Edit April 24, 2016: I made a thread and will not be updating this post. The thread is
I've made myself a text file to follow how this list will fare in the future. I'm sharing it for people that like a little bit more order in their lives. And want to follow the "truthfulness" of this list. ;)
Spring Released:
Battlestation Harbinger
Deponia Doomsday
Grim Dawn
Hyper Light Drifter
Moon Hunters
Samorost 3
On upcoming list:
Cornerstone The Song of Tyrim
Alekhine's Gun
Better Late Than Dead
Bus Simulator 16
Disgea PC
Lemmings Deluxe Edition (Amiga Remastered)
Life in Bunker
Shadow of the Beast Collection (Amiga Remastered)
Sins of a Solar Empire Trinity
The Count Lucanor
The Culling
Town of Light
Trulon the Shadow Engine
Warlords II
Summer On upcoming list:
No Mans Sky
Offworld Trading Company
BlazBlue Chronophantasm Extended
Command and Conquer Remastered Collection (June 2?)
Emperor Battle for Dune
Fallout 3 (May 17?)
Feary Tale Adventure (Amiga Remastered)
Heart of Darkness
Kings Quest (2015)
Railroad Tycoon Deluxe
Red Alert Classic Edition (June 2?)
Sim Ant
Skyrim Legendary Edition (May 17?)
Star Trek - Birth of a Federation
Stronghold 2 HD
Tales of Zestiria
Theme Park World
Transport Tycoon Deluxe
Ultima X Ascension
Utopia Creation of a Nation (Amiga Remastered)
Warhammer Arcane Magic
X-Com Enemy Unknown
Fall On upcoming list:
Black and White Expanded Edition
Black and White 2 Expanded Edition
Cities Skylines
Commander and COnquer Tiberian Sun
Civilization 2 Collection
Dune HD Remastered
Dune II (A Building of a Dynasty - Amiga Remastered)
Fable, Anniversary Edition
Full Throttle Remastered
Sim City Classic
Sim Earth
Sim Life
TBA On upcoming list:
Shadow Warrior 2
Fable II Remastered
Portal Knights
The Sims Collection
Universim, The
If you see any mistakes, PM me the corrections and I'll change the info. I thought about doing the same with SCPM's list in the unofficially confirmed thread (and every other game listed there), but then there were buts.
But, I kind of want to easily see the progress of this list and mixing it with another could make it tougher (though this could potentially be overcomed).
But, in the unofficially confirmed thread not sure how far I'd go backwards in the posts to add games to the list.
And the biggest BUT (no, not the one Sir Mix-A-Lot talked about) would it hurt GoG and their ability to bring games here? I'm of the mind that SCPM's list and this here list might have consequences for GoG (and us) and I don't want to hurt our chances to have games added here.
It'd also be a timesink, plus the people "leaking" the info might not want them reorganised or reshared (though a link to the post where it was first said could alleviate that).
Meh, just thinking out loud here. Anyway, enjoy the list I'll edit it when things change. Have a good day.