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Oh for crying out loud, don't encourage him.

Honestly, I'm really starting to think we're dealing with someone with real psychological issues here, who should get professional help ASAP. Ashnak is right in his post. Let's add to it the fact that rtcvb mentioned here before having some injuries related to his military service, mentioned wanting to go back into military despite it making no damn sense in light of his theories, and keeps returning to again and again to his fear of World War III. Unless this is some very elaborate trolling campaign, I think he might really be a very sick person, loosing his grasp on reality, and desperate for some easy answers to help make sense of things- conspiracy theories deliver those, as would the military - orders and order and being told what to do and think is all it's about after all. I hate to play armchair diagnoses, but I can't help seeing that picutre emerge from all his posts.
Ariod: Yeah, despite the almost complete lack of evidence for "voter fraud" , plenty of people in the States are convinced that it's happening and widespread. Hell, it was among the most-voted-for questions from the public in that debate the other night - I think I saw it at #3 or 4 in the list when I checked last week, not sure where it ended up in the rankings.
richlind33: O'Really? You must have a really short memory because there was massive voter fraud in the 2000 presidential election, predominantly against blacks. And it hasn't stopped.
He was talking about the exaggerated and unfounded fears over false, fraudulent votes being cast. The fear used to drive legislation that makes it harder and harder for honest people to vote, and often targets black voters in particular.

Showing the very effects of this harsher legislation only proves the insidiousness of this "voter fraud" fearmongering.
richlind33: Your understanding of history is poor. Woodward and Bernstein were reporters, who were tipped off -- not theorists. The system itself turned on Nixon because he was flipping out, literally.

Bernstein as an author is wretched because he doesn't bother to cite sources. To like Bernstein is to not give a fuck about sourcing, without which there's no way to verify anything.

As for democracy, what makes you think you're fit to call someone else anti-democratic? When did you ever demonstrate a commitment to democratic principles? To the contrary, you've demonstrated just the opposite, with your willingness to utilize undemocratic methods such as censorship.
Woodward and Bernstein were the only reporters to pursue what everybody else considered a non-story at the time. Close enough to "conspiracy theorists" that the distinction of terms, once again, isn't important.

What, are you conceding that conspiracy theorists never have any actual sources? Hah, taking most of the common present ones as examples, I agree....

richlind33: O'Really? You must have a really short memory because there was massive voter fraud in the 2000 presidential election, predominantly against blacks. And it hasn't stopped.
You provided an example of voter suppression to support a contention of voter fraud. Different terms and different concepts.

Funny, you've always seemed to be a stickler for terminology before, heh...
Breja: snip
Add to that his frustration with his marriage that he's mentioned in another discussion. Which might fuel his desire for dropping his current life and joining the military again.


I say this with the most sincere and apolitical motivations: you should see a psychologist. Not because of your beliefs. But because you honestly seem unhappy and severely distressed.

You need someone to talk to. I don't know if you have someone like that in your regular life. Maybe that's what you hoped to get with this discussion, but the forum just isn't built to provide you this. You need someone who will sit down and listen to all your worries, of which you said yourself there are many. I hope you find it.
Ariod: Woodward and Bernstein were the only reporters to pursue what everybody else considered a non-story at the time. Close enough to "conspiracy theorists" that the distinction of terms, once again, isn't important.
Uhmm... actually no, other newspapers were also pursuing the story, and sometimes even were ahead of the famous duo in publishing new details, something W&B make no secret of in their book. No to mention they had full support of their newspaper, including their editors and other journalists.
Post edited October 12, 2016 by Breja
tinyE: hey Lemon
Hows kicks?
How is that shrubbery coming along? Did you finally get that little path put in?
It's coming along nicely now that I've borrowed all the tools from Arthur 'Two Shed's' Jackson's only shed. His herring pruning shears need sharpening though as I'm having great difficulty creating my shrubbery garden sculpture of Dinsdale. Currently, it looks more like Reginald Maudling...
tinyE: hey Lemon
Hows kicks?
How is that shrubbery coming along? Did you finally get that little path put in?
Lemon_Curry: It's coming along nicely now that I've borrowed all the tools from Arthur 'Two Shed's' Jackson's only shed. His herring pruning shears need sharpening though as I'm having great difficulty creating my shrubbery garden sculpture of Dinsdale. Currently, it looks more like Reginald Maudling...
You really have seen EVERY episode, haven't you? :P

And I thought he was going to sell his other shed, thus making him Arthur "No Sheds" Jackson.
This thread reminds me of the process that 'created' the Norwegian terrorist that murdered all those teens a few years ago. Not that I'm calling you a terrorist of course, but the process is similar. He too burrowed himself down in conspiratorial websites and when you read that idiocy day after day, week after week, month after month and even year after year, you will start to believe it. Your world view changes. And before you know it, you're incapable of absorbing and thinking about other point of views. Like in this case.

