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low rated
EDIT: Well, the Wikileaks 10 years anniversary was a big letdown with no juicy stuff, kind of like GOG teasing us about some big release and then we get some random subpar indiegame instead :o)
Post edited October 04, 2016 by catpower1980
low rated
catpower1980: For those who don't like Alex Jones but would like to stay informed, today is the 10th anniversary of Wikileaks where normally Julian Assange should reveal some interesting stuff. The event starts at 10AM in Berlin, so it's in 2 hours:

The hashtag if for some reasons you can't follow the live video conference:
Isn't Snowden a lot more relevant than Assange these days?
low rated
richlind33: So what's trump going to do about the goddamned reptilians?
Kleetus: I want to know what he's going to do about the orangutans that provided his hair.

BTW, did you see his impersonation of Hilary when she couldn't walk?

I'm actually surprised she hasn't milked it more. People have a soft spot for cripples and weak elderly folks. The crippled children/senior dollar. Huge market.

In fact, if Hillary was smart she'd have one of her legs amputated and/or 'accidentally' catch a bad case of Hepatitis or Bird Flu. Instant cold medicine induced journey right into the OVAL office.
low rated
Infowars, so right-wing that they make Mussolini sound like a hippie.
low rated
I just love how this thread is bringing everyone together, this is what it's all about.
richlind33: Isn't Snowden a lot more relevant than Assange these days?
Like in pop music, Snowden is just a "one-hit wonder" while Assange takes care of his "career" :o)
low rated
richlind33: Isn't Snowden a lot more relevant than Assange these days?
catpower1980: Like in pop music, Snowden is just a "one-hit wonder" while Assange takes care of his "career" :o)
Sadly, neither of them has managed to "break the camel's back". We're too servile and well fed to get off our asses and behave like human beings. Basically, we're spiritually neutered. : (
low rated
catpower1980: Well, the Wikileaks 10 years anniversary was a big letdown with no juicy stuff
I watched the broadcast until it was somewhere in the answering questions. Quite a letdown.

Much like the Emails the FBI will release AFTER the election, this seems like some sort of deal was put in place. What the deal could be or if it was worth it? Don't know.

Very disappointing.
rtcvb32: Very disappointing.
I know, right? Nothing about lizard-people, nothing about the imminent return of Atlantis form dimension 784/X, not even about the sun being just a luminescent weather balloon used to fool the naive masses. Obviously, someone got to them and prevented them from making the truth known. My money is on were-hamsters. Those little bastards are EVERYWHERE.
Post edited October 04, 2016 by Breja
Why is it that you think a deal is in place rather than the most natural answer:

People are greedy and WikiLeaks used it to push for money. With heightened attention on Clinton and more people than ever tuning into conspiracy theories, the people are ripe for picking. Heightened expectations = more money. You got played.

Why is it that everyone except a few individuals are in on the conspiracy? And then when they don't meet your expectations, now they're in on it too?
rtcvb32: Election fraud is usually done by having poor people go into election poles over and over again with a different identity. (people long dead, people deported, in prison who can't vote, etc), and already there's been fraud where Hilliary's opposition lost by a large margin while polls and people weren't going to vote for her.
gogtrial34987: This is absolute bollocks. Record-keeping in the USA might be atrocious, but not to such a degree that millions of deceased e.a. people would still somehow be registered as eligible voters. (That's how many you'd need to be able to have a good chance to change the outcome of the presidential elections.) Voter fraud is a non-issue. Here's a good explanation why large scale in-person voter fraud is extremely unlikely to be happening, let alone making any difference at all in the results of any election in the USA.
I didn't delve into the earlier linkage, though I did hear Jones say using stem sells for food testing, rather then taste changing (but it's possible I miss-heard) in that notorious broadcast, but the current article is utter bollocks.
For one thing, it completely neglects the very essential reality of Interested Voting - When you need 1K votes from a pool of 300K you never need actual 1K people, you just approach the influential few that control about that much and they make all the rest.
This is a very significant issue in Primary election as "Vote Contractors" can easily shift support towards candidates they are interested in, and yes, there are definitive claims about fraud in such that can't be dismissed.
Second, the article fails to realize Law abiding isn't a clean slate cardboard issue, but rather a cultural and educative
- Quite a large number of groups don't believe rules should be followed at most cases, some don't follow them on financial or foreign matters (especially when its the state vs family abroad), while others never regard laws higher then Moral stance.
I'm not even talking about minorities here (where the democrat notion is all for expanding their rights in oppose of all others),
But even utter patriotic veterans won't feel bad about "sticking it to the man" to enhance their benefits, not to mention religious groups who directly fight laws that legislate opposing matters such as abortions and addictive substances.
Any person relating to such a group might feel it be adequate to fraud on an election that could help his cause.
Third, the notion one must use traditional media to advertise is just ridiculous - every group has it's own, mostly undistributed outside its circle, which is easy as having a closed Whatsapp group (or preaching to your followers at a meeting).

