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jonridan: Food: Did anyone liked beer growing up? I only started drinking beer when I was around 17 years old.
I think beer is just a "phase" most teens have until they discover something better. My friends and I started drinking beer around 15-16 because it was cheaper, easier to get, and we saw the older cooler kids doing it. The only thing we did was drinking beer and puking, and that became pretty old as soon as i neared 18-19 and started drinking pure liqueur (not whiskey or cognac). Still can't touch beer after that :D
Post edited May 11, 2020 by sanscript
jonridan: Food: Did anyone liked beer growing up? I only started drinking beer when I was around 17 years old.
sanscript: I think beer is just a "phase" most teens have until they discover something better. My friends and I started drinking beer around 15-16 because it was cheaper, easier to get, and we saw the older cooler kids doing it. The only thing we did was drinking beer and puking, and that became pretty old as soon as i neared 18-19 and started drinking pure liqueur (not whiskey or cognac). Still can't touch beer after that :D
I never even got drunk. I never saw the appeal of it. I actually like beer, but only drink good and preferably "indie" (sort of speak) beer (so it's either really expensive or you need to go to the actual place where they brew it in order to drink it). Before I use to drink whatever beer they had (same with wine, I only drink good wine, otherwise I don't waste the money).
Well... when I was younger I did not have much to say on what I played or ate or listened to. I played whatever I could get my hands on (which was nice and provided me with a broader view of the landscape). And since my computers were never great, tactical and strategy games with a slower pace provided a greater enjoyment than the pretty and action-oriented 3D games. Only now I don't have the time to play long games, so I'm appreciating byte-size gameplay.

I still don't like olives and I have left my ABBA times long ago. Yes, their musing is great, but I listened to them so many times that I'm OK with leaving them on the past. Take care not to over-compensate when swinging your tastes.

I wonder if we will grow old and say things like "in my days we actually had *good* games with nice stories and actual gameplay. Not this thin commercial garbage you have nowadays!"
Tauto: I couldn't stand sweet potato as a kid and.........still don't but in those days, it was ''eat it Freddy'' or else:)
I'm the opposite, loved sweet potatoes as a kid but now I hate them. I hated mushrooms and onions but now I love them (especially on a burger). Weird stuff, for sure.

Videogames... I don't really enjoy normal FPS games that much anymore. They have to have stealth or RPG elements in them usually for me to still really love them.

I'm listening to The Mars Volta -- which I haven't in around 15 years. I remember being "OK" with them back then. I wasn't expecting I'd still like them in my old age... but I'm finding I'm actually liking them more now than I did then.
Think it's all about gateways, there's always something that hits the right note and expands your appreciation for something.

Was never a big fan of hip-hop/rap, stumbled across El-p of Run The Jewels, watched the documentary of his old record label, from that found Aesop Rock, Despot, Eyedeah etc etc suddenly balls deep in New York's underground rap scene and it's wonderful.

Video games have a fair few good examples of Gateway stuff too, a fair few people jump into an action game with RPG elements like The Witcher 3 and ended up trying a proper RPG title and loving it.
Woo. Music. I remember in the 90s I was open to a lot of types. I even bought and listened to Shania Twain. Now I can't stand that same cd.

One thing I discovered was that I just love music with no vocals. That could be a film soundtrack or game music. Some notable ones, Vince Di Cola, Frank Klepacki.... Audiomachine, Two Steps from Hell. I still love some ACDC tracks, with the original singer or that new guy who is going deaf.

Open to non vocals. Some classic tracks like queen of sheba or even some dance tracks, though I never really got into 'techno' or whatever you call them.

Love how game music or film music generates emotions. Could be adagio from alien 3 or the witches from Witcher 3. Terminator 2 its over good bye.... or that Blitzkrieg from Audiomachine.
Bread. I loved bread and could nearly eat a whole bread in my teens but now I don't care much for it, especially not modern processed bread. That's really strange because bread is so ingrained in our food-pyramid, but It just doesn't taste as good as it used to.
jonridan: EDIT: My problem with the first Wasteland is basically the graphics (seriously, I love retro graphics and even old games, but this game doesn't look old, it looks ugly) and some mechanics like inventory management with no graphical interface (limitations of the time, I know, but still, I can't stand it).
Interestingly, there's one reason why I am not that interested in actually playing Wasteland 2 despite enjoying (to some degree) Wasteland 1; from my understanding, they got rid of the ability to improve skills by using them.