I doubt anybody are watching all the tinfoil hat youtube clips and articles (and neither should you), so you are just wasting your time. Life is short. Try to spend it wisely.
Breja: Oh for crying out loud, don't encourage him.
Have you actually watched any of those videos?

Besides, do you think he needs further encouragement?
low rated
richlind33: O'Really? You must have a really short memory because there was massive voter fraud in the 2000 presidential election, predominantly against blacks. And it hasn't stopped.
DaCostaBR: He was talking about the exaggerated and unfounded fears over false, fraudulent votes being cast. The fear used to drive legislation that makes it harder and harder for honest people to vote, and often targets black voters in particular.

Showing the very effects of this harsher legislation only proves the insidiousness of this "voter fraud" fearmongering.
I see that now. Hey, even I make a mistake sometimes. lol
tinyE: You really have seen EVERY episode, haven't you? :P
Yup, I treasure my complete & uncensored VHS collection. :)

tinyE: And I thought he was going to sell his other shed, thus making him Arthur "No Sheds" Jackson.
Actually, I think that would make him Arthur 'One Shed' Jackson.
low rated
richlind33: Your understanding of history is poor. Woodward and Bernstein were reporters, who were tipped off -- not theorists. The system itself turned on Nixon because he was flipping out, literally.

Bernstein as an author is wretched because he doesn't bother to cite sources. To like Bernstein is to not give a fuck about sourcing, without which there's no way to verify anything.

As for democracy, what makes you think you're fit to call someone else anti-democratic? When did you ever demonstrate a commitment to democratic principles? To the contrary, you've demonstrated just the opposite, with your willingness to utilize undemocratic methods such as censorship.
Ariod: Woodward and Bernstein were the only reporters to pursue what everybody else considered a non-story at the time. Close enough to "conspiracy theorists" that the distinction of terms, once again, isn't important.

What, are you conceding that conspiracy theorists never have any actual sources? Hah, taking most of the common present ones as examples, I agree....
There really wasn't any theorizing. They had the goods on Nixon's "plumber's", who were about as competent as the 3 Stooges.

And didn't we already agree that Alex Jones is a media whore / buttnugget?

richlind33: O'Really? You must have a really short memory because there was massive voter fraud in the 2000 presidential election, predominantly against blacks. And it hasn't stopped.
Ariod: You provided an example of voter suppression to support a contention of voter fraud. Different terms and different concepts.

Funny, you've always seemed to be a stickler for terminology before, heh...
You got me. Want a lawn cigar? ;p
DaCostaBR: rtcvb

I say this with the most sincere and apolitical motivations: you should see a psychologist. Not because of your beliefs. But because you honestly seem unhappy and severely distressed.
I've been diagnosed with severe depression, and been depressed 2/3rds of my life. So tell me something I don't know. I've seen psychologists and I've tried their drug programs. They didn't really help and caused problems.

To be honest, what I really need is sex. But that's not something I'll get easily with my social limitations; So instead I'll put my 6-month cycle of OCD into this while it's heavily relevant.

DaCostaBR: I don't know if you have someone like that in your regular life. <snip> You need someone who will sit down and listen to all your worries, of which you said yourself there are many. I hope you find it.
I'm working on it. I've been working on it for 10 years.
Post edited October 12, 2016 by rtcvb32
Breja: Oh for crying out loud, don't encourage him.
Lemon_Curry: Have you actually watched any of those videos?

Besides, do you think he needs further encouragement?
I have. I even actually heard the Umbrella Man story before (though I totally forgot about it :D)

I didn't mean it quite seriously, just as a "now you'll start him on Kennedy and the grassy knoll and god knows what else!"
low rated
DaCostaBR: rtcvb

I say this with the most sincere and apolitical motivations: you should see a psychologist. Not because of your beliefs. But because you honestly seem unhappy and severely distressed.
rtcvb32: I've been diagnosed with severe depression, and been depressed 2/3rds of my life. So tell me something I don't know. I've seen psychologists and I've tried their drug programs. They didn't really help and caused problems.

To be honest, what I really need is sex. But that's not something I'll get easily with my social limitations; So instead I'll put my 6-month cycle of OCD into this while it's heavily relevant.
Might I suggest tentacle pron? It's very therapeutic. ;p