Posted December 19, 2017
I get why some may want to watch parts of a game... I've done it myself to learn how to play it in this age of no effing manuals. But I didn't read Nighcrawlers post that way. I thought he was saying people were just watching YouTubes of games INSTEAD OF PLAYING them.
If I read that wrong, then my bad. If I didn't read that wrong, then to me that's gotta be the dumbest thing I've ever heard, I guess unless one were absolutely NOT going to buy that game. Then maybe there's some social reasons for watching it (i.e. it's the hottest game on the market right now and so I want to be able to at least take part in any conversation about it with my friends) or something like that.
But man, if someone buys a game, and then instead watches someone else play it on youtube.... I just can't wrap my head around that. At all.
If I read that wrong, then my bad. If I didn't read that wrong, then to me that's gotta be the dumbest thing I've ever heard, I guess unless one were absolutely NOT going to buy that game. Then maybe there's some social reasons for watching it (i.e. it's the hottest game on the market right now and so I want to be able to at least take part in any conversation about it with my friends) or something like that.
But man, if someone buys a game, and then instead watches someone else play it on youtube.... I just can't wrap my head around that. At all.