kharille: Woo. Music. I remember in the 90s I was open to a lot of types. I even bought and listened to Shania Twain. Now I can't stand that same cd.
One thing I discovered was that I just love music with no vocals. That could be a film soundtrack or game music. Some notable ones, Vince Di Cola, Frank Klepacki.... Audiomachine, Two Steps from Hell. I still love some ACDC tracks, with the original singer or that new guy who is going deaf.
Open to non vocals. Some classic tracks like queen of sheba or even some dance tracks, though I never really got into 'techno' or whatever you call them.
Love how game music or film music generates emotions. Could be adagio from alien 3 or the witches from Witcher 3. Terminator 2 its over good bye.... or that Blitzkrieg from Audiomachine.
This echoes with me, even the Shania Twain bit :) Though specifically the music videos, because she's beyond gorgeous.
But as for no vocals, yes definitely, the majority of stuff I listen to has no vocals. But as with ABBA I have several exceptions to the 'rule'
sanscript: Bread. I loved bread and could nearly eat a whole bread in my teens but now I don't care much for it, especially not modern processed bread. That's really strange because bread is so ingrained in our food-pyramid, but It just doesn't taste as good as it used to.
The thing with bread is I don't think you can be sure you don't like it, because the variety of breads out there is just crazy.
And some are even trivial to bake yourself: Take 500g self-raising flour, a pinch of salt, 1.5ish cans of beer, and whatever else you think might be good (olives/onions/whatever), prepare the dough, and immediately put in the oven at 180 degrees Celcius for +- 40 min.
It simply wipes the floor with any mass-produced bread off of the shelf.