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Does GoG features fun games that you would classify as "Janky", AKA buggy or with odd controllers? I have found a liking of games that have redeeming features besides their hiccups. Extra points if they are Slav-Jank.
Post edited October 03, 2021 by Lord_of_D:
Seem to recall a similar thread... Ah, here we go. And now I found a much older one too. And this longer one may also count.

But as a quick answer to the question, Gothic still defines that concept for me, a great game with poor controls.
janky controls....

Surgeon simulator comes to mind.
Ultima: Pagan is suppose to have janky jump controls, or did until it was patched

Maybe what you mean by Janky is 'unpolished', not just ones that are intentionally bad but where the background logic doesn't line up with what is on screen and thus seemingly odd or random.
Divine Divinity in terms of janky bugs. I kept running into this weird bug where the sound would just hang, not the game itself as a whole, just whatever sound effect was playing when this occurred would play on an infinite loop. Some days I could play the game non-stop for ten hours without it happened while other days, it kept occurring every few minutes. It happened on my prior computer that died in early September and on my current one. None of this stopped me from racking up over 300 hours from playing it multiple times.

The controls on the iOS version of Cat Quest can be a bit janky, making the game slightly harder than the PC version. Because it's all touch based, there were times I ended up running away or towards an enemy when I meant to attack it.
The Elder Scrolls Chapter II: Daggerfall
For that matter The Elder Scrolls Arena
Cyberpunk 2077
Master of Magic has some good old jank to it with heavily abusable battle AI and enemy wizards who are very predictable (since they NEVER want to actually work with you).

Gothic was already mentioned
Everything from Piranha Bytes (Gothic, Risen, Elex), ATOM RPG, Call of Juarez, INSOMNIA: The Ark, The Technomancer...
paladin181: The Elder Scrolls Chapter II: Daggerfall
For that matter The Elder Scrolls Arena
Actually, *any* Elder Scrolls game could fit in this category.

(I've fallen through the ground in both Morrowind and Oblivion.)
The newly released Blood Omen could be classified as a "janky" game, because it has some strange controller system that relies only on keyboard. A lot of really old RPG titles could also get in this category. :)
Post edited October 03, 2021 by Sarafan
Don't get me wrong, System Shock is a great game but it does control like you're pushing a computer workstation on wheels. Also, that OST is hella experimental.

Most driving games before actual game physics were invented are going to be somewhere between "driving with tyres made of butter" or "the incredible brick". Hard Truck II: King of the Road is no exception. (It falls into the "driving a brick" category.)

Populous 3D: Because dealing with 3D terrain management can sometimes not go so great. Watch your units scale 80 degree hills and then not remember how to get back down! Enjoy trying to level your playing field, only to accidentally sink it underwater with a misclick! Deal with the joys of janky vehicles!

Treasure Adventure Game is in essence, a glorified prototype of a game built in Flash. (Some would argue it is better than the finished product.) Not only are the default controls a bit weird (especially as this was a contemporary game), but the actual feel of the game was...strange. The MC has a hook hand which does serve a gameplay role, but this also makes it feel rougher.

Vangers. Take Eurojank+Vehicle Combat+Top Down, and now push it about 1200 kilometers into Russia. Mix it with an early destructible terrain system where your vehicle can literally punch holes though the terrain, and include a borscht of controls not normally featured in a game like this. It's a fun game, but heck if I could even manage to progress past Fostral.
Post edited October 03, 2021 by Darvond
Look no further than Venom: Codename Outbreak and the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games for your dose of Slavjank.

Mount & Blade series although these games have rather good controls, more like low budget graphics.

Not on gog but all first person shooters made by Orion Games are truly the best of the best when it comes to Slavjank.
The Stalin Subway 1+2, HellForces, DUSK-12, They're Alive! to name a few.
Post edited October 03, 2021 by Strijkbout
Janosik. And it's free too.
Red Fury: Everything from Piranha Bytes (Gothic, Risen, Elex), ATOM RPG, Call of Juarez, INSOMNIA: The Ark, The Technomancer...
this ^
Keyboard only isn't jank, let's get that tooty oot

Here we gan into the mixer let's gan, get yee introduced to the JANKY CLAN OI OI


Gothic series
Risen series
Two Worlds
Witcher 1/2 (been cleaned up a ton since but still, don't forget the roots)
Witchhaven 1 + 2 (though they do kinda suck)
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines
Older Ultima games can get lobbed in too for that inventory system in 7/8
Mount + Blade series is pretty clunky and tends to do whatever it wants at times
Postal series (theres' no 3 here and chunks of 2 are missing)
Soldier of Fortune Payback (it fucking sucks, but it is janky, but it also sucks)
Vemon. Codename: Outbreak (name is jank enough to be honest)

There's a bunch more but finding them on GOG's filters (Metal Gear 2 is a 'shooter'? ) makes it near impossible so here's a wee list
Linko64: Older Ultima games can get lobbed in too for that inventory system in 7/8
When it comes to the Ultima series, I wouldn't use the term "older" to describe 7 and 8, as they're pretty far along in the series, at a point where the series has abandoned turn-based combat (and, in doing so, ruined the combat, making the game no longer fun).
Linko64: Older Ultima games can get lobbed in too for that inventory system in 7/8
dtgreene: When it comes to the Ultima series, I wouldn't use the term "older" to describe 7 and 8, as they're pretty far along in the series, at a point where the series has abandoned turn-based combat (and, in doing so, ruined the combat, making the game no longer fun).
Cheers, still going to call them older given the gaps between the later ones. Unless we're about to flame each other over 1992 not being older than 1999 :P?
Post edited October 03, 2021 by Linko64