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Darvond: There was a whole genre of 90s humor in the USA dedicated to this. Even had whole TV shows and awful video games that people bizarrely have nostalgia for dedicated to it. Like Boogerman.

There's a big hole in the major television schedules in the 90s if you don't want anything with grossout humor in it.

Zamierzam również położyć szczególny wstyd na Rugrats.

Zarówno za to, że wyglądają brzydko jak Klasky Csupo Animation, ale także za to, że skupiają się na dzieciach.
Breja: Why is half of your post in Polish? :D I mean... it is, right? It's not just me seeing things, losing my mind, right?
I thought I'd communicate something directly to you, so that way I don't have to incur the wrath of the forum for my frankly unpopular opinion.
Just in case you are not deliberately playing Devil's Advocate.

Orkhepaj: if you tell a linguistic joke in different lang ofc it is a bad joke as it loses its meaning , see it is not subjective
I don't think you know what subjective means.

Orkhepaj: slapstick is for simpler minds like children, people grow out of it when they smarter
If you truly believe that, then I feel very very sorry for you.

No-one grows out of slapstick humor, they just probably never got it in the first place, and just pretended.

Slapstick humor is universal, and usually transcends all cultures. It is the primary humor out there.

If you can watch Mr. Bean for instance and not be amused, then truly you have some kind of mental condition, that isn't normal. Not unlike those who don't feel empathy. Maybe some kind of missing gene.

It certainly has nothing what-so-ever to do with maturity or an advanced or simple mind ... just not relevant.

Of course, slapstick can be done badly, but great slapstick will always amuse those with enough wit to be amused.

Some of course, don't have enough wit. ;)
Breja: Why is half of your post in Polish? :D I mean... it is, right? It's not just me seeing things, losing my mind, right?
Darvond: I thought I'd communicate something directly to you, so that way I don't have to incur the wrath of the forum for my frankly unpopular opinion.

I also intend to put special shame on Rugrats.
Both for the fact that they look ugly like the Clapsy Csupo Animation, but also for the fact that they focus on children.
What?!? You monster! How dare you? You don't dare, daren't you?
Darvond: I thought I'd communicate something directly to you, so that way I don't have to incur the wrath of the forum for my frankly unpopular opinion.
timppu: Translation:

I also intend to put special shame on Rugrats.
Both for the fact that they look ugly like the Clapsy Csupo Animation, but also for the fact that they focus on children.
timppu: What?!? You monster! How dare you? You don't dare, daren't you?
I dareþ.
Geralt_of_Rivia: And that's exactly why this thread doesn't make much sense. Someone will always disagree.
Darvond: Perhaps. But I also feel that having seen things like <i>Who's on First?</i> still managing to bring laughter three quarters of a century later, I feel there are at least some universal constants of humor: Delivery, absurdity, timing.
I just watched what you linked to and to be honest I didn't think it was funny at all. QED.
Darvond: Perhaps. But I also feel that having seen things like <i>Who's on First?</i> still managing to bring laughter three quarters of a century later, I feel there are at least some universal constants of humor: Delivery, absurdity, timing.
Geralt_of_Rivia: I just watched what you linked to and to be honest I didn't think it was funny at all. QED.
It's a lampooning of the absurdity of the English grammatical structure. I'm sure it loses something internationally.
Borderlands humor as a whole is like nails on chalk board to my soul.
This clip from Ratchet & Clank (2016) lives in a bit of infamy I'd imagine but it baffles the mind. Add onto that the amateurish animation and it makes it feel even more hollow and lazy.
Post edited September 10, 2021 by AnimalMother117
FallenHeroX1: Borderlands humor as a whole is like nails on chalk board to my soul.
To my understanding, Borderlands humor was already aged by the time it was written, and age simply has done it no favors.
AnimalMother117: This clip from Ratchet & Clank (2016) lives in a bit of infamy I'd imagine but it baffles the mind. Add onto that the amateurish animation and it makes it feel even more hollow and lazy.
That's the worst kind of humor, current day trends humor. I'm sure that the hashtag thing in 30 years will go over like someone saying they added a person to their top 8.

Did you guys hear about Coca-cola. They're getting rid of their original formula. I guess Coke tried Pepsi and decided Pepsi was better.

Maybe it was intentionally cringe, we will never really know for sure.
I confess I never warmed up to the humor in Duke Nukem 3D or DNF.
Strijkbout: I confess I never warmed up to the humor in Duke Nukem 3D or DNF.
Well, it doesn't exactly ever aim high.
Strijkbout: I confess I never warmed up to the humor in Duke Nukem 3D or DNF.
While the humor was generally not good, it worked for the game. The game (well, at lest Duke3d. Who knows or could know about DNF?) was a great fun romp. (Probably my favorite FPS ever... Maybe Deus Ex, but, whatever. Anyway!) Most -- not quite all, but most -- of the humor was spoken by or interpreted through the protagonist, Duke, himself. Few were just 'elements of the world' or secondary characters, etc. Duke, as we know, is a bit of an unreliable narrator. And he was intentionally crafted as an over-the-top, excessive, hyper-masculine douche bag. And the humor plays into that as his character and role. So, in that case, it works. It's possibly even better now since so much of the game's humor is absolutely dated, since it had so much "pop culture" and "current events" as its base.

But blasting pig cops? That is timeless humor.
Post edited September 13, 2021 by mqstout
AnimalMother117: This clip from Ratchet & Clank (2016) lives in a bit of infamy I'd imagine but it baffles the mind. Add onto that the amateurish animation and it makes it feel even more hollow and lazy.
That was the one based on the okayish movie, innit?
Someone in this thread has mentioned Deponia positively, but I have to say, that entire game (and likely entire series) is an example of humour falling flat, and also possibly subjective cultural problems.

I've had Germans who played it in their own language tell me it actually is funny, but when they try to explain it, it sounds just as stupid.

Maybe Germans as a whole have a broken sense of humour? :P