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Breja: Ok, ice hot take here: Punk isn't very Punk. Punk music and other accoutrements of punk culture are and always were products someone was selling. And whatever big talk rebellion and class and blah blah blah, it was really always mostly an excuse to be loud, drunk and obnoxious, and just a different subset of stuff to buy to be "cool".
Nah thats bollocks.
Theres punk and then theres corporate shit.
Also you miss out entirely on how much of the punk scene is straight edge.
If your image of punk is the like of the sex pistols spitting, being off their tits and wearing bondage street-wear, you dont know punk.
Darvond: Call it NASA Chic or NASAGroove, maybe NASAwave if you can't help yourself. NASA Deco?

its the only thing that fits. ;)
ThatGuyWithTheThing: Anyway, that user has no reason to post anymore. He just unlocked the GOG forums' Tropic Thunder Achievement, which I guess he's been after all these years.
P-E-S: Well, he is certainly an achievement hound - going by all his moaning about the lack thereof in some game releases - so... err... good for him?
but if it only unlocked on the forum then it didnt on galaxy. INJUSTICE!!! :O

mechmouse: Really doesn't feel the Hot, given John Lydon AKA Johnny Rotten of The Sex Pistols is a complete corporate sell out and conservative supporter
well he was never a punk, never into it. did it for the money. made a career out of it even.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: NASA exists solely to deceive the general public about where they live, and how the universe was created, and what its structure is, with fake CGI cartoon images of the earth and other so-called planets and nebulas and black holes, etc. (all of which images are also fake CGI cartoons too) and fake space travel hoaxes that are literally filmed on Hollywood sets on earth with actors in front of green screens, and also to steal endless amounts of money from the US taxpayers in order to fund these fake images, and who knows they really do with the rest of the money, but it certainly isn't "space travel."

NASA is very excellent at punking the vast majority of the earth's population, who fully believe that all of their asinine CGI cartoons are literally real photographs and/or authentic video recordings, even though NASA themselves have openly admitted that they aren't, and even though simply stacking their own official cartoon images of the alleged globe earth side by side and looking at the many radical differences between them 100% proves they are fake beyond any possible doubt.
tell us about them demons again mate.
Post edited November 02, 2023 by Sachys
HunchBluntley: Questioning established authority is a good start. But you can't just stop there: if you're not also questioning the other questioners (and yourself -- that is, your own reasoning), and instead just believe everything that anyone who's not in a position of traditional power/authority (but who still has a platform from which to preach, be it published books, online vids, or just social media) says, then you're no better or smarter than those people who believe everything the gummint/"the elites" tell them. Conspiracy-theory demagogues are no less likely (and have no less incentive) to deceive others and/or themselves than traditional sources of authority are. It also seems to me that people who tend to expound the most on supposed conspiracies tend to be the sorts most likely to (try to) start their own conspiracies, which they may sometimes truly believe to be counter-conspiracies (informed by the same principle behind the idea that habitual liars tend to assume everyone else is lying just as much as they are).

Actual critical thinking is about more than just assuming that your own worldview is correct, "because obviously it is, I couldn't possibly be wrong about these things -- I mean, I'm me!" I'm sure it feels good to feel like you're one of the few people who "know the real truth", but that's just another security blanket of belief.
That was quite well written and expresses my view in the matter in a short and elegant way.
I just wish it would resonate with the target audience. Sadly I am afraid that is difficult.
HunchBluntley: [snip]
Gede: That was quite well written and expresses my view in the matter in a short and elegant way.
I just wish it would resonate with the target audience. Sadly I am afraid that is difficult.
Thanks! Not sure if I should've bothered, though.
HunchBluntley: Thanks! Not sure if I should've bothered, though.
I liked it. It was elegant.
Breja: Aaaand...stop the clock. 8 hours, before we've reached total pants on head insanity? Not bad, for this forum.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: I assume you are referring to my post. If so, then indeed, it is generally considered to be quite "insane" ever to question and/or to disbelieve any official government narratives and/or not to believe that provably fake CGI cartoon images are actual literal reality.

