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Just completed the game. Wanted to take this opportunity to ask how many of you choose the option to... well... let your sister become a God... although I'm not sure Aziraal (or whatever the name is) is a god you'd want your sister to become anyway..

Once again I choose to save my sister as a mortal human.... but it suddenly dawned on me that I've never picked the other option. You would think it would've crossed my mind before having deleted the save games to just choose the other option once just to see what happens..... but I didn't yet again.

So what is the end of game like if you choose to allow her to become immortal as Aziraal (i know I'm spelling that wrong but am too lazy to check for the correct spelling.)

I ended up level 97, with the four base ratings (before buffs from armors, rings, weapons etc ) of 1000 for vitality, 600 for dexterity, 500 for strength, 300 for willpower. My physical resistances were over 35000 and the magical resistances were all over 5000. Yeah, it was a tank that never died... literally. I play perma death and never even really got close to dying even once. I will say it was on normal difficulty though.... I've never tried on hard. I was under the impression it made no difference in that hard difficulty only meant your character wouldn't be reborn at the closest health altar when death hits.... which as I've said I already don't do anyway as if my character died I started over anyway... But yeah, I had another major tank built where even lava dragons and demon reist were no real threats.

So, what is the other ending like if you choose to let your sister "become" aziraal.
Post edited August 28, 2022 by OldFatGuy
Would take like 20 seconds to find on Youtube...

But anyway, IIRC, you fight a group of Paladins and after that, you join Reist (or whatever the same looking, differently colored bad guy is named). It is actually the canon ending, considering Two Worlds 2. The "good" ending is horrendous, so it was probably for the best.

At first, I chose to save her, then watched the 2nd ending.

As for difficulty, all hard does is that it makes it take a couple levels longer to achieve godlike status. Difficulty is not this game's strong suit. I finished the game at level 105, 38K in physical resistances, 33K in magical resistances (capped out), Heal healed me for 42K HP etc. See screenshot if you want full details.

The most memorable thing from the game to me was the soundtrack. Had no idea it was composed by Harold Faltermeyer (yes, THE Harold Faltermeyer). Many of the locations in the game wouldn't be nearly as impressive or memorable without the music attached to them and I really like the orchestral style.

Also, you might want to consider adding a spoiler alert to the start of your post.
tw.jpg (234 Kb)
Post edited August 25, 2022 by idbeholdME
idbeholdME: Would take like 20 seconds to find on Youtube...
oh yeah, gonna go do a search there now.

Interesting about TW2. I'm still going to pick the "right" choice for me every time..... even if it isn't what lines up best with any possible sequel. If the developers wanted any sequel to line up with any particular ending then that should have been the ending.... no choice to be made. I play these games to role play.... and there will never, ever be an instance where I would choose to role play allowing my sister to die or become a god. I will always make the same choice in game but am curious as to the other ending. I should've just reloaded and finished again..... but every time I play a game like this with hundreds of hours into it..... the last several become almost a chore.... I couldn't wait to finally finish the game, uninstall it, and get started on another game. I will try you tube to fill my curiosity. Thanks for the suggestion.

ADDED: Heh, well, my curiosity is filled. Both endings seem a let down after so many hours devoted to the game.... but I feel this way often when I finish a long game. I often think developers have made games tooo long; I don't even know how many thousands of hours I have in two of the Elder Scrolls games (Morrowind and Skyrim) yet I've never ever really even gotten close to finishing them.

Also, looking at your character lets me know I must've missed a whole, whole, whole lot of Safron plants. My strength was only 500 and I had used I don't know how many safron plants, pearls, and unicorn horns (the three major strength buff ingredients). Either I missed an awful of of safrons or you must've gotten awful lucky on finding pearls.
Post edited August 25, 2022 by OldFatGuy
OldFatGuy: Also, looking at your character lets me know I must've missed a whole, whole, whole lot of Safron plants. My strength was only 500 and I had used I don't know how many safron plants, pearls, and unicorn horns (the three major strength buff ingredients). Either I missed an awful of of safrons or you must've gotten awful lucky on finding pearls.
Well, I pretty diligently combed the entire map and you can stumble upon the permanent plants pretty much everywhere (see screenshots for map). I also saved all of them until I got Alchemy maxed to get the biggest benefit. But honestly, it would probably be best if one ignored the permanent Alchemy ingredients. It is blatantly overpowered and maybe the game would have been a bit less steamroll-y after the first Alchemy round I did where I processed all the ingredients I had gathered once I reached Alchemy 10.
map1.jpg (167 Kb)
map2.jpg (164 Kb)
Post edited August 27, 2022 by idbeholdME
I really don't appreciate how the OP totally ruined the game for me before I played it by posting unmarked spoilers in the OP.

I was intending to play this game sometime, but no point in doing so now since the original post of this thread has totally ruined the story for me by spoiling it with no warning.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: I really don't appreciate how the OP totally ruined the game for me before I played it by posting unmarked spoilers in the OP.

I was intending to play this game sometime, but no point in doing so now since the original post of this thread has totally ruined the story for me by spoiling it with no warning.
then why you clicked it when it says that he finished the game, of course there will be spoilers
Ancient-Red-Dragon: I really don't appreciate how the OP totally ruined the game for me before I played it by posting unmarked spoilers in the OP.

I was intending to play this game sometime, but no point in doing so now since the original post of this thread has totally ruined the story for me by spoiling it with no warning.
It's a 15 year old game. That's on you. Especially when the title talked about finishing the game.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: I really don't appreciate how the OP totally ruined the game for me before I played it by posting unmarked spoilers in the OP.

I was intending to play this game sometime, but no point in doing so now since the original post of this thread has totally ruined the story for me by spoiling it with no warning.
No problem.
Just wait another 15 years (preferably without looking up other threads, titled "Just finished Two Worlds", or similar), and you'll have forgotten everything you've read about it here.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: I really don't appreciate how the OP totally ruined the game for me before I played it by posting unmarked spoilers in the OP.

I was intending to play this game sometime, but no point in doing so now since the original post of this thread has totally ruined the story for me by spoiling it with no warning.
Sorry. Guess I should've put a spoiler alert above post. Will edit now and do so.

ADDED: I will say though that I've played many many games multiple times still knowing the ending (this was I think the third or fourth for Two Worlds) and knowing (or not knowing) the ending doesn't seem that big to me, again just to me, but for me it's playing the game that's fun. Two Worlds is just fun to play.... to me anyway. At least until you've gotten over 200 hours into it and then yeah you do start to just want to finish it. The last few hours of this game I just rushed through to finish off the whole map and the story without even looting or anything anymore. I had the best weapons and armor and over 3 million in gold those last few hours I just rushed through. I swear sometimes I think these games are too long.
Post edited August 28, 2022 by OldFatGuy