I won't be addressing the essential flaws in the system this articles makes no awareness of either, but even without, It proves nothing.
low rated
Today: 4 Oct 2016 - 34 days
First hour - De-Evolution of power. Assange trolled public, [url=]leaks, what happened? Before election to 'end of the year'. Headlines: Obama in 90's talking trash on whites. Illegals surging at record breaking levels on borders. Russia and US. VP debate tonight (Pence vs Kaine). IMF and Deutsche bank. NY apartment crawlspaces. Gunsale breaking record, licenses scanned at gunshows. Reported PA voting issues. Hurricane in Haiti. SpaceX sabotage?.
Second hour - . October Surprises. Obama video 90's. In school you can't compliment minorities? Rant on Wikileaks, Assange under heavy stress? Pence and Kaine tonight's debate, '<i>blame your opponent</i>'. [url=]FEMA camps. Trump calls out Clinton selling favors. Hillary mass murderer, threw away peace deal in Lybia, supporting Jihadists. Trump: go to Haiti with food and supplies, return after storm hits for US devastated cities. Focus on Haitian money stolen. George Soros, inciting death of police officers.
Third Hour - Uncle Sam. Clintons only gave only 5.7% of donations to Haiti. Chelsea wrote of failure of Haiti reliefs, 10,000 dead. Clintons need to be audited and full corruption/connection will become obvious. Obama has failed completely, Obamacare is a failure and too expensive. Weakened military and VA, the administration and it's corruption. Backup for whitehouse control if president is incapacitated. The debate and advisers. Box stores and every major mall is going under, black economy, going smaller. Clintons aren't effect and thus self destructive. Spain functioning at capacity without government. Compromised, cleaning house.
Fourth Hour - Assange stir-crazy. Haiti. UN military most incompetent/evil group. Clinton India Foundation. EMS Gurney for Hillary, Obama trip to Kenya during 90's. If Trump wins, 4 administrations will fall. Fox is now taking news directly from white house/Media Matters. The debate last week. The TPP; VP debate tonight. Trump's trip to Haiti. 40% of Americans don't know VP candidates by name (Pence & Kaine). Bill Clinton slams Obamacare, master liars.

Full Audio Podcast (<i>3 hours</i>)
Full (<i>3 hours</i>)
Daily Headlines

Preshow <span class="bold">VP</span> Debate - Kaine has hiked tuition, supports the TPP. Like Hillary Kaine flip-flops on issues. Kaine wants to ban 15-round clips. Kaine has supported rapists. Some voters will vote Clinton because they expect her to die. Kaine and /[url=]prolife. Obama DOJ drops charges on broker of Lybian weapons. Trump will be live tweeting during debate. StopRape bounty hitting MSNBC. Build the wall and freespeech graffiti in Ohio. Unrelated 'Ms Piggy' padgent commentary. Kaine has accepted tens of thousands in gifts. Alex urges Trump to go to Haiti (<i>after the hurricane</i>). Reminder of tells of Hillary's signals to Holt.
<span class="bold">VP</span> Debate
Post <span class="bold">VP</span> Debate discussion
Post edited October 05, 2016 by rtcvb32
whytestallion: Why is it that you think a deal is in place rather than the most natural answer:

People are greedy and WikiLeaks used it to push for money. With heightened attention on Clinton and more people than ever tuning into conspiracy theories, the people are ripe for picking. Heightened expectations = more money. You got played.

