nightcraw1er.488: You can’t afford to once in a while check? I mean I have quite a lot and just check once a month or two months. Maybe takes half an hour. It’s really not any effort and it’s mainly if you buy indev or new games which have lots of updates.
But then, if you can’t be bothered, just go rent them off steam...
timppu: Years ago, back when gogrepo wasn't a thing yet and I had mere 500-600 games on GOG, I tried to keep my GOG installer collection up to date, but it felt quite hard and time consuming.
I constantly lost track of what was updated e.g. because the update flag for a game was cleared if I merely went to check its changelog to see what was updated. Sometimes the update may be for the OS version I am not interested in etc.
It was even harder to keep track what existing files had become obsolete and could be safely deleted, and later I've also found out there are "silent updates" with no update flag.
Pretty much all those problems went away with gogrepo, thankfully. I have now like 1800 GOG games, and keeping them up to date is quite easy with gogrepo. Gogrepo has become a reason for me to prefer buying from GOG, even if the same game is available DRM-free elsewhere too. I don't run gogrepo constantly, more like once a month or two months, sometimes even less frequently.
GOG could make an official version of gogrepo, maybe adding p2p technology as well so that mass downloaders like myself wouldn't hit GOG's content delivery servers that bad, and it might even give downloaders faster download speeds. Humble Store at least used to offer an option to download HB game installers with a torrent client, so it can be certainly done.
I don’t have that issue, roughly same amount of games. Probably 90% of them are old and do not get updates (apart from the forced galaxy component updates). If a game is updated, but I see nothing in the log, then I assume another platform updated and move on. So from last few months, I had a block which were updated through dosbox update, other than that I have only had one or two downloads. Really can’t understand what the hardship is here unless your buying lots of indev or just released games, pathfinder was one, updates everyday but for those instances, unless your playing it just download when a big update hits.
If they do a version of gogrepo, then it would be via galaxy, which pretty much makes this redundant as I imagine most using that don’t bother downloading the files anyways.
It would however be useful to be able to download any version of the game released on GOG, and have a proper changelog which actually has all the changes in.
But anyways, take home point is gogrepo is available for those who don’t want to manually update, so everyone’s a winner.