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Today: 23 Nov 2016 - 57 days to office
First hour - Best of <span class="podkreslenie">Replay</span> - (28 sep 2016) Hillary Sympathy points. Scorched Earth. Adam Savage, Tailgunner Joe McCarthy. 'Bust the Trust'. Red Brigades. (18 Oct 2016) 'You can't steal a landslide'. Tracey Martin (Clinton's Travel Chef): 'Hillary's completely different when the cameras aren't on her', 'Hillary goes out of her way to attack everyone'. Clinton initiative. Multiple personalities.

Second hour - Best of <span class="podkreslenie">Replay</span> - (</i>) Tracey Martin: '<i>This is not the complete picture. The American people need to know. She's failed at so many things</i>'. FBI attempted bribing, shadow government. '<i>They refer to us as <span class="podkreslenie">the small people</span></i>'. Joel Gilbert: Public policy for everything and private policy for everything. Danney Williams (<i>Bill Clinton's Son</i>) <span class="bold">BANISHED</span>, Chicago radical. Alinsky. '<i>Everything Clinton has done has been a failure</i>', Obama's past and father, new class of elites. Destroy the middle class. Social &amp; Communist societies create nightmare hells. Lessons in history. Communists plan to double-cross the corporations and create a new dark age. Fallacy of progressive-ism. Clinton history &amp; against blacks. '<i>how disgusting the Clinton presidency was</i>'. ([url=]12 Oct 2016) Danney Williams interview ( [url=]tw): 'I want my kids to know their grandfather'. Growing up in Littlerock 'That's Bill Clinton's son!'. Jumping over the fence. False/No DNA tests. 'Hillary step aside'. 'They pushed my mom out a 2 story window'. 'I want to get the proof out that I'm your son'.

Third Hour - Best of <span class="podkreslenie">Replay</span> (14 October 2016) - Raw Speech, Farage coaching Trump[/url]. Dolly Kyle constitutional Lawyer, Hillary the other woman (<i>book</i>). They tried to avoid having her testify against Bill Clinton. Sex addiction. Drugged/Raped at 16. Inside observation. 1974 meeting Hillary at the airport. Hillary CIA officer. 'She smelled bad, she truly did'. Fullbright was a Father Figure, in 64 got Bill a job, in oxford & yale. In May 74 Fullbright running and losing Bill said 'i don't want to be seen with a loser'. #1 sticker/best seller withheld for 'proprietary reasons'. Rigged Election. Stop-Rape. 'Hillary can't take criticism/truth'. 'I believe Hillary was sexually assaulted by a female, and probably an adult uniformed male', 'Hate in her eyes'. Projection 101 'If they accuse someone else of doing something, they are doing it', Seth Rich. 'Trump is a real man that we are attracted to', Pence, Washington a Cesspool, The plantation mentality, open borders and workers at $4/hr, 'Hillary CAN NOT WIN this election. She can steal it, but not win it'. Making a story disappear: Media Magic, Rico 1998 lawsuit against Bill Clinton. Ballots, Bernie would have won. Selling Ballot boxes. StopRape, Juanita Broaddrick 'fearful for her life'.

Fourth Hour - Best of <span class="podkreslenie">Replay</span> (??) 'this form of internet/talk radio fusion is the future'. Kathy Shelton interview. 12 year-old rape victim, story, Clinton who enabled rapists including Bill.

Full Audio Podcast (<i>3 hours</i>)
Full (<i>3 hours</i>)
Daily Headlines

Nightly News - Iran warns of '<i>retaliation</i>' if US breaches nuclear deal, Anti-Trump protesters calling for the death of more cops, Ambush-style attacks on cops, Trump calls son of murdered office, Obama unavailable for comment, College lowers flag to half-staff, Trump criticizes TV executives, Bowne Report & Fake news. Facebook creates censorship tool for China. DNC leadership failing, Communism is cancer and here's why. 7 huge misconceptions 'the worst most outdated horrible system to exist'. False flags, staged events. . [url=]World's worst Traffic Jam in LA, CEO lift urban planner '<i>cars the problem with cities</i>'[url], self driving cars, they want to make us renters not owners. Southern border, 9/11 Al Qaeda mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, <span class="bold">"the plan is to fill the country with like-minded Muslims through the country's easy immigration laws and by having babies, and then using the U.S. legal and welfare system to turn the country into a system like Iran. They will wrap themselves in America's rights and laws for protection, ratchet up acceptance of Sharia law, and then, only when they were strong enough, rise up and violently impose Sharia from within. Eventually America will expose her neck to us for slaughter"</span>, Sharia Law, S2 route not being monitored, Border Surveillance stopped by Obama.

