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You should see Quake 2 Ground Zero. That shit is one of the most hardest FPS games ever!
Post edited October 24, 2015 by Spy_Gentleman
DrakeFox: I usually manage to beat FPS games on normal. The biggest issue I usually have is interest. I tend to grow bored of a game before completion.
Completed Serious Sam 1st, 2nd, 2. Never completed 3 it bored me.
Completed PainKiller
Completed Doom 1&2&3 as well as Duke 3D, all three Quakes with single player campaigns too
Legendary and a good couple of others.

No what I find it takes amazing incredible people to complete is RPGs. Beating an FPS takes maybe 10 hours. An RPG is easily 20 hours. And unless you spend time grinding out levels to upgrade yourself, most of them will tear you to pieces for having the audacity to go for the plotline.

Could also be a question of luck I guess. I'm currently smacking my head against Wasteland 2. 5 consecutively missed shots at 79% chance to hit, then the enemy getting two critical hits and taking down one of my rangers immediately after that is too common a circumstance for me. Maybe RPGs aren't that punishing, maybe it's just my luck. At any rate, I believe it takes an incredible person to stick with a game that long time in a stretch.
If the game plays through with me knowing what to do next, then I would say 100 hours is awesome! I shouldn't be dying much as I love grinding.
I'd consider my shooter prowess sub-par at best but as far as "modern" (2000-ish and younger) shooters are concerned I can still beat them with relative ease on normal difficulty.

I do consider multiple saves/reloads of the occasional encounter part of normal gameplay though...
Just finished Metro 2033 today. It's the first FPS I've played since Blood back in '98 or '99.

Never could grok the First Person Perspective, but since I installed Metro a year ago I pushed myself to accept it and just run with it and finally it worked.

Died a bunch of times here and there, but mostly in the stealth sections, and fighting amoebas; probably over 40 times altogether throughout the whole campaign.

I don't feel amazingly incredible for finishing Metro just glad I can understand the perspective now and play the classics like Deus Ex, System Shock 2, Bioshock, etc.

And maybe finish Blood.
NowaAnglia: Just finished Metro 2033 today. It's the first FPS I've played since Blood back in '98 or '99.

Never could grok the First Person Perspective, but since I installed Metro a year ago I pushed myself to accept it and just run with it and finally it worked.

Died a bunch of times here and there, but mostly in the stealth sections, and fighting amoebas; probably over 40 times altogether throughout the whole campaign.

I don't feel amazingly incredible for finishing Metro just glad I can understand the perspective now and play the classics like Deus Ex, System Shock 2, Bioshock, etc.

And maybe finish Blood.
See that should be happening at all. You shouldn't be dying 40 times in playthrough that is 6-8 hours. The games I play I only die in areas that are a bit sketchy.
valdaintheking: See that should be happening at all. You shouldn't be dying 40 times in playthrough that is 6-8 hours. The games I play I only die in areas that are a bit sketchy.
It takes a few deaths to understand what the game expects of me or how to best run through a section.

On top of that you can add a few more deaths because I'm curious to see what the game will do if I leap into some frothing poison or try to fight all the monsters at once. You know, you never know what you might uncover.

Trial and error deaths are a healthy part of winning. And finding secrets. And smelling the roses.

But I'm just getting used to this perspective so I expect to die.

But you know, when I think about it, I die a lot in Third Person Shooters, too.

It probably comes down to the first playthrough. You have to expect you're going to die because who knows what surprises are going to kill you. It's the second playthrough in which you can kick back and enjoy the game. It's all about the second playthrough !
I am pretty awful at any game I play. For me, I play games to feel awesome, and One Finger Death Punch is starting to make me feel really inadequate. I am hoping that affordable and effective gene therapy or cyber-augmentation becomes available in my lifetime.

Seriously, it is depressing to witness the depth of my incompetence.
valdaintheking: It takes an amazingly incredible person to beat a FirstPerson Shooter

I don't get it at all. I set the difficulty on all of them to easy and I still die well over 40 times in each of the 7 hour game campaigns.

I LOVE the games but you got to have the testicular power and grace of cat of Behliphet's aunt. I have played Blood 1, Deus Ex, Deus Ex Invisible War and a few minutes ago I just gave up on Pariah for Xbox.

I usually like the games that let me mix shooting with minor stats and upgrades.

