NoNewTaleToTell: Clickworker is available in the EU I believe, at least I know for sure that it's available in Germany because it's a German company. Appen and mTurk I'm not too sure about. There are more legitimate microjob sites too, those were just the first three that popped up in my head.
I tried to sign up for mTurk and they sent this:
Greetings from Amazon Mechanical Turk,
We have completed our review of your Amazon Mechanical Turk Worker Account. We regret to inform you that you will not be permitted to work on Mechanical Turk.
Our account review criteria are proprietary and we cannot disclose the reason why an invitation to complete registration has been denied. If our criteria for invitation changes, you may be invited to complete registration in the future.
Thank you for your interest in Mechanical Turk.
Amazon Mechanical Turk
Clickworker has Russia in the drop-down menu, but the form changes depending on which country I pick and specifically the Russian form is built in a way which prevents me from filling it in correctly. I *can* lie like a rug and pick the US instead, but they will probably ban me for it.
Appen I have no idea how to sign up for.