Breja: If you really choose what to watch based on IMDB's rating, you're doing the whole "watching movies" thing wrong. There's lot's of great stuff below their 7, there's lots of terrible crap above.
cryware: Offer as many examples as possible please (about the great stuff of course, the junk can remain forgotten)
Just off the top of my head
The Keep (5.7) - on of my favorite films ever. Directed by Michael Mann (of The Heat and Last of the Mohicans fame) and starring Ian McKellen, Jurgen Prochnow and Gabriel Byrne and with fantastic soundtrack by the band Tangerine Dream, this is a wonderfully eerie, moody, dreamlike dark fantasy film about nazi soldiers occupying an ancient haunted castle-like structure. It has some B-movie vibes, but to me it's a genuinely magical film. It actually takes what could have been a B-movie and makes it into a movie with something to say.
Mio in the Land of Faraway (6.4) - a wonderful, touching, beautifully sad fantasy film, an adaptation of one of great novels by Astrid Lindgren.
The Postman (6.1) - some hate it, I love. It's Kevin Costner's great, long post-apocalyptic epic. It's not a perfect film, but it's sheer scope and ambition are impressive, and it stands tall as one of the few unapologetically optimistic post-apocalyptic films out there.
The Kid Who Would Be King (6.0) - if anyone likes the kid adventure films of the 80s, the Goonies and Explorers and the like, this is a must. Much more clever than Harry Potter and its various clones, it's a great little adventure with fantastic music, lots of heart, minor but crucial performance from Patric Stewart, and in one scene it expresses perhaps my favorite take on the King Arthur legend ever.
Slaughterhouse Rulez (5.3) - if you likes horror-comedy films like Evild Dead, this one's for them. Michael Sheen, Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Margot Robbie (though she literally phones in her performance) and most of all Asa Butterfield, who is absolutely superb here. Overall, the movie is by no means deep or revolutionary, but its a ton of fun, and it knows exactly when to be heartfelt and when to be dumb.
Sahara (6.0) - a pure adventure film, with no ambition beyond that, but it's by far one of the best if not the best "Indiana Jones wannabe" I know. Great action, good cast, very good pacing, editing and direction, it's just tremendous fun.
Lifeforce (6.2) - a fascinatingly weird film. It's total B-grade shlock - a film about sexy naked vampire alien invasion - but everything about it is like a top-notch serious sci-fi film. The music by Henry Mancini is fantastic. The special effects still hold up as genuinely great. Everyone plays their roles totaly straight. I don't know if you'd call it a genuinely good film, but it's really unlike anything else.
And there's plenty more, I just have to actually go to sleep some time :D
Now sure, you may not like some of those films. Or any of them. But I'm sure you'd find plenty with 6 and 5 ratings you do like. Some you'd even love. It's important to take a chance at the less acclaimed stuff and make up your own mind.