mintee: hell, just last nite i grabbed a scrap of paper to jot down puzzle elements in kotor while playing with my kindle. my pc desk has a notebook that Im constantly scribbling down notes for many games as I run thru them. when it fills up I toss it and start another. I look at it as a time saver, my memory is crap and I cant be arsed running back to reread the clue later.
lol, just this past year I spent hours mapping the underground maze in myst..... good times. to me that is game immersion at its finest. btw my maps sucked and i still got lost.
I remember that in Myst. My first time I totally didn't get it. I must have tried ever single direction and backtracked so many times, and gradually kept track of which direction to turn to get to the end. Made it and vaguely memorized the directions, but I always dreaded having to go back in there.
Many years later I played Myst again out of nostalgia and noticed that underground area was just like what I had to do in the rest of that specific Age or world. The very beginning of the ride is actually a sort of tutorial gradually revealing the trick, so after the first few stops there was really nothing to figure out about which direction to go. The rest of the ride was a lot more fun after that and it turned out to be one of the easiest worlds to leave compared to the others.
nightcraw1er.488: When are games going to play themselves, well it was around 2015 with the rise of YouTube. Now most just watch others play games on YouTube with some dipshit commentary.
OldFatGuy: That's gotta be the dumbest damned thing I've ever heard. Do they also buy the games? I mean spend money to buy them and just watch them on YouTube?
Gotta be the dumbest thing I've heard. At the very least the dumbest thing I've heard this year.
Seems just like watching a movie, or parts of it. Sort of like when watching before buying, for making a purchase decision. The trailers on GOG aren't much different, just shorter and non-linear.