DaCostaBR: Don't forget Beauty and the Beast and Lion King are also in the chopping block.
snowkatt: mleh
the lion king is just hamlet with lions anyway
id rather watch a version of hamlet then
I think saying "I already have one version of this, it's the best one, I don't need anyone else's" robs us of different and interesting perspectives on the same idea. I love seeing how two different productions can vary wildly in execution despite having the same premise.
It's wonderful for double features: Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet and Disney's Lion King, Cars and Doc Hollywood, and even watching The Raid: Redemption and Dredd.
The only reason I am sour on the remakes I mentioned is because they seem not like a different take on an old idea, but more of the same thing, just remade with live action/CGI to justify people paying for a new ticket.
lukaszthegreat: is there any evidence of someone dressed up as a clown actually doing something bad?
Have tried looking in Pornhub?