Recommended videos:
Thanksgiving Message From President Elect Donald Trump
The Global Warming Hoax (93 minutes)
Is Obama Poised to Cede <span class="bold">US</span> Sovereignty?
Post edited November 24, 2016 by rtcvb32
low rated
rtcvb32: -snip-
maybe be a bit distrubing (nothing you wouldn't see on news though)

I would also like to remind people the hacked emails state obama was throwing these parties they would attend.

Never forget these liberals are morally bankrupt.
Post edited November 24, 2016 by Regals
low rated
An interesting experience just now. My roommate is so poised and against talking and even considering about the recent videos I watched that I can't say anything to them without them almost going into a rage. Nevermind they wouldn't reference their 'facts' saying that Antarctica was 30° warmer than it should be while just a couple years ago people thinking Antarctica was melted following the idea of global warming that they should be able to take a shortcut through Antarctica and instead the ice which is expanding back out again trapped their boat requiring them to request help to be saved. That John Kerry just went there. That the earth is no longer warming (and the warming was sunspots & lower cloud density) and is actually about to be cooling. Or about how extra CO² would be a good thing, that the optimal level of CO² is about 1,000 ppm, and because of recent increased CO² we have larger yields of food from plants, plants are greener. That if we doubled the CO² in the world the temperature would rise 1° Celsius, and if we doubled it again we'd have another 1° Celsius raise, but at that point we will have exhausted all fossil fuels in the world; And at the time when the world had 7000 ppm of CO² the earth was only 7 degrees warmer than it is now.

They were also seemingly annoyed when Trump won, when in fact if you look at the map that most of the map is Red, and there's only a few patches of blue. Nevermind they would keep more of their taxes.

I really don't understand them. Dictating that of what they hear me watching (by hearing bits and pieces), when in fact they haven't watched it to know what I have been watching and coming to incomplete/wrong conclusions rather than asking questions or better yet watching it themselves to come to a conclusion. Worse instead of giving it half a chance, they have decided to close completely off from all of it like religion and want nothing to do with it and instantly hate it even if their conception of it is totally wrong.
President-elect Donald Trump conceded Tuesday there is "some connectivity" between human activity and climate change and wavered on whether he would pull the United States out of international accords aimed at combating the phenomenon, which scientists overwhelmingly agree is caused by human activity.

The statements could mark a softening in Trump's position on US involvement in efforts to fight climate change, although he did not commit to specific action in any direction. During the campaign, he vowed to "cancel" the US's participation in the Paris climate agreement, stop all US payments to UN programs aimed at fighting climate change and continued to cast serious doubt on the role man-made carbon dioxide emissions played in the planet's warming and associated impacts.

"I think there is some connectivity. Some, something. It depends on how much," Trump said Tuesday in a meeting with New York Times reporters, columnists and editors. He has previously called climate change a "hoax" invented by the Chinese.

Asked if he would withdraw the US from international climate change agreements, Trump said he is "looking at it very closely," according to Times reporters Maggie Haberman and Mike Grynbaum, who were live-tweeting the meeting. He added that he has "an open mind to it," despite explicitly promising to withdraw from at least one climate accord on the campaign trail.
Lookie there. The US president-elect appears a teeeeeeensy bit less block-headed than rtcvb32 yesterday.

Post edited November 24, 2016 by Vainamoinen
low rated
rtcvb32: An interesting experience just now. My roommate is so poised and against talking and even considering about the recent videos I watched that I can't say anything to them without them almost going into a rage. Nevermind they wouldn't reference their 'facts'

I really don't understand them. Dictating that of what they hear me watching (by hearing bits and pieces), when in fact they haven't watched it to know what I have been watching and coming to incomplete/wrong conclusions rather than asking questions or better yet watching it themselves to come to a conclusion. Worse instead of giving it half a chance, they have decided to close completely off from all of it like religion and want nothing to do with it and instantly hate it even if their conception of it is totally wrong.
Global warming what a funny topic.
I have supposed question to ask you.

When a star dies what occurs? One of two things it goes super nova or becomes black hole.
But what about while it is dying?

Solar max this video talks about is the heat event. (

[Other sources]

So is it occuring? Sort of... is there anything we can do?
Turn yoru air conditioners/heaters up depending on region.

To Why These People Are The Way They Are
Imagine for a minute you didn't know how electronics are recycled.
Than a popular poltitican told you that a big machine does it and its all safe.

Than along comes a tin foil hat guy like me... that tells you that child labor forces improvised people
to dig through trash piles looking for precious metals for food. Exposing themselves to toxic waste that can cause cancer and kill them.

[I just wear tin foil hats]
Post edited November 24, 2016 by Regals
Just a friendly reminder for US citizens, try to maintain a borderline correct English grammar and orthography. It's not just that I don't understand those posts when they go preschool, it's that you could be labeled "foreign" by the president-elect's deportation forces. This is really for your own protection.
rtcvb32: My roommate
Someone lives with you, is it maximum or minimum security?

rtcvb32: I really don't understand them.
I really don't understand the hypocrisy of Trump supporters.