Obviously the games are just too hard. Has anyone had frustrating times with these games or are you going to perform the Licurg Chuckle?
I am an FPS Fanatic... majority of my GOGs are FPS... out of what you picked are some really challenging titles... Blood 1 is very unforgiving and uses build engine combat style... you would need to be familiar with it, i came from fast paced Duke 3D so blood was easier... Deus Ex is by all accounts an RPG that happens to be FPS... your build is 100% related to the difficulty of the game by way of your choices to handle situations... Deus Ex:IW is a straight shooter that is rather tough on the balance... Red Faction 2 is the better game of that ilk...

speaking of, if you like stats and some building of your character check out Red Faction: Guerrilla for an easier game.. or give Borderlands 2 a shot... (1 is can be unforgiving)

For a beautifully mixed difficulty curve i would suggest:
Red Faction: Guerrilla
Red Faction: Armageddon
Postal 2
Half-Life: Black Mesa
Half-Life: 2
Quake 2
Quake 4
Duke 3D
Duke Nukem Forever (dont let the haters get you down)

For training i would suggest:
Serious Sam
Unreal Tournament
Quake 3

If you made it this far then try:
Metro 2033 (so very good)
Metro Last light (need more in my life)
Portal (one of the best games ever, don't feel bad if you look up tutorials, i did)
Portal 2 (stunningly perfect)

If you feel ready then:
Fallout 3
Fallout: New Vegas
Mass Effect (s)
Borderland (s)
Hellgate: London (retail has singleplayer and MMO still going strong FTP)

If you feel invincible then:
Unreal (this is deceptively difficult)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (s) but be warned they will eat you up and spit you out like your nothing.
Rise of the Triad (2013)
Shadow Warrior (2013)
F.E.A.R. (s)
Post edited October 24, 2015 by Starkrun
Thanks for the compliment, I beat FPS's all the time. :^)

FPS's I have beaten: Dark Forces, Dark Forces 2, Jedi Knight 2, Republic Commando, Pariah, Doom, Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter, Quake, Quake 2, Doom 3, System Shock, System Shock 2, Terra Nova, Shogo, No One Lives Forever, No One Lives Forever 2, FEAR, Daikatana, Chaser, Soldier of Fortune, Deus Ex, Half Life, Half Life 2, Turok, Sin, Unreal, Unreal 2, Bioshock, Chrome, Chrome Specforce, Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon, STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl, STALKER Clear Sky, STALKER Call of Pripyat, Metro 2033, Metro Last Light, The Stalin Subway, The Stalin Subway 2, Hell Forces, Iron Storm, Legendary, Alpha Prime, Medal of Honor Allied Assault, Crysis, Far Cry, Zeno Clash, Zeno Clash 2, Mortyr, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Call of Cthulhu Dark Corners of the Earth, Call of Duty, Call of Duty 2, Prey and probably some more I have forgotten.
I'm not that good anymore IE "Ranger" is owning my ass on map 2 of Quake 3 Arena (hurt me plenty)ATM. But I still enjoy playing though I find myself brushing up on my old skills by playing Doom (Project Brutality) &Quake 1 (Epsilon) &Quake 2
I think I'm good at them, but I just can't imagine it playing an FPS with a gamepad, never tried and will probably never will, you should try with mouse+keyboard, but bare in mind it requires a lot of practice - I still remember years ago my struggle with quake 1 :D

Oh and btw Deus Ex is more of a stealth/stab-in-the-back kind of gameplay oriented so a frontal all-out shootout is not easy at all on it.
Post edited October 24, 2015 by leon30
Starkrun: If you feel ready then:
Fallout 3
Fallout: New Vegas
Mass Effect (s)
Borderland (s)
Hellgate: London (retail has singleplayer and MMO still going strong FTP)
Good list of FPS there, but these seem a bit out of place. the fallout games are more RPG than FPS. Mass effect are third person RPGs who use a realtime-ish combat system. And Rage....should be under "when your computer is ready" due to the loadtimes (I seriously recall having to wait 3 minutes for loading after each death in a particularly annoying area)

If it's meant as alternatives to straight out shooters, there are loads of good first person games out there. System Shock 2 and Thief makes for a good "You might want to stay hidden" games.

There are also plenty of good first person puzzlers out there other than Portal. But if you seek them out, but aren't too comfortable with first person, steer clear of Pulse Shift and Tri. Losing track of which direction is actually up and down really gives me a headache, I can't imagine what someone not comfortable with first person games would feel like.

And Mirror's Edge makes for a good (rare) example of a first person platformer which works fairly well.
couple of years back i would breeze through most fps games on hard mode, now have hard time surviving in easy mode, damn getting old
Speaking of incredibly amazing persons, I remember a couple of years ago a player on the Bioware forums posted his Mass Effect MP gold (hard difficulty) solo video. Nothing out of the ordinary so far - it had been done before - but that particular man was quadriplegic!

Let's see if I can find the thread...

edit: yup!

Bronze solo

Silver solo

Gold solo. This is actually real hard, only a tiny % of the playerbase manages to pull it off.

And this is his youtube channel.
Post edited October 25, 2015 by Avogadro6
I can understand the OP. I always play First Person Shooters on easy and yet I don't manage to finsh most of them. I think the only ones I've ever completed are:

Half-Life (PS2)
Dark Forces
Catacombs 3D

So I recommend these games. If I can complete them, almost everybody should be able to do the same.