2019
From United States
Posted January 03, 2020
Congrats to all the entrants/winners, +1 to GR.

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States

We live in a society
Registered: May 2019
From United States

Not-So-New User
Registered: Feb 2011
From Singapore
Posted January 04, 2020
low rated

If you meant takers: No one with no games asked for a game, all were very polite about it, etc...also I don't see you saying such when the winners here won games on other contests.
If you meant me: How would I be scamming anyone? I don't ask for rep and I have no use for it(i'd give out games if all posts got low rated), and the low raters cancel it out anyways. As for the people who appreciate this, again the low raters cancel out any good they might do, so I would get little-no benefit from such either.
You want to put your money where your mouth is? Let's see you accuse EVERY giver or taker in every contest of such...else you're full of hot air & likely just being a douche because you have a chip on your shoulder about others or me.

TRUMP'S THE MAN!!!!!! 2020 WINNER!!!!!
Registered: Jul 2015
From Australia
Posted January 04, 2020

If you meant takers: No one with no games asked for a game, all were very polite about it, etc...also I don't see you saying such when the winners here won games on other contests.
If you meant me: How would I be scamming anyone? I don't ask for rep and I have no use for it(i'd give out games if all posts got low rated), and the low raters cancel it out anyways. As for the people who appreciate this, again the low raters cancel out any good they might do, so I would get little-no benefit from such either.
You want to put your money where your mouth is? Let's see you accuse EVERY giver or taker in every contest of such...else you're full of hot air & likely just being a douche because you have a chip on your shoulder about others or me.

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted January 04, 2020
low rated
You're right(which is sad to admit as he seemed to be reasonable about a year back).....if he keeps pestering my giveaways with insults i'll just ignore or report(the insults I mean, not the non rule breaking posts...i'm not that mean). Also thanks for the reply. Later. :)
Post edited January 04, 2020 by GameRager

Registered: Jan 2012
From United States

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted January 07, 2020
low rated

(This is not to say he's behind it.....just that the trolls seem to like those who agree with them)
(Also lol they missed one of my non-op posts....they better fix that...can't have me having any normal rated posts, now can they?
Well at least they didn't downrate any of the winners this time....small miracles and all either they found a heart[fat chance] or they're busy elsewhere)
Post edited January 07, 2020 by GameRager

Registered: Jan 2012
From United States
Posted January 07, 2020
low rated

(This is not to say he's behind it.....just that the trolls seem to like those who agree with them)
(Also lol they missed one of my non-op posts....they better fix that...can't have me having any normal rated posts, now can they?
Well at least they didn't downrate any of the winners this time....small miracles and all either they found a heart[fat chance] or they're busy elsewhere)

TRUMP'S THE MAN!!!!!! 2020 WINNER!!!!!
Registered: Jul 2015
From Australia
Posted January 07, 2020

Edit: Yeah, I see the odd things in here and maybe ask the OP or someone is playing silly games.
Post edited January 07, 2020 by Tauto

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted January 07, 2020
low rated

Likely(this is me guessing based on observations/etc) he read something(s) I wrote and took it(them) the wrong happens(which is partially why I haven't fully written him off yet).
We can't all be as live and let live as others, sadly....this is evidenced by our bickering(I mean humanity in general) in all walks of life and in all locales over everything under the sun people can be divided over and complain about.
BTW maybe you can be counselor to the goggites who have "Lost their way"? o.0
The pay is lousy and the people might give ya hell, but the Karma from it has gotta be astronomical. :)
It depends what you mean by silly games:
If you mean giving out games in a silly contest to make people happy and make the board a bit nicer, then yeah that applies.
If you mean giving out games to get people to like me to get more, that plan would be doomed to failure at this point if it were true(it isn't, if anyone is wondering...I don't believe in buying love or friendship online that way).
If you mean that I might be having people low rate me and having them uprate you and others for some odd, I don't see the benefit from that(well beyond maybe playing the victim for what that would be worth) and don't do that(as like you, I don't care about REP[the points that is]).
Aside: You wanna talk(and see some) "silly games"? Go check out the Wizardry Labyrinth of Lost Souls thread. Anyone who advocates for that game(or even says where it can be bought like PookaMustard) have all been low rated and all those who dislike and criticize the game are going high faster than WIllie Nelson while backstage.
And it's not just that thread....there have been several others as well....and Gog has been shown(by me and another user) a method to find who's doing it(without needing to change anything in the site code/etc) and they still won't enforce that rule(No rep manipulation).
Post edited January 07, 2020 by GameRager

TRUMP'S THE MAN!!!!!! 2020 WINNER!!!!!
Registered: Jul 2015
From Australia

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted January 07, 2020
low rated

Ok so you don't think giveaways are silly...but then:
You say people asking(not begging, as that would imply they asked out of the blue to random people who weren't holding giveaways, imo) for games is a silly game....but then what would be the point of giveaways if no one asked for games or entered them? Should people host giveaways and everyone says "none for me, thanks" before moving on? Should hosts just toss games at random people? What would the solution be to your "dilemma" of "silly game beggars" then??? :|
(Also why haven't you gone into finkleroy's two giveaways yet to call people silly game beggars? Or any of the other giveaways? If that truly is your stance at least be consistent)
To be fair you were(imo) a bit vague or of course some(maybe not me but others if I didn't ask) might ask what you meant.

That all said, I am a bit sad that you have become somewhat jaded/cynical by your time here/elsewhere online.....I wish I could help improve your outlook, sometimes, tbh....but sadly I am just a man and not a miracle worker. :\
Post edited January 07, 2020 by GameRager