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JMich: Play? What do you mean play? Aren't we buying games just for the buying part? We have to play them as well?
misteryo: People are so demanding.
OKAY, I say it!

I am sorry!
What did come over me, it must have been the devil himself! I really don't know, but please please put those torches and pitchforks away!
Timelegend: Just thought it would be a nice milestone to share and in support of GOG :D
Breja: People like you amaze me. And please, don't take this the wrong way- I don't mean to be insulting or anything of the sort. It's just that everything I own on GOG and everything I might possibly want to buy put together wouldn't even amount to 250 games. Are there no genres you don't care for? :D Are you really going to be able to play all of that? I mean, even if I won the lottery today, I wouldn't even buy up everything from my wishlist at once. I have it hardwired in my brain to not buy things I don't actually need.

Again- I don't mean to say you're doing anything wrong. Quite the contrary- it's a grand collection, and I congratulate you on reaching the milestone. It's just hard for me to wrap my head around it.
I like almost every game here on GOG. The only genre I don't like very much is sports. I have already played/completed 92 games of the 1000 and I am planning to play them all. Even though I am working full time I still find 1 to 2 hours a day to play. Trying to finish Privateer 2 at the moment :D


You have me beat by a comfortable margin. I "only" have a bit above 675; but I can foresee hitting 1,000 at some point. <g>
Breja: It's just hard for me to wrap my head around it.
Personally speaking, I get my endorphin rush from the act of buying, not necessarily the act of playing. It's similar to grabbing a single piece of candy with your groceries, because you want a fleeting treat, not buying the ingredients for your evening feast.
Assuming one does have the funds needed to indulge themselves, they do end up with a ton of stuff they don't need, but they just like to have. Whether only buying stuff you need is better or not is something you'll have to ask a psychiatrist.
JMich: Assuming one does have the funds needed to indulge themselves, they do end up with a ton of stuff they don't need, but they just like to have. Whether only buying stuff you need is better or not is something you'll have to ask a psychiatrist.
Just so we are clear -I am by no means trying to speak of what is "better" not to dictate how anyone should or should not spend their money. I'm just stating what my approach is.
Breja: Just so we are clear -I am by no means trying to speak of what is "better" not to dictate how anyone should or should not spend their money. I'm just stating what my approach is.
Yes, I'm not doubting that. I'm just wondering if one behavior or the other is considered better for a normal mind. Is the rigidity of following a strict set of needs better than impulsive picking of items? I guess the truth will be something in the middle, as is the case with most things.
But just curious about it, thinking out loud as it may be.
Timelegend: Just thought it would be a nice milestone to share and in support of GOG :D
I am so proud of you :)

Congratulations :)
Post edited November 03, 2016 by yukiai01
Breja: Just so we are clear -I am by no means trying to speak of what is "better" not to dictate how anyone should or should not spend their money. I'm just stating what my approach is.
JMich: Yes, I'm not doubting that. I'm just wondering if one behavior or the other is considered better for a normal mind. Is the rigidity of following a strict set of needs better than impulsive picking of items? I guess the truth will be something in the middle, as is the case with most things.
But just curious about it, thinking out loud as it may be.
Normal mind! first problem.

Needs: If it would be only for needs, we would not to spend money on a single game, then already 250 would be too much ;)
So we are also talking about mood, sometimes you are in mood for a FPS, RPG you name it. Same as with TV, but without stupid advertising.
So where does it leaves us with the mind again, also no idea (thinking out loud ;) )
Timelegend: .... I have already played/completed 92 games of the 1000 and I am planning to play them all. Even though I am working full time I still find 1 to 2 hours a day to play. ...
Perfectly fine! If you finish one game a week on average, that'll be amazing 17 years to come! That is, if you stop buying further games of course ;-)
Breja: People like you amaze me. And please, don't take this the wrong way- I don't mean to be insulting or anything of the sort. It's just that everything I own on GOG and everything I might possibly want to buy put together wouldn't even amount to 250 games. Are there no genres you don't care for? :D Are you really going to be able to play all of that? I mean, even if I won the lottery today, I wouldn't even buy up everything from my wishlist at once. I have it hardwired in my brain to not buy things I don't actually need.

Again- I don't mean to say you're doing anything wrong. Quite the contrary- it's a grand collection, and I congratulate you on reaching the milestone. It's just hard for me to wrap my head around it.
Timelegend: I like almost every game here on GOG. The only genre I don't like very much is sports. I have already played/completed 92 games of the 1000 and I am planning to play them all. Even though I am working full time I still find 1 to 2 hours a day to play. Trying to finish Privateer 2 at the moment :D
I seriously gotta take my hat off to this, even though I love sports games.

Anyone here ever gives this guy any crap, I sic my donkeys on you!
Timelegend: Just thought it would be a nice milestone to share and in support of GOG :D
Congrats! That's freaking amazing--what's more amazing is how much time it'll take to finish them all. (I'm not sure how I'll do it.)
Timelegend: Just thought it would be a nice milestone to share and in support of GOG :D
*Achievement Unlocked: Fiscally Irresponsible* =P
*Vegeta! What does the gamecounter say about his library level?"
"It's over ONEEE THOUSANDDDD!!!!!""
how big is your GOG folder?
Timelegend: .... I have already played/completed 92 games of the 1000 and I am planning to play them all. Even though I am working full time I still find 1 to 2 hours a day to play. ...
DeMignon: Perfectly fine! If you finish one game a week on average, that'll be amazing 17 years to come! That is, if you stop buying further games of course ;-)
17 years of gaming does sound amazing. It will be faster than that because of weekends and holidays though. But then again more new games will come out... but hold on, some day I will retire and have more time to play. So there's still hope to catch up :D

silent49: how big is your GOG folder?
It's 10 pages long if that's what you mean?