Nitecrawler: Hi there,
i finally decided to give IWD a try. To my positive surprise it looked a lot like BG, but i guess the same studio made it right (Black Isle)-
My question is, whats the difference between IWD Complete x IWD EE? I have the former + IWD 2....
Also, yes I like to be spoiled, is there any thorugh walkthru u guys can reccommend? i wd like very much to know specifics about equipment, enemies, etc... also, what things would you love to have known in ur first try``?
Yes, they will look the same, they use the same engine its called the Infinity Engine. IWD2 uses a different version of it.
The "Enhanced Edition" is an "Update" to the old game done by Beamdog to run on new machines. I wont give you the full history, however Beamdog basically took an old working game, applied a widescreen mod to the games (BG, IWD, P:T) and then released them at more than twice the price, a nice little earner for them. They haven't done IWD2 at the moment as that would mean they actually have to do work themselves. Basically Beamdog are one of the lowest of the lows in terms of devs.
With regards to walkthroughs and such like, gamefaqs is generally my first port of call. These Forgotten Realms games however have been around for decades and very popular so there is information everywhere. There are also so many mods you could spend much of your remaining time adding mods to the games. You should however just be able to jump in and play, have two fighters up front and a thief and wizard behind, standard setup, you shouldn't have too much difficulty getting into it. And its DnD so should be relatively familiar if you know that.
Overall BG had the storyline, IWD was more action focused, basically each map is another battle, although its still good in a different way. Don't think I ever completed IWD2, just seemed to drift out of it half way through each time. Don't forget there is Planescape Torment in the list as well.
Finally, if you do want a massive package, then consider BG1/2 plus BigWorld setup which is a megamod, adds 30gb of companions/quests etc. into the main two games, it is massive have been through it twice (solo, I always solo where possible) and it can take months to do everything.
Oh, and stop copying my moniker!!