Posted October 17, 2016

Seriously, to me, necromancy is bad when it's trying to revive a time-sensitive event, not when it's a harmless thread like this. For example, if a thread was necro'd about a terrorist attack in say, 2014 with the new post talking as if the event happened just yesterday, it would be a problem. But 'how many games do you own on GOG?' isn't that kind of thread that is relevant only in a certain time.

yeah i just noticed this thing got necro'd twice now
To the matter at hand: here's an updated version of what I posted when this thread was young:
- 78 games (37 freebies & redeemed gifts [the latter of which were mostly also free or free with purchase of something]) + 2 or 3 DLC (depending on how one counts one deluxe version I have) + 2 demos (free, obviously) + 8 unredeemed game gift codes (4 free...and 3 of those are Dragonsphere :P) + 1 free digital comics dingus + 3 movies (all free)
- 81 [url=]items "purchased" (not counting unredeemed gifts, or those redeemed by others), at least 1 of which is no longer available
- 60 total "purchase" transactions (counting gift codes I've redeemed, but not those I've given), 31 free/"free to me" (if one doesn't count the free games added to my shelf at registration as a "purchase")
I've played the GOG version of 37 of the games (plus a handful more that I have played before -- one of which [Daggerfall] is currently on my desktop), plus installed another, only to find I couldn't really play it because of how sluggishly it ran, among other issues. I've also watched 1 of the movies, and had seen 1 of the other two on YouTube previously.
I have beaten only 3 of these games (though, in my defense, at least 4 of the others I've played are not "beatable" in the usual sense).
Post edited October 17, 2016 by HunchBluntley