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Lord_of_D: Does GoG features fun games that you would classify as "Janky", AKA buggy or with odd controllers? I have found a liking of games that have redeeming features besides their hiccups. Extra points if they are Slav-Jank.
I'll second Postal 2 unless you find it offensive. (it goes on sale for $1 usually so I suggest waiting for a sale)

Carmageddon jank? Zombie or Alien Shooters jank? Shogo jank? Blood 2 jank? Painkiller jank? Nosferatu jank? the Necrovision games jank? I'm not sure but I figured I'd suggest them.

Redline is jank I suppose, somewhat fun but I say wait for a sale also

the old-school Tomb Raider games have dated control schemes but they're quality titles
Post edited October 03, 2021 by tfishell
Die By The Sword - A very janky, bold attempt at a new style of control system. Play it with VSIM on for a truly novel experience.
wpegg: Die By The Sword - A very janky, bold attempt at a new style of control system. Play it with VSIM on for a truly novel experience.
Oh, yeah. DBTS is quite one of those things that didn't quite make sense for the time it was made but would be great now.
dtgreene: When it comes to the Ultima series, I wouldn't use the term "older" to describe 7 and 8, as they're pretty far along in the series, at a point where the series has abandoned turn-based combat (and, in doing so, ruined the combat, making the game no longer fun).
Linko64: Cheers, still going to call them older given the gaps between the later ones. Unless we're about to flame each other over 1992 not being older than 1999 :P?
If you don't count 9 (which is reasonable because it's just one game), then 7 and 8 are certainly *not* the older games in the series.
An unsung hero of jank in the GOG catalog is IGI 2.

It´s a first person stealth shooter, kind of like a mix of Goldeneye and Splinter Cell in first person, and if you like the sound of it there´s a lot of fun to be had.

But it´s quite janky.
Linko64: Cheers, still going to call them older given the gaps between the later ones. Unless we're about to flame each other over 1992 not being older than 1999 :P?
dtgreene: If you don't count 9 (which is reasonable because it's just one game), then 7 and 8 are certainly *not* the older games in the series.
I don't want to be rude, but at this point, I really do have to ask why you care? At this point you're not even talking about the topic, just telling people how to talk. It's Sunday, make a nice cuppa and enjoy the day!
Way of the Samurai 3 (no longer available on GOG)
Thanks for the suggestions, and sorry for not using the searcher, i honestly didnt thought about that. About the most common suggestions:

-Postal Series: im a big fan of Postal, i have even finished both Postal 2 and Paradise Lost in Hestonworld Difficulty, i have Postal 4 but im waitting for the first solid version to release as i want to enjoy the game at its intended potential and i have a sense of humor, so i can deal with its "offensive" jokes.

-Elder Scrolls Series: how didnt i think about this? i have 3 and 5 in Steam and 4 in physical, but have yet to finish Morrowind, i tried Daggerfall once but i think the game is way too big for my taste.

-Gothic: another series that i have in Steam and have yet to finish :P

-Die By The Sword: now this one sounds interesting, the control system sounds, apparently the VSIM can be done with a Wiimote according to a quick google search, so this one will definately be a fun experience.

-Ultima Series: wasnt since 7 when EA bought the series and drove it to the ground? Never played any of them, but could be an interesting experience.
Lord_of_D: -Ultima Series: wasnt since 7 when EA bought the series and drove it to the ground? Never played any of them, but could be an interesting experience.
Most of the Ultima Series up until 8 & 9 is an exemplary standard setting shining example of the Computer Role Playing Game genre.

So it's only the tail end that has any real jank.
Little Big Adventure 2 (Twinsen's Odyssey) is a classic janky adventure. Janky controls, jankily beautiful FMV. Music is top notch.

LBA1 is jankier but imo not as good.
Lord_of_D: -Ultima Series: wasnt since 7 when EA bought the series and drove it to the ground? Never played any of them, but could be an interesting experience.
Darvond: Most of the Ultima Series up until 8 & 9 is an exemplary standard setting shining example of the Computer Role Playing Game genre.

So it's only the tail end that has any real jank.
Actually, there's jank earlier in the series. For example:
* In Ultima 1 and the DOS version of Ultima 3, the best strategy at the start of the game is *not* to fight overworld enemies until you're ready for dungeon exploration; instead, it's better to just go into the dungeon right away. Food is not used up as much in dungeons (in Utlima 1, it isn't used at all), and Ultima 1 gives you extra HP when you leave the dungeon.
* Ultima 6 has a lot of spells that can have strange behavior sometimes. My favorite is using Enchant to put a charge on a staff, and then Animating the staff, causing the charge to drop to the ground.