Why is it that everyone except a few individuals are in on the conspiracy? And then when they don't meet your expectations, now they're in on it too?
^^^ Well said, and that's really the bottom line with this whole thread.

To the conspiracy theory believers:

I don't know if you guys think that Alex Jones and others are some kind of self-less "Guys Who Just Want to Get the Truth Out!!!", but the reality is that these people simply have found what they consider to be a good way to make a living, doing something easy/fun where they probably make some decent cash as well. And you "conspiracy guys" are making all that possible for them by continuing to tune in and trying to "spread the word" to others. They love ya cuz you're making a career for them that they otherwise wouldn't have.

As long as you keep tuning in and helping them make their cash, they will continue to find "conspiracies" for you, whether there actually are any or not. But if all of a sudden nobody was watching their shows or hitting their websites any more, and their was no more real money to be made with all this? Well all of a sudden all these new "conspiracies" would stop coming. Funny how that works. eh?

You know when you live in a capitalist culture, you have to always keep in mind that everybody is trying to make a buck. And wherever there is money to be made, even if it's selling 99.9% bullshit "theories", somebody is gonna jump in and do it and make that money. #1 rule of capitalism. True every time, you can count on it. And because of that, *any* time you're trying to find the truth about anything that isn't easily apparent, like whether there is a conspiracy about this or that, the first thing you need to think about is "who is making money off of this". *That* is the way to cut through the BS to get to the truth in a capitalist society. I mean just a bit of friendly advice here... But yeah, understanding that factor will get you a *lot* farther towards the truth than trying to figure out if Hillary has been secretly replaced by an alien-controlled android....
Post edited October 04, 2016 by Ariod
Ariod: To the conspiracy theory believers:
I know your heart's in the right place with something like that, but to them, trying to convince them to come down from their conspiracy theory-fuelled mania only serves to strengthen their conviction that:

a) You're just one of "them" trying to prevent "the truth" from coming out
b) You're just one of the "sheeple" who haven't woken up yet

Bit of a shame, really. But I couldn't agree more with what you point out. You could apply that exact same principle to the Intelligent Design/Creationism movement.
Ariod: To the conspiracy theory believers:
rampancy: I know your heart's in the right place with something like that, but to them, trying to convince them to come down from their conspiracy theory-fuelled mania only serves to strengthen their conviction that:

a) You're just one of "them" trying to prevent "the truth" from coming out
b) You're just one of the "sheeple" who haven't woken up yet

Bit of a shame, really. But I couldn't agree more with what you point out. You could apply that exact same principle to the Intelligent Design/Creationism movement.
Agreed - I hear you on that, it is normally a lost cause. Most of the time when I come across stuff like this it's more just like a palm-to-forehead, "you gotta be kidding me" moment, and then I move on. But yeah, every once in a while I just can't help myself...

Of course I'm always happy to see people trying to find the truth on things, especially it cases where it is obscured by people in powerful positions. But I've just been around too long, and trying to always understand the truth myself, to think there is any truth to be found from a source like Infowars.

The rather disturbing end effect of all this though, is that once enough people "buy in" to some bogus theory or set of theories, is that we end up with different versions of "the facts". And when you don't even agree with somebody else on what the "basic facts" are, of what just occurred yesterday, or last week, or whatever... well shit, you just can't come to agreement or compromise on anything when you start with *such* different perspectives as that. And hence the incredible political divisions in America, and the nasty level that our politics has sunk to. When you can't even relate to "the opposition" on the most basic of things it's nearly impossible to come to agreement, and very easy to start seeing people with opposing viewpoints as "the enemy". I guess that's why I occasionally go against my own better judgement, to try to help someone see their source of bogus information for what it is.

Yep, you're right, the creationist people have a similar self-reinforcing feeback loop like the conspiracy theorists. The "experts" make money from the believers hitting their websites and watching their shows, which just encourages them to endlessly continue the false narrative. I wonder sometimes how many of the "conspiracy experts" don't even believe their own BS, but continue spinning it to keep their career going. My bet is that would be most of them.