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Hello one, hello all!

I'm planning a little pizza party in two weeks and I was wondering if anyone can tell me what this combination is like on a pizza.
Actually my favorite combination, spicy and sweet.
jsidhu762: Hello one, hello all!

I'm planning a little pizza party in two weeks and I was wondering if anyone can tell me what this combination is like on a pizza.
Definitely you shouldn`t use pineapple and instead of Jalapenos you should better take Habaneros or Bhut Jolokia. Add a bit of bacon or ham, then it should be just fine. Oh, and maybe some sheep cheese or gooat cheese. If you want Mozzarella, then you should take the original one, made of buffalo milk. :-)
jsidhu762: Hello one, hello all!

I'm planning a little pizza party in two weeks and I was wondering if anyone can tell me what this combination is like on a pizza.
Well, since you say the party is planned to be in two weeks, I'd suggest, you use the time available, and make one for yourself, to check the taste.

Though...the way I see it - the combo pineapple/Jalapeno is a little special, and even if you like it...your guests may think otherwise.

So - why not ask your guests, what they like on their Pizza, and then buy the ingredients accordingly?

That way, everyone can prepare a pizza after his/her liking, and nobody ends disappointed.
Maxvorstadt: instead of Jalapenos you should better take Habaneros or Bhut Jolokia.
Oh come on, what about the Carolina Reaper... :P

Or if you're feeling evil and want to kill someone, how about the HP56 Death Strain :P
Post edited November 10, 2015 by coryrj1995
jsidhu762: Hello one, hello all!

I'm planning a little pizza party in two weeks and I was wondering if anyone can tell me what this combination is like on a pizza.
BreOl72: Well, since you say the party is planned to be in two weeks, I'd suggest, you use the time available, and make one for yourself, to check the taste.

Though...the way I see it - the combo pineapple/Jalapeno is a little special, and even if you like it...your guests may think otherwise.

So - why not ask your guests, what they like on their Pizza, and then buy the ingredients accordingly?

That way, everyone can prepare a pizza after his/her liking, and nobody ends disappointed.
That never works because there is always some ass hat who only wants cheese! :P
tinyE: That never works because there is always some ass hat who only wants cheese! :P
Nothing wrong with a Quattro Formaggi.

It's a good combo. As noted, spicy with sweet works very well. I'd also recommend an interesting non-standard cheese choice like, for example, an aged havarti. Perhaps add in some roasted red peppers and, if you like them, some mushrooms. Maybe prosciutto as well. Once the pizza is done, toss on some fresh basil or cilantro (depending on your tastes). Yummy. Mmmm, I'm thinking I want pizza now.
Nice combo, some of my favorite pizza toppings.

Personally I like doing 1/2 pineapple and 1/2 jalapeno, usually with pepperoni on both sides.

But no matter what you decide upon, I'm sure you will enjoy. :)
Dominoes has some jalepeno and pineapple chicken lightly breaded that is pretty awesome.

It'l probobly give you cancer and make your dick shrink but hey it tastes awesome.
tinyE: That never works because there is always some ass hat who only wants cheese! :P
BreOl72: Nothing wrong with a Quattro Formaggi.

Get that goat cheese crap off my pizza.

Give me Mozzerella or give me death.
Post edited November 10, 2015 by ScotchMonkey
Sweet n spicy..
nice combo. Gives it the right sort of zing :D
I'd rather shoot myself than eat that. Pineapple on pizza is a cosmic horror of unimaginable scale. Even Cthulhu would look at that and be like "Dude, that's NOT okay!"...
Randalator: I'd rather shoot myself than eat that. Pineapple on pizza is a cosmic horror of unimaginable scale. Even Cthulhu would look at that and be like "Dude, that's NOT okay!"...
Pineapple on pizza is bliss.
jsidhu762: I'm planning a little pizza party in two weeks and I was wondering if anyone can tell me what this combination is like on a pizza.
Pineapple doesn't belong on pizza. If god had wanted us to have pineapple on pizza, jesus wouldn't have had pepperoni pizza at the last supper.

Seriously, ask your guests if they want pineapple pizza, or else have several non-pineapple options available. It's like escargots. People who like them will tell you how you're missing out on a delicacy, but ultimately it's just thick boogers in garlic butter. Skip the boogers, put the garlic butter on bread, and enjoy. Skip the pizza toppings, get a proper pizza, and cut up a golden pineapple as a sweet post-dinner snack.
Randalator: I'd rather shoot myself than eat that. Pineapple on pizza is a cosmic horror of unimaginable scale. Even Cthulhu would look at that and be like "Dude, that's NOT okay!"...
jsidhu762: Pineapple on pizza is bliss.
I wouldn't classify projectile vomiting as bliss, but whatever floats your boat, man...