He's still only President Elect and he's already broken some of his key promises.

Now, he's not going after "crooked Hillary" and he's not going to "lock her up".

That was his cornerstone commitment, and that didn't even last a single day.

There's an old saying that people get the politicians they deserve, and you deserve Trump.
low rated
Kleetus: He's still only President Elect and he's already broken some of his key promises.

Now, he's not going after "crooked Hillary" and he's not going to "lock her up".

That was his cornerstone commitment, and that didn't even last a single day.

There's an old saying that people get the politicians they deserve, and you deserve Trump.
Is it a Mayor's job to personally arrest a convicted felon in a city? Or is it the mayor's job to let the police do their job?

The sign Jeff Sessions is assigned as AG suggests she will be prosecuted. But tell me, how can he be failing his promises when he can't do anything until January 20th?

If I made a promise to make a cake in June, but currently I'm not doing anything to make that cake, have I suddenly broke my promise? Or do I have to actively be making a cake for 6 months?

"I think there is some connectivity. Some, something. It depends on how much," Trump said Tuesday in a meeting with New York Times reporters, columnists and editors. He has previously called climate change a "hoax" invented by the Chinese.
Vainamoinen: Lookie there. The US president-elect appears a teeeeeeensy bit less block-headed than rtcvb32 yesterday.

Trump to scrap Nasa climate research in crackdown on <i>'politicized science'</i>
Bob Walker, a senior Trump campaign adviser, said there was no need for Nasa to do what he has previously described as “politically correct environmental monitoring”.

“We see Nasa in an exploration role, in deep space research,” Walker told the Guardian. “Earth-centric science is better placed at other agencies where it is their prime mission.

“My guess is that it would be difficult to stop all ongoing Nasa programs but future programs should definitely be placed with other agencies. I believe that climate research is necessary but it has been heavily politicized, which has undermined a lot of the work that researchers have been doing. Mr Trump’s decisions will be based upon solid science, not politicized science.”
Just today it's been said the arctic sea hasn't changed in 100 years., remember they said by July either this year or last year they said it would be completely melted? Hmmm....

Saying he will look into it, doesn't mean he doesn't think it's still a hoax. But it seems removing the political aspects will push towards actual scientific data on the matter. Climate change data currently is much like Sugar research in the 70's. The facts don't match the data, and scientists who are retiring or retired who don't fear for their careers and lives are the ones questioning global warming/climate change, ones who aren't on the bankroll.
Post edited November 24, 2016 by rtcvb32
rtcvb32: If I made a promise to make a cake in June, but currently I'm not doing anything to make that cake, have I suddenly broke my promise? Or do I have to actively be making a cake for 6 months?
If you were a real gamer, you'd know that the cake is a lie.

And Trump has already stated that he is not going after her because he doesn't want to hurt her, so your poor attempted analogy is irrelevant.

He's playing you all for idiots and you keep bending over and spreading your bumcheeks.

BTW, my favourite cake is Black Forest, the Germans can do anything better, even gateau.
rtcvb32: The facts don't match the data
The data are the facts. What you're trying to say is: Our observations don't match the theory.

And... drumroll... they do! Unsurprisingly. And always have since 1896.

Trump wants to remove opinons differing from his own, which are entirely unscientific ones. Maybe that's what we'll call "American science" in a few years if Trump's minions keep it up. Or maybe we'll just call it actually political pseudo-science. As there is a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge consensus among the scientific community internationally that climate change exists, that we caused most of it, and that it is the threat that's most likely to wipe us all out, the president-elect will not be able to wish it away. He can only make "American science" the laughing stock of the world with actions like the one you described.

Call findings "political", use that as a reason to shut down research. Wooo-hooo! I have a word for that, it begins with f.

Let's both hope that doesn't happen. You really don't want to live in a country with this kind of oppressive, opportunist and reckless leaders, trust me on that one.
Post edited November 24, 2016 by Vainamoinen
low rated
Vainamoinen: .
I would like to visit your country and attend Oktoberfest, I want to party German style.

I love Volksfest and I love Germans.
low rated
Kleetus: I love Volksfest and I love Germans.
Bavaria and therewith Munich is actually not always considered part of Germany. I reject the notion that the Oktoberfest is "party German style". Any party that has a vomit hill can actually eff off. Sadly, a heap of other German cities has an "Oktoberfest" too, even those who have their vomit hills on carnival already.

However, I have good news for you. If you want to experience German culture, you can listen to Flula Borg.
low rated
Vainamoinen: Flula Borg.
Never heard of Flula Borg, and what an unusual name.