I think that, to enjoy an RPG that lacks magic (or lacks player usable magic), it needs to have interesting game mechanics, and the standard level and skill point system just doesn't do it for me.
kharille: One thing I discovered was that I just love music with no vocals. That could be a film soundtrack or game music.
Don't forget classical music, the majority of which lacks vocals ind is purely instrumental.
Post edited May 11, 2020 by dtgreene
jonridan: ...
Also, I never cared for Fallout and yesterday I tried to play it because "I felt I had to" and was really excited until I saw how clunky everything is: walking and clicking around stuff requires a cursor change? The font is killing my eyes, I can't play like this... That's the inventory? Ok... it actually reminds me of CONSOLE rpgs... bye. It took me around an hour just to get to Shady Sands or whatever it was called, the first town on your way to Vault 15. The worst part is that I WANT to play it, I WANT to like it, and it just doesn't do it for me. I guess I can try Wasteland 2 (I'm not touching the first one, though I did see a let's play of it). The problem is my PC can't run that game so I have the ONLY option of playing it on Switch (more expensive, especially since I got it here for free when GOG gave it away, and it seems it's bugged to hell and back with crashes and not optimal interface... does anyone know if they fixed it after two years?).
It was the exact opposite for me. I tried it for the first time way beyond it's heyday, and immediately got hooked. But no question, the control is indeed very clunky.
I suspect the strong atmosphere as accentuated by the brilliant soundtrack played a big part in it.
Leroux: Olives, for me, too.
I'd expect this for most people, simply because I believe most kids' first olive is a case of mistaken identity, thinking it's a juicy grape. A nasty surprise to be sure.
Post edited May 11, 2020 by Matewis
Like apparently some others, I've also lost my sweet tooth for the most part. Younger I'd buy a chocolate bar and a big bag of sweets any time I went to a store, and sometimes even going to a store for them... but nowadays I rarely eat them (mainly if someone offers).

I also find many things too sweet nowadays, things I used to love (cakes, cereals etc.).
kharille: Woo. Music. I remember in the 90s I was open to a lot of types. I even bought and listened to Shania Twain. Now I can't stand that same cd.

One thing I discovered was that I just love music with no vocals. That could be a film soundtrack or game music. Some notable ones, Vince Di Cola, Frank Klepacki.... Audiomachine, Two Steps from Hell. I still love some ACDC tracks, with the original singer or that new guy who is going deaf.

Open to non vocals. Some classic tracks like queen of sheba or even some dance tracks, though I never really got into 'techno' or whatever you call them.

Love how game music or film music generates emotions. Could be adagio from alien 3 or the witches from Witcher 3. Terminator 2 its over good bye.... or that Blitzkrieg from Audiomachine.
This echoes with me, even the Shania Twain bit :) Though specifically the music videos, because she's beyond gorgeous.

But as for no vocals, yes definitely, the majority of stuff I listen to has no vocals. But as with ABBA I have several exceptions to the 'rule'
sanscript: Bread. I loved bread and could nearly eat a whole bread in my teens but now I don't care much for it, especially not modern processed bread. That's really strange because bread is so ingrained in our food-pyramid, but It just doesn't taste as good as it used to.
The thing with bread is I don't think you can be sure you don't like it, because the variety of breads out there is just crazy.
And some are even trivial to bake yourself: Take 500g self-raising flour, a pinch of salt, 1.5ish cans of beer, and whatever else you think might be good (olives/onions/whatever), prepare the dough, and immediately put in the oven at 180 degrees Celcius for +- 40 min.
It simply wipes the floor with any mass-produced bread off of the shelf.
Post edited May 11, 2020 by Matewis
Tauto: I couldn't stand sweet potato as a kid and.........still don't but in those days, it was ''eat it Freddy'' or else:)
StingingVelvet: I'm the opposite, loved sweet potatoes as a kid but now I hate them. I hated mushrooms and onions but now I love them (especially on a burger). Weird stuff, for sure.

Videogames... I don't really enjoy normal FPS games that much anymore. They have to have stealth or RPG elements in them usually for me to still really love them.
Another one was my Father used to catch the great Murray Cod and smoke them in his smoke house and it was like eating tobacco.
Games are strictly RPG's or Strategy, nowadays.
I'm starting to feel a bit stupid, because I don't think my tastes changed much at all. Sure, I discovered a lot of new stuff over the years, new artists, authors etc. but think it all fits with what I always liked. It's more of an evolution than a total 180 change. Then again I guess my tastes were always a bit strange (for my age). I mean, when one grows up listening to Leonard Cohen, it's not exactly the kind of thing you grow out of. You only learn to appreciate it more.

Sure there are books or games I probably wouldn't enjoy now nearly as much as I did years ago, but there's even more that I still like just as much, if not more. For example I re-watched Neverending Story only a couple of weeks ago, and I still think it's fantastic. In fact, I think years of watching movie, becoming even more passionate about them, make me appreciate that film's craft more then ever.

Oh, and I unashamedly admit to still having the taste buds of a 12 year old. I love junk food, and I don't care how many people look down at me for it while munching on their gluten-free, low-fat, soy-steaks or fancy five star meals :D
With respect to Final Fantasy games:

At one point, Final Fantasy 4 (actually the US 2) was my favorite Final Fantasy, but once I had the chance to play the ones that (at the time) had no US release, that changed; FF5 became my favorite, and FF2 would follow (thanks to its nonstandard growth mechanics). When I played the GBA version of FF4, I didn't really enjoy it that much until the endgame (when I could play a magic-heavy party), as the game had gotten rather stale; I enjoyed FF5 Advance much more.

Then, later, I had more difficulty playing through FF2, mainly as the flaws in the system (most notably the impact of evade %) became apparent. I still wish more games would take an FF2-like approach.

On the other hand, I'm still enjoying Paladin's Quest, and am replaying that early-ish SNES game again.