Posted December 19, 2017

I have a number of clients who have friends or relatives who died in the last week or so.
The lady who puts money on my account here just lost her son. I just found out a few hours ago that I'm going to cover for her the rest of the week. I'm sitting here trying to rearrange the rest of my week and getting a few nasty comments back because of it.
Only takes a few seconds and who knows when and/ or if you'll see them again.
Oh and if you see a Salvation Army or Volunteer of America bellringer, please don't make fun of them. For the last ten years, I've taken my vacation time and rang a bell for them the entire season. I could tell you some horror stories.
my father-in-law died suddenly a couple of years ago from a heart attack (shocking because of the great shape he was in and his relatively youngish age - hell, we were gym bros for a while). and while i typically handle death well enough, the way my wife's grandma reacted to seeing her boy in a casket hit me like a bolt of hot lightning. after that day i knew true fear, i realized that in an instant her son (my father-in -law) could be one one of my kids, and i could be her; the worry of my family's mortality became my reality. and you know, i think about it... and i wonder sometimes if i could mentally handle a loss of one of my boys, and i think "no fucking way, just no, no no no fucking way." i frankly don't know what would become of me.