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Starkrun: Hellgate: London (retail has singleplayer and MMO still going strong FTP)
Gnostic: They announce they are shutting down Hellgate 5 days ago
There is the singleplayer and unlocking MMP mods available though Revival... with all the Global assets im sure someone might patch them in as they can down the road...

Still very sad, they had a working singleplayer Tokyo campaign that was as big as London and even made it on Steam Greenlight :(

Dammit to hell, one of the best games, still the best RPG/FPS hybrid game i have ever played.
bioshock. that was one where it was like "ok fuck me"

but after a little while you get used to it and you can pretty much handle yourself and headshot with the revolver, get a feel for when you can sneak up on someone and when you can't, and how to avoid big daddies
timppu: I wonder why it has such a cult status if the gameplay is so broken?
"Now you're going to pay! And my weenies better not be burnt when I get back, huh? "
"Another day another corpse."

"Unemployment did not cover evil cultists in those days, so the only place an out of work tattooed man could find work was the circus. And so, for a time, I became JoJo."
"Of course, my papa would take me to the circus every year, and I would see JoJo. I used to throw little clumps of dirt at him."
"You are JoJo no longer. Abandon these mortals and come to my side, there is much work to be done."

A story within a game, built on the back story of JoJo the idiot Circus boy.. running the joke through 2 generations of games...

THIS IS WHY! and also it was the best FPS ever made ever ALL HAIL MONOLITH!
I suck at FPS games, they are my favorite genre by far but I really suck at them. I die constanly while playing them. My typical playstyle has me saving every 3 - 5 minutes. In my 18 or so years I have only beaten the following games(main games only, no DLC or expansion packs), in no particular order:

1. Quake 1
2. Bioshock Infinite
3. Duke Nukem Forever
4. Wolfenstein The New Order.
A few tips that may help at least in more modern FPS games.

Head shots are your friend in FPS. Learn to take your time and line this up well. Eventually it will become second nature.

Also, many people tend to run around maps with their crosshairs way to low- learn to run around with them at head height.

Recoil can be another one you need to compensate for- again learn to burst fire 1-3 preferably 2 shots and then pause before firing again.

When your up close and surprised and you have to pray 'n spray, learn to drop the crosshairs down a bit and the recoil should carry the gun up to head height.

Oh and don't try to play Operation Flashpoint or Arma as an FPS as previously mentioned- you will die in seconds! Those games require much more use of cover, fire and move to new cover.
Kristian: 1. Quake 1
2. Bioshock Infinite
3. Duke Nukem Forever
4. Wolfenstein The New Order.
If you can handle Infinite then i say give Dishonored a good solid go, same type of story telling
Quake 2 was interesting and very fun and slightly easier then 1, also grab Duke 3D or maybe Doom, possibly Rise of the Triad 2013 for a similar experience.

Duke Forever and Shadow Warrior 2013 have similar events and design in terms of combat. I would suggest PREY if you can find a copy.

Wolfenstein is tricky, its a unique game... closest i can think of is Metro last light (2033 is totally worth it but its not like wolfy) and of course Half-Life: Black Mesa (you'll need HL2 which is an easy and amazingly amazing game and i highly recommend) Again another one for Dishonored too since it carries over most of the powers/skills.
Post edited October 25, 2015 by Starkrun
I m amazingly incredible person!
Starkrun, those are the ones that I have beaten(without cheating), I have played plenty of others. Duke3D is my favorite game ever, by far. Quake 2 is excellent(but in a different way than Quake 1). Prey is awesome. I certainly also like Shadow Warrior 2013 and ROTT 2013, but the latter is extremely brutal and the former is also quite a challenge.

I have been trying to beat Duke3D since I got it way, way back. Only recently have I beaten E1L2. But only on the lowest difficulty.

On the other hand I beat Bioshock Infinite like the same day I started playing or so. What and excellent game. DNF must have taken me 40 - 45 hours to beat. Quake 1 and Wolfenstein The New Order are somewhere in between those two.

I got pretty far in Dishonored, also excellent. I also got pretty far in Shadow Warrior 1997.

In Half-Life 2 I got to like the middle of the section where you are on a boat. I played and enjoyed Black Mesa but certainly didn't beat it. I own but haven't really played the Metro games.
Post edited October 25, 2015 by Kristian
For some reason, I've always enjoyed playing FPS games with the cheat codes on more than playing them fairly. I'm not a very good player, but I know I'm at least good enough to beat Doom or Quake 1 and 2 without the codes. It just isn't fun enough to me. I got about 3/4 of the way through Unreal before feeling like I had nothing left to prove and switching to the codes, and I made it all the way to the final boss in both Descent 1 and Serious Sam: Second Encounter before turning on god mode out of frustration with how hard those bosses were.

