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Starkrun: There is the singleplayer and unlocking MMP mods available though Revival... with all the Global assets im sure someone might patch them in as they can down the road...

Still very sad, they had a working singleplayer Tokyo campaign that was as big as London and even made it on Steam Greenlight :(

Dammit to hell, one of the best games, still the best RPG/FPS hybrid game i have ever played.
Gnostic: What's other good RPG/FPS hybrid game that made it in your list?

How is that Consortium game? Is it any good?
Post edited October 26, 2015 by IronArcturus
Gnostic: What's other good RPG/FPS hybrid game that made it in your list?

IronArcturus: How is that Consortium game? Is it any good?
I highly enjoyed it and definitely recommend it! Depending on your choices (it's a choice heavy game and choices drastically affect the gameplay) you can miss pretty much ALL of the combat though. I think I had one single non-virtual reality training fight in my playthrough. I can give more detailed info (or a link to my long review) if you want.
Sabin_Stargem: I am pretty awful at any game I play. For me, I play games to feel awesome, and One Finger Death Punch is starting to make me feel really inadequate. I am hoping that affordable and effective gene therapy or cyber-augmentation becomes available in my lifetime.

Seriously, it is depressing to witness the depth of my incompetence.
Sure you aren't just using too many fingers?
ScotchMonkey: Hard usually is enough for me. Going to Insane or Ultra is usually not all that fun. Played through Gears 2 on Insane for the first time. What a goddamn chore.
Depends on the game really. I find the majority of them are playable on the hardest setting, but if they are too insane I'll dial them back one notch at a time until it is playable. Might just be for one tough spot or mission or for the entire playthrough depending on the situation. I'd say it's maybe 1 in 10 or 20 games though that I find myself wanting to dial it back. If we include various other genres though I will usually start them on Normal and then dial them up a notch if it is too easy. Usually only play FPS on hardest. TPP games are in a similar boat also. I started Kane and Lynch games out on hard for example and had to back it off later on when the game ended up putting me through super ass boring repetitive rail-shooter type scenes that I got tired of and just wanted to get to the end of the damn game without pulling my hair out. Those 3rd person games weren't terribly fun though either.

I played through The Witcher 3 on the default difficulty and about half way through wished I had set it to the hardest setting although I enjoyed the crap out of it. My next playthrough of that will be on the highest difficulty for sure though. Of course that's not an FPP shooter but a TPP RPG but similar enough in nature ultimately. :)

I found the original Far Cry on the hardest setting to be a bit too difficult in some areas and dialed that back a notch or two here and there. Completed GRAW1 and 2 on the hardest setting though which was 85% smooth sailing minus a few insane difficult spots that I had to try a billion times to get past (the embassy battle for example). Great games though and lots of fun on high difficulty. :)
IronArcturus: How is that Consortium game? Is it any good?
NoNewTaleToTell: I highly enjoyed it and definitely recommend it! Depending on your choices (it's a choice heavy game and choices drastically affect the gameplay) you can miss pretty much ALL of the combat though. I think I had one single non-virtual reality training fight in my playthrough. I can give more detailed info (or a link to my long review) if you want.
Sounds interesting! Is anything randomized in the game?
Gnostic: What's other good RPG/FPS hybrid game that made it in your list?


Metro Series?
Um... no RPG mechanics in those games.
IronArcturus: How is that Consortium game? Is it any good?
Don't get it if you have in intel chip - wont work and the devs dont care either.
Post edited October 26, 2015 by Sachys
NoNewTaleToTell: I highly enjoyed it and definitely recommend it! Depending on your choices (it's a choice heavy game and choices drastically affect the gameplay) you can miss pretty much ALL of the combat though. I think I had one single non-virtual reality training fight in my playthrough. I can give more detailed info (or a link to my long review) if you want.
IronArcturus: Sounds interesting! Is anything randomized in the game?
Nothing random as in procedural (that I know of) but there are events/conversations you can miss, that'll have an impact on the story.

The story itself can change quite a bit based on who you've talked to and your dialogue choices. It's not a long game (between 4-6 hours) but there are supposedly several endings, and again the story is really molded by what you do/say (it feels like every single conversation has an effect), so no two playthroughs will be the same (provided you make different choices of course haha).

Here is my review (spoiler free)
It's not that hard, figure out where on the screen is head height and then just shoot along a line.
Gnostic: What's other good RPG/FPS hybrid game that made it in your list?


Metro Series?
Sachys: Um... no RPG mechanics in those games.
IronArcturus: How is that Consortium game? Is it any good?
Sachys: Don't get it if you have in intel chip - wont work and the devs dont care either.
You mean integrated Intel graphics? I use an nVidia card. Will it run on that?
Post edited October 26, 2015 by IronArcturus
Spy_Gentleman: You should see Quake 2 Ground Zero. That shit is one of the most hardest FPS games ever!
I actually thought that Hexen was one of the hardest FPS games I've ever come across. I want to say that it's because of stupid cheap death traps in the levels (among other things), but I think it's really because I just plain suck.
haydenaurion: What i've played of Deus Ex 1 is fairly challenging too, though I played around with some of the weapons and found that sneaking up on enemies, pepper spraying them and cracking them with a melee weapon worked for me. Can't speak for the other games as i've never played them.
While Deus Ex was challenging for me, for the most part the levels were not insurmountable; with some careful planning, and good observations of enemy patterns, even the most seemingly impossible of situations were actually quite beatable. The only exception for me was the Walton Simons boss fight at the Sea Lab. For some reason or another, I just couldn't hack it.
Post edited October 26, 2015 by rampancy
Sachys: Um... no RPG mechanics in those games.

Don't get it if you have in intel chip - wont work and the devs dont care either.
IronArcturus: You mean integrated Intel graphics? I use an nVidia card. Will it run on that?
I'd imagine so - but I'd do some research on it first.
Gnostic: What's other good RPG/FPS hybrid game that made it in your list?


Metro Series?
Sachys: Um... no RPG mechanics in those games.

Seems to be RPG enough, or you have a different definition of RPG?

By RPG mechanics you mean level up?
Post edited October 26, 2015 by Gnostic
Sachys: Um... no RPG mechanics in those games.

Seems to be RPG enough, or you have a different definition of RPG?

By RPG mechanics you mean level up?
Thats just an inventory. You can have those on point and click games, space shooters, all sorts of stuff - not something I would consider an RPG mechanic at all. Levelling up would be one thing - but then theres also all the "dice roll factors" and so on. Neither game contains either - unless you really want to push the boat out and include weapon upgrades.
All the other games I played in that list of yours could qualify, but not those two.
It would be fair to say that they do appeal to rpg fans, however.
It's usually RTS campaigns that cause me to rage quit and never finish.
IronArcturus: I agree! The difficultly is insane with Q2: Ground Zero! There are turrets everywhere! It makes Q2 and the Reckoning mission pack look like a piece of cake! :P
Ya forgot the remaded AI. Fight against a Tank, hide behind a wall and come out from it, you have his rockets in your face.

Fight against a Rocket Turret, hide behind a crate before he fires a rocket, get hit by it's explosion. Because that bastard fired at the position he last saw you.