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I always get stuck making depressing threads.

RIP Kenny.
Post edited August 13, 2016 by tinyE
Sad *bleep bloop*
RIP Kenny

Do droids become one with the force too?
Kenny, why did you had to be so brave?
Thats the R2D2 guy...

81 says a video article says 82 , thats a nice age, for a little man, a while ago another little man (also actor) died at 75 or so, which is still a very nice age since they always claimed these 'little people' would pass away sooner then the average human.

This proves its not true and you just have to be lucky to die at an old age, so size does not matter.
Another legend :-\ RIP man
I remember beiong really surprised the first time I learned there was someone actually playing the part of R2, that there was a guy inside that tin can. I won't pretend this was great dramatic performance, but he was part of the legend. RIP.

This news makes it all the sadder that Force Awakens sidelined R2 and C-3PO in favor of BB-8. Who did they find to sit in that one by the way?
It's a shame. I was a big fan of Time Bandits as a kid.
Post edited August 14, 2016 by Punkoinyc
I was about to make a South Park joke but then I looked him up and it was a real person. Thank goodness for hesitation!

But yeah, that's sad as heck. I'm sure he lived a good life.
RIP Kenny
My heart went out to Kenny the 1st time I saw that Star Wars documentary that came with the DVDs. Here was everyone complaining about how hot it was in the desert, and Kenny kept quiet, all while being jammed in that damn thing all day! ;P I can only imagine what the hell he went through.
Punkoinyc: It's a shame. I was a big fan of Time Bandits as a kid.
I'm still a big fan of Time Bandits. One of the best movies ever made.
RIP Kenny. You gave me many hours of enjoyment when i was a kid watching star wars.