my name is grompy catte: I'm guessing from your previous post that your review for Blade Runner Enhanced Edition was removed? Were you purely reviewing the quality of the EE or were you doing something tangential to that like calling out Nightdive? I too have negative impressions of the EE but I did not review it as I had no intention of buying it based on what I knew about it.
Spectrum_Legacy: Aye, it was removed, just like the majority of negative day1 reviews (a community member compiled those
here. As clarified later by the mods, apparently in general it all happened because of foul language and advocations for piracy, breaking gog's tos, etc. I don't remember mentioning anything like that in my review, though in a hindsight there certainly is room for improvement as I said even back then. It was written in haste after refunding the steam version in an even greater haste. I've expected the EE to be bad from gameplay trailers alone, but not THAT bad, so had to see for myself. Plus what can I say, I'm a fan of BR so I do care.
Since you posted in the original thread back then, I'm sure you are aware about it all, but if there is anyone else interested
here is the original release thread for reference.
I bought the EE on PS4 because I didn't want to buy it from GOG due to all the drama with GOG removing the original version from their store. And to only bring it back after enough people threw a fit.
But yeah, the EE is awful. Couldn't get passed the first few hours of the game. How do you take one of the greatest adventure titles and make it a worse game?