Sounds like a female Star Trek character, Flula the Borg.
low rated
Today: 25 Nov 2016 - 54 days to office
First hour - Pro Trump Neo-Nazis? '<i>Fake News</i>' all run by the Russians? Jill Stein Fundraiser recounts for WI, MA, PA in states that Trump won, (<i>yet no recount for <span class="bold">NH</span>, <span class="bold">MI</span>, <span class="bold">NV</span>, far closer vs the other 3</i>), raising 4M in 24 hours is strange, since the green party raised 3M during the entire campaign (remember Jill Stein warned Hillary would start nuclear war). Evidence vote hacked (MI did only paper ballots)? Never Romney as Secretary of State?, 'Without RomneyCare, there would be no ObamaCare'. Jones: Bev Harris & Fraction magic, Some states/areas 100% voting with 100% to Hillary, Anomalies in 5 stolen states, Second sneak attack, 'This is a real threat', 'What i care about is delivery. I'm very happy at this point', 'This is not a done deal until January'. Recounts should be all-or-nothing. They are desperate. 'Top Democrats don't donate 7Mil to target Trump states to play games. They are not playing games. They plan to show Trump stole states, then BLM and other groups to come out'. Soros trying to overthrow us. 'They are activating their communists and terror forces', Trump 9/11. 'My gut feelings...', 'Trump has Trump cards', 'Trump will expose the false flags', Staged interviews with CIA, Trump had built 2,000 buildings, Trade towers were the strongest buildings in the world. From day one Trump wasn't part of the conspiracy. Independent hardcore liberty anti-globalist billionaires selected by Trump.

Second hour - Trump Interview on 9/11, 6th sense. Jill Stein & boldfaced lies. 8 cops killed in last 10 days. Destabilization program. 'Trump knows everything that is going on'. 'This country is in a death-battle'. Assange under the radar. Radio Silence in Wikileaks. Mike Cernovich (): [url=]Browerd Country Florida. Secret room in the secretary of elections filling out absentee ballots. More vigilant. Richard Spenser attacks on him, Atlantic Documentary, 'unless it's live i don't use their media', 'It was a photo-op, staged, too perfect', Anti-white Racism. Identity politics. Correct the Record, tiny fringe group of neo-nazis. The Big Picture: The globalists behind the media are also behind these people; It's hard to go after Jones, Watson, Drudge, they instead build someone up and then attack him to get at everyone else 'guilt by association tactics'. PizzaGate. 'There's a lot there, but the media is trying to shut down the investigation before it starts. There's a Pizza Parlor in Washington DC with possibly a pedophile ring behind it', Podesta. Spirit looking, Wikileaks emails. 'Always leads back to the elite'. Clinton Progenitor of fake news, 41% of twitter followers are fake. 'The Fake News Media are mad we had an effect during the election. They want us de-indexed from google, facebook, twitter'. 'They are losing power and influence hard, and will try to censor the internet and 1st amendment'.

Third Hour - 'Always be on guard against the enemy, we are winning and that's why they are afraid'. MAGA Mindset (<i>book</i>). Merkel afraid of bots &amp; fake news to 'regulate fake news', Black Friday Madness. Mark Dice: Zombies 2016 'It has an eerie look to it', 'Zombie analogy is perfect'. Splicing Zombies and Black Friday, 'It's so bizarre'. They say if you want to understand what's most important simply look at it's biggest buildings; Used to be churches and palaces, but now it's shopping centers. Is Black Friday a Scam?, artificial scarcity, item markups. 'We should shame these shoppers, it puts a strain on families to work weird hours'. Massive consumerism, Massive debt. Recount from Clinton camp. Filed recount in Wisconsin. 'Two scenarios, it's desperate attempt at misinformation, and a cover for the big steal from Trump'. Manipulating tallies? Hacking paper ballots. Attempt to undermine Trump's legitimacy. Cultural Propaganda brainwashing, Celebrity issues. Culture Jamming. Celebs calling election 'a tragedy', shadow banning, hashtag issues, etc. BLM to block white owned businesses in Chicago. Wisconsin recount will have to be fast. This is not a done deal, Brexit & Article 50. Sanders as a white supremacist because he said identity politics isn't enough, Al Qaeda using immigration to defeat USA. Germany store Cancels Christmas, because too many Islamic customers.

Fourth Hour - Best of: Replays.
low rated
rtcvb32: .
So, from what little information available I've been able to garner the following:

You were married and your wifey left you for another guy.

You have nothing left and now share a shitty place with another divorcee.

You are a neat freak and he is messy.

You are a Trump supporter and he supports Hillary.

You want to build a wall and he wants to tear them down.

I'm slowly building a psychological profile on you, and let me tell you, it's not looking good.

I don't want to take sides, but I'm starting to understand why wifey left you.
Post edited November 26, 2016 by Kleetus