Got a reply they are forwarding the message, which doesn't mean much...
As a note i've glanced over the 'redeem game' raw page and noticed it's almost entirely in JavaScript. Doing code checks in this way seems unlikely, for a external server. Although not impossible to get around, it wouldn't be worth my time and there would be too many headaches to consider the options (slow and buggy as they are).
I've started notes regarding the internal MySQL structure to support the game/code trading and an issue of code size comes up. There's 16 Alphanumeric characters. 36 combinations gives a log2 calculation of 5.169925, that multiplied by 16 gives the raw number of codes the system can support before they are all used. The data takes 83 bits to store. This means it will probably just be worked and stored as raw text (rather than get too complex into the reasoning behind it).
Just to go off on a tangent of this, 83 bits is HUGE. If you took say the population of people on earth, got each of them all the games on gog as individual keys (10 billion times 700), that's 7 Trillion keys (about 43bits). Assuming GoG managed to sell that many keys PER SECOND, it would take 34,800 YEARS to exhaust all the keys... Then they just add another 4 characters on and Viola! Now there's 1.6x million more keys than were just exhausted... and to exhaust those would take...
well i'm not going to live to see that day so that isn't an issue :P
Post edited July 12, 2014 by rtcvb32