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low rated
off ...because yer cause is on.

Ken Saro-Wiwa, you are remembered.
Who!? What!? Would you care to provide more information?
How come no one started an RIP thread yesterday for the 29 men who died 40 years ago on Lake Superior?
Post edited November 11, 2015 by tinyE
tinyE: How come no one started an RIP thread yesterday for the 29 men who died 40 years ago on Lake Superior?
Because they are about as well-known as Ken Saro-Wiwa.
tinyE: How come no one started an RIP thread yesterday for the 29 men who died 40 years ago on Lake Superior?
Randalator: Because they are about as well-known as Ken Saro-Wiwa.
Ask a stupid question.... :P
Gede: Who!? What!? Would you care to provide more information?

Now, to understand this, you have one thing to know:

TStael is on a mission: s/he wants all mankind to be aware of the ongoing evil in the world - in the course of this forgetting, that the forum on a games store might not be the best of all the possible places, to do so.

But since this is the "general discussion", where a lot of totally games unrelated topics get created on a daily basis - who wants to blame him/her?
Gede: Who!? What!? Would you care to provide more information?

Now, to understand this, you have one thing to know:

TStael is on a mission: s/he wants all mankind to be aware of the ongoing perceived evil in the world - in the course of this forgetting, that the forum on a games store might not be the best of all the possible places, to do so.

But since this is the "general discussion", where a lot of totally games unrelated topics get created on a daily basis - who wants to blame him/her/? ?
I corrected that for you.

What if... @TStael is a person of non-binary gender identity...?

*Taking ye-olde-english accent*

"Pray be mindful of this people, express support for parliamentary democracy on this fora, or SHAME on U!!!"

(Sorry, I am bored and troll some, tonight.)

On topic... One praiseworthy cause, R.I.P... Ken Saro-Wiwa, you are remembered, however awkward you got to be mentioned here.
Post edited November 11, 2015 by koima57
BreOl72: TStael is on a mission: s/he wants all mankind to be aware of the ongoing evil in the world - in the course of this forgetting, that the forum on a games store might not be the best of all the possible places, to do so.
It would be as good a place as any, if TStael had just provided even some shred of bloody information.
tinyE: How come no one started an RIP thread yesterday for the 29 men who died 40 years ago on Lake Superior?
I actually almost went looking for a post of yours to respond to which would have mentioned that I for one noticed that anniversary.

My Pacific Ocean could still beat up your Lake Superior, though. ;)
tinyE: How come no one started an RIP thread yesterday for the 29 men who died 40 years ago on Lake Superior?
budejovice: I actually almost went looking for a post of yours to respond to which would have mentioned that I for one noticed that anniversary.

My Pacific Ocean could still beat up your Lake Superior, though. ;)
Lake Michigan could kick both our asses and if you take into amount deaths/wrecks per square mile it's not close.
low rated
Gede: Who!? What!? Would you care to provide more information?
Ken Saro-Wiwa was a Nigerian environmental activist that campaigned against abusive and environmentally devastating local drilling practices against Royal Shell; and his government for allowing it to happen.

He and eight of his fellow campaigners were hanged in Nigeria a bit +20 years ago, after a rigged trial.

And in case there might be doubts about "over-reaction" to that trial (=i.e. it might have been just) - Nigeria was excluded from Common Wealth afterwards.

Imagine Iberian Lynx campaigners were cruelly harassed. This was much worse than that.
tinyE: How come no one started an RIP thread yesterday for the 29 men who died 40 years ago on Lake Superior?
Were they sentenced to death for non-violent environmental campaign?

No, I think not.

Unjust sentence is not "a misfortune" or "an accident" - or even that random - at least, quite so often maybe as you should prefer to think.

But this was plainly a miscarriage of justice, and of the worst sort.

Oikeusmurha. "Justicemurder" - this is how we Finns describe it.
Post edited November 15, 2015 by TStael
tinyE: How come no one started an RIP thread yesterday for the 29 men who died 40 years ago on Lake Superior?
Randalator: Because they are about as well-known as Ken Saro-Wiwa.
You know Ken Saro-Wiwa at least, Randalator, right?

And you would flippantly draw parallel between a major human rights' crime and an accidental loss of life - why? Both are tragic - but only the former politico-intentional.

Sorry, I think Germany is very privileged in having Joachim Gauck as Bundespresident - or ceremonial head of Gemany. With Gauck Germany has some moral weight that I would not accord to many European presidents. I went in fact to see his speech when I needed faith and consolation both after Charlie Hebdo and just now: and my German ... ich arbeite daran.

You could try and write him to ask, you know, about Ken Saro-Wiwa.
high rated
People should rather care about and support the living before it doesn't help them anymore.
Support Maajid Nawaz for example.
low rated
Gede: Who!? What!? Would you care to provide more information?

Now, to understand this, you have one thing to know:

TStael is on a mission: s/he wants all mankind to be aware of the ongoing evil in the world - in the course of this forgetting, that the forum on a games store might not be the best of all the possible places, to do so.

But since this is the "general discussion", where a lot of totally games unrelated topics get created on a daily basis - who wants to blame him/her?
I am smiling at ya BreOI72 - I enjoy what you say, but are you intellectually honest enough to understand: you are also on a mission?

Your mission statement above assumes that gamers do not have diverse opinions, moral stances - or wish to discuss anything outside comfort zones.

I think a little better of us gamers, btw. ;-)

I go to specific sub-fora for game specific discussions; and under "general" discuss anything goes, IMO..

And btw - I disapprove of hanging peaceful environmental campaigners. And I am a gamer.

And what say you, BreOI72?
low rated
Klumpen0815: People should rather care about and support the living before it doesn't help them anymore.
Support Maajid Nawaz for example.
And pray tell, Klumpen0815 - why would you just post link to this person, as opposed to post link to this person AND explaining why you support him; AND condemn hanging of Ken Saro-Wiwa?

I know I have seen this guy in Question Time - of which I am a fan, but I do not have strong impression perso. But are you his supporter or his distractor?

Silently approving of hanging of environmental campaigners as "insignificant" when Royal Shell still enjoys a lot of fossile fuel subsidies and suffers little demands to own up to this horrendous episode is both morally and politically wrong.

Your flippant way of going forth makes me think you are not very honest, or serious, in view how cruel a matter is being discussed.