I don't know what it is, though. I've logged more hours in Doom 2 than any other game (exponentially more, I'm pretty sure), mostly with the vast number of community-created mods. But I always play them with cheat codes, and it never stops being fun. I think I enjoy blazing though and soaking up the atmosphere, looking at the environments and listening to the music more than actually playing. I guess I've always treated it as more of a way to relax than as a game.
Gnostic: They announce they are shutting down Hellgate 5 days ago
Starkrun: There is the singleplayer and unlocking MMP mods available though Revival... with all the Global assets im sure someone might patch them in as they can down the road...

Still very sad, they had a working singleplayer Tokyo campaign that was as big as London and even made it on Steam Greenlight :(

Dammit to hell, one of the best games, still the best RPG/FPS hybrid game i have ever played.
If you buy the disc version, can you install/play offline? I've been aware of Hellgate: London for a while but have only recently gotten really interested in it.

I've always enjoyed FPS and haven't had too much of a problem with difficulty except with one game, Black on the Ps2. You've got very limited health, health packs are extremely rare and enemies are pretty accurate. To make matters worse it had insane loading times, we're talking several minutes, and sometimes it would stall during saving. Actually I liked it though, it had amazing graphics (for its era), the combat was satisfying, levels were somewhat open and a lot of the environment was destructible.
Post edited October 25, 2015 by NoNewTaleToTell
skeletonbow: I play all FPS games on the hardest setting the game offers by default and only turn down the difficulty if/when I encounter something insane and not fun in a game.
Hard usually is enough for me. Going to Insane or Ultra is usually not all that fun. Played through Gears 2 on Insane for the first time. What a goddamn chore.
Starkrun: "Now you're going to pay! And my weenies better not be burnt when I get back, huh? "
"Another day another corpse."

"Unemployment did not cover evil cultists in those days, so the only place an out of work tattooed man could find work was the circus. And so, for a time, I became JoJo."
"Of course, my papa would take me to the circus every year, and I would see JoJo. I used to throw little clumps of dirt at him."
"You are JoJo no longer. Abandon these mortals and come to my side, there is much work to be done."
Ha ha! Are all those lines from cutscenes or are they spoken during actual gameplay?

Starkrun: A story within a game, built on the back story of JoJo the idiot Circus boy.. running the joke through 2 generations of games...
That's awesome - now I have to give it a whirl. :)

I've just finished playing F.E.A.R. Platinum (expansions included) and although I'm not much of an FPS gamer* I felt compelled to crank up the difficulty from normal to high and even then I didn't find it that hard. I know some people consider it too easy when using the slow motion mechanic and I'm certainly not going to dispute that but it's just such a cool looking feature that enables you to really savour the particle spectacle. Diving straight into the glorious action in slow motion while wreaking havoc with dual wielding pistols or a combat shotgun is the closest experience I've had gaming-wise to being the suave, toothpick chewing, gun-toting protagonist of a John Woo classic.

By the way, that's another vote for <i>Stranglehold</i>. :)

There's a second wish list entry for the game but it doesn't have as many votes so I'm guessing that's the duplicate (if only GOG would provide entries with a time stamp).

*I only recall having completed two other FPS titles: Deux Ex: Invisible War & S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky.
Post edited October 26, 2015 by Lemon_Curry
The thing that trips me up with modern FPS games is the UI and the hundreds of unit commands, keyboard bindings, map displays, health monitors, objective pointers, and enemy target blips that just overwhelms my brain.

My reaction time and coordination is fine, but give me good old fashioned Doom or Quake compared to the modern FPS style. Just give me a shotgun and point me at the enemy. Please don't over-saturate me with math equations and AI Matrix code designed to confuse God from proper morality judgments.
Spy_Gentleman: You should see Quake 2 Ground Zero. That shit is one of the most hardest FPS games ever!
I agree! The difficultly is insane with Q2: Ground Zero! There are turrets everywhere! It makes Q2 and the Reckoning mission pack look like a piece of cake! :P
Gnostic: They announce they are shutting down Hellgate 5 days ago
Starkrun: There is the singleplayer and unlocking MMP mods available though Revival... with all the Global assets im sure someone might patch them in as they can down the road...

Still very sad, they had a working singleplayer Tokyo campaign that was as big as London and even made it on Steam Greenlight :(

Dammit to hell, one of the best games, still the best RPG/FPS hybrid game i have ever played.
What's other good RPG/FPS hybrid game that made it in your list?

Deux Ex?
Mass Effect?
System Shock?
Vampire The Masquerade?
Fallout (Later Version)?
Jedi Academy?
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed?
Elder Scroll?
Dark Messiah of M&M?
Armor Core?
Mech warrior?
Metro Series?
Saints Row?
Arx Fatalis?