MadalinStroe: For me Doctor Strange was the first Marvel movie that I actually hated. And it has to do with how magic is used in all movies. Things just happen. There's always an impossible situation, and then all of a sudden somebody uses a new spell that turns the tables. There's never any set up to the spell, it just happens. It feels like the writers couldn't figure out a proper script, or they couldn't be bothered to rewrite the script to properly accommodate this new spell. I also hated Harry Potter and Now you see me, but those have other problems.
Also, magic ruined Justice League the animated series for me. The first 2 seasons are great, but then they introduced magic, and since then they repeatedly remove Superman for the duration of the battles, by transporting him to another dimension using magic portals. In one episode I think one of the magical superheroes transforms all the pistols of the bad guys into pigeons... that's good writing right there.
Why is it so difficult to establish clear limitations on magic, and then use that confined space in original and inventive ways. That way there's some a clear logic as to what it's possible, instead of just throwing shit against the wall and hoping some of it sticks.