It's not actually insane, but it is considered to be so by most people, who blindly, without question, and without doing any research, automatically accept everything they are told by the government, media, Hollywood and schools, and who think that anyone who does not do likewise, is "insane."
Nop, you are basically insane because you are blindly ignoring very basic research, common sense and you are lacking the will to take in account a long research of science and technology of years if not centuries

Yours is not a conspiracy, or something posmodern or hilarious, it is just the arrogance of the ignorant. A nonsense.

You are uncapable to find a country in the map and your conclusion is that it proves that the specific country does not exist.
And about "NASAPunk" I had never heard the term before as a scifi term..

But my point of view is that subgenres like Cyberpunk, Steampunk (retrofuturism) or Biopunk what they have in common is the context, they use to involve social, political or tech critic of some sort in a context of social decay, collapse or distopy. Lowlife, the underworld, and why not noir influences, etc

So maybe any film or story in a context of a very realistic "not too far in time tech" involving the above and a Company or coherent corporation leading the Space travel in a not distant time could fit into whatever is "NASApunk"

I can only think in examples like Capricorn One. but honestly, I am not really sure, too many examples would fit.

In summary I do not have any idea what NASApunk is.
Gudadantza: You are uncapable to find a country in the map and your conclusion is that it proves that the specific country does not exist.
Well, there's this country (apparently called Listenburg?), which does not appear in most maps and therefore likely does not actually exist.
Gudadantza: You are uncapable to find a country in the map and your conclusion is that it proves that the specific country does not exist.
dtgreene: Well, there's this country (apparently called Listenburg?), which does not appear in most maps and therefore likely does not actually exist.
HunchBluntley: Thanks! Not sure if I should've bothered, though.
Darvond: I liked it. It was elegant.
: ]
If the operating definition of the word punk is in question then let's examine that.



1) Slang.

a. something or someone worthless or unimportant.

b. a young thug or a hoodlum.

c. a young person lacking experience.

d. a man's young male sexual interest

c. an apprentice, esp. in the field of construction

d. punk rock (The Ramones, The Stooges, The Clash, The Sex Pistols... etc.


Informal. lacking in quality or workmanship, inferior

of, or being related to, or somehow characteristic of punk rock or a punk rock band

So, my query is this: How does the word punk relate to the National Aeronautical Space Administration?

Perhaps, it is meant to refer to a much downgraded version of something well-removed from NASA, yet in a space setting.

The definitions don't relate much to Steampunk or Cyberpunk (unless one is referring to Steampunk's manner of dress as inferior or "cyberpunks" as being thugs). This might actually be the case.
Hooyaah: The definitions don't relate much to Steampunk or Cyberpunk (unless one is referring to Steampunk's manner of dress as inferior or "cyberpunks" as being thugs). This might actually be the case.
Yeah, I'd also wonder where the heck you pulled that defenition from; so threadbare as to not even touch on the subculture of Punk.
Hooyaah: The definitions don't relate much to Steampunk or Cyberpunk (unless one is referring to Steampunk's manner of dress as inferior or "cyberpunks" as being thugs). This might actually be the case.
Darvond: Yeah, I'd also wonder where the heck you pulled that defenition from; so threadbare as to not even touch on the subculture of Punk.
^ Well, I didn't take a look at the Urban Dictionary. However, I did mention punk rock, which is some bit of the punk subculture. Is punk rock inferior, worthless, or lacking quality? With all respect, the answer is somewhat subjective, to be certain.
Hooyaah: ^ Well, I didn't take a look at the Urban Dictionary. However, I did mention punk rock, which is some bit of the punk subculture. Is punk rock inferior, worthless, or lacking quality? With all respect, the answer is somewhat subjective, to be certain.
Depends if you're a metalhead. /sarcasm
My favourite architect is talking about solarpunk and cyberpunk .
Breja: Aaaand...stop the clock. 8 hours, before we've reached total pants on head insanity? Not bad, for this forum.
You think this is total insanity? I promise you this isn't even 1% of the insane BS that ARD believes.