How many games do you guys own?
HypersomniacLive: This is a very tricky question to answer these days.
i have 284 different games on GOG including the 10 or 11 free ones.
i have 110 or so on GG
retail cd: 400 or so single game cd (casuals)
and 20 dvd (casuals) with 5 to 10 best of games, so its over 1000 games in total including the ones i only have as virtual (download setup)
plus 30 old 16bit PC games that arent playable anymore without using dosboxes or other means.
and 40 or so win98se/win xp games that still work on win7 like red alert and fallout .
these are the favorite games i have on GOG
bold ones are my top favos
edna & harvey: the breakout
edna & harvey: harvey's new eyes
lords of xulima + 1 dlc avernum 2: crystal souls
avernum: escape from the pit
sam & max hit the road
desperados: wanted dead or alive
braveland wizard
space quest 6 - roger wilco in the spinal frontier
legend of kyrandia, the (book one) blackwell epiphany, the
the blackwell legacy
pixeljunk monsters hd
heroes chronicles [chapter 1] - warlords of the wasteland
heroes chronicles [chapter 2] - conquest of the underworld
heroes chronicles [chapter 3] - masters of the elements
heroes chronicles [chapter 4] - clash of the dragons
heroes chronicles [chapter 5] - the world tree
heroes chronicles [chapter 6] - the fiery moon
heroes chronicles [chapter 8] - the sword of frost
heroes chronicles [chapter 7] - revolt of the beastmasters
heroes of might and magic®
heroes of might and magic® 2: gold
eschalon: book iii
eschalon: book ii
eschalon: book i
baldur's gate: the original saga
baldur's gate 2 complete avernum
avernum 2
avernum 3
avernum 4
blades of avernum
avernum 5
avernum 6
avadon: the black fortress
avadon 2: the corruption triple town
legend of kyrandia: hand of fate, the (book two)
gorky 17
king's quest 5+6
samaritan paradox, the
runaway 2: the dream of the turtle
runaway 3: a twist of fate
rocket ranger (emulated amiga edition)
defender's quest
the secret of monkey island™: special edition
indiana jones® and the fate of atlantis™
jagged alliance 2: unfinished business
jagged alliance 2: wildfire
lionheart: legacy of the crusader
kingdom rush
quest for infamy
gabriel knight: sins of the fathers
gabriel knight 2: the beast within
dark eye: chains of satinav, the
crusader: no remorse™
crusader: no regret™
heroes of might and magic® 4: complete
warlords battlecry
warlords battlecry 2
in cold blood
krush kill 'n destroy xtreme
septerra core: legacy of the creator
realms of arkania: blade of destiny
realms of arkania: star trail
broken sword: director's cut
quest for glory 5
planescape: torment
defender of the crown
arcanum: of steamworks and magick obscura
heroes of might and magic® 3: complete
oddworld: abe's oddysee
oddworld: abe's exoddus
commandos - behind enemy lines
commandos - beyond the call of duty
jagged alliance: deadly games
jagged alliance 2
jagged alliance
lure of the temptress
flight of the amazon queen
beneath a steel sky