kohlrak: Scripts can be used to autohide posts based on username and text color. As for hiding the post without such, that only happens when
you downvote a post. I see no posts hidden until i downvote it myself. I see loads of low-rep posts.
Timboli: I am not aware of any scripts, though I guess it is possible, that don't hide without downvoting.
And I wasn't meaning hiding from everyone.
Basically, if you can't tolerate a member here, you can have their posts hidden based on their username, but that uses the REP minus option to do so, which of course also downvotes, and you have to be viewing a thread for those posts within to be hidden.
No doubt some could write more exotic scripts to troll all forum threads and hide (downvote) all by a specific user, but I've not noticed that.
That's interesting. I'd like to know more. I keep hearing of this magic bot that supposedly downvotes all the posts but it hasn't actually made sense 'cause it seems to occasionally miss posts. However, in posts it affects, seems to hit all replies. The behavior your state actually makes sense, and would explain the aforementioned "downvote abuse." People are just using a script to hide posts by a certain user by downvoting said posts, rather than actually hide the posts. What's the name of this script and where can I find it? Although i don't expect them to, GOG could crack down on users of this script. Perhaps some of the people genuinely concerned about the "downvote trolling" could bother modifying the script to hide posts without actually downvoting. The alternative is, if GOG addresses the issue by getting rid of downvoting, the script quits working.
kohlrak: Yeah, compared to gamefaqs, GOG is pretty tolerant. That said, still not good enough for me. GOG isn't so tolerant when they actually come around. It's more like them being tolerant as a result of being absent, rather than generally being tolerant.
Appearances might be deceiving. No response is not a good indicator of not being aware. Us customers would just be guessing otherwise. Management, who probably never reply themselves, probably keep tabs on the forum, or have someone else do so and report anything significant back to them. We would be fools to make hard & fast assumptions.
I'm aware of this, but still, there are posts that normally get targeted for engaging in certain topics that can go unchecked for long periods of time, but then suddenly get addressed, meanwhile usually when those crop up similar new posts get addressed immediately. It would appear that GOG's moderation staff has other tasks and they get assigned to "forum duty" when things suddenly start to "get out of control" which might come ot their attention via private messages. Once things cool down, they could be going back to their regular work (which could be everything from sales to support tickets, etc). I mean, sure, i could be wrong, but moderation on GOG certainly does seem to come in short bursts.
Acriz: The first rule of Rep Club: Don't talk about Rep Club!
The second rule of Rep Club......
The entire forum is outdated and borderline abandoned. Why would GOG change anything here? A storefront bringing back abandonware running a forum as abandonware. That's poetry.
I doubt they would, but i figured posing the question would be worth it. My biggest issue with GOG is the inability for customers to give proper feedback. Seems we really, really have to poke the nest ot get the bees out, since they're so drunk on smoke. Meanwhile, i've heard alot of people complaining before about "downrep bots" so i wanted to create this topic to get people questioning. Obviously, precious little is going to happen, but the point is to get the gears turning. You know the parable of the emperor's new clothes, right? Everyone but the child was afraid to speak. I'm trying to help the adults build a case. There's certainly plenty more examples, but the fact the rep system doesn't apply to mods should raise eyebrows, even if it's common practice to have two sets of tiers. Why subject customers to something that the staff don't even want to deal with? it shows that a company has an "us and them" mentality, and "them" happens to be the customers it's trying to appeal to. Clearly a lack of empathy, and any GOG staff who might happen upon the post should immediately catch that what i'm really saying is that the company is completely out of touch with it's own customers. You'd think this would be obvious, but, i wouldn't be too surprised if this was a shock to them.