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Shadowstalker16: Putting things in other people's mouths without consent isn't very politically correct last time I checked.
As opposed to making up literally thousands of imbecilic conspiracy theories about people to further abject political goals? Oh I am so in the green, and I don't give a leprous shit about "political correctness". :)

But, yeah, making social justice advocates' right of free speech go poof by intimidating the living shit out of them 1937 style, that's been pretty darn alt-right programmatic these last two years.

You know it will get worse.

You were there, you put yourself in the thick of it, you've said a whole lot of strangely hateful things about people who generally argue for the very same basic rights that are at stake now. You've made a lot of right steps since you understood what America has voted for, I invite you to take a few more.

This thread has disgusted you just as much as it disgusted me, I am certain of it.
low rated
Vainamoinen: But, yeah, making social justice advocates' right of free speech go poof by intimidating the living shit out of them 1937 style, that's been pretty darn alt-right programmatic these last two years.
I've hardly read this thread; and this is my first post in it - but I notice, and am curious -

Does every single post you make have to do with Hitler?

The few posts of yours I've seen (and I replied to at least one IIRC; in another thread) - you make a Hitler reference of some kind.

Is it literally EVERY post? Or have I just seen a misleadingly too-small of a sample of your posts?

Honest question..
Martek: Does every single post you make have to do with Hitler?
Only when it deals with alt-right nazis employing nazi propaganda strategies. Wouldn't you say it's fitting? No, seriously, the neo-nazis with the actual swastikas on their arm over here are using the very same 'arguments' Alex Jones does. Literally the same particularly when refugees or muslims are involved.

You're doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past if no one points at the giant heap of fascist xenophobic conspiracy nonsense and says "That reminds me of the Third Reich actually" once in in a while. My grandmother does it all the time, and she's been there.
Post edited November 23, 2016 by Vainamoinen
low rated
Martek: Does every single post you make have to do with Hitler?
Vainamoinen: Only when it deals with alt-right nazis.

You're doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past if no one points at the giant heap of fascist xenophobia and says "That reminds me of the Third Reich actually" once in in a while.
You also level the "racism" charge (<i>that</i> was one of my replies to you).

Hitler and racism - those are two of the Leftist "go to" demonizations.

Just a coincidence that you are apparently playing by the same playbook?

I had a chance to take a sneak-peek at the Leftist Dictionary. Looked up some words; and here's their surprising definitions:

Bigot - Someone that disagrees with you
Chauvinist - Someone that disagrees with you
Hitler - Someone that disagrees with you
Homophobe - Someone that disagrees with you
Misogynist - Someone that disagrees with you
Nazi - Someone that disagrees with you
Racist - Someone that disagrees with you
Xenophobe - Someone that disagrees with you

Are you using that dictionary too?

A tune you might like
Martek: Are you using that dictionary too?
When you have your first party in Congress that earnestly and consistently proposes 1100$ minimum unemployment pay and retirement pension for everyone, unconditionally, plus entirely free health care of course, we can talk about 'leftist' forces in the US.

Until then, the term will always make me laugh.

From the perspective over here, you don't even have a political left. Republican or Democrats, it's all just our economy here our economy there, why can't we have more Steve Jobs type assholes, boohoo.

"Leftist". Hah. The way you describe it, it's probably synonymous with "sane".

Good luck "fixing" ACA in an entirely capitalist system in which your own health is sold to you as a luxury item, no really: GOOD LUCK WITH THAT. Obama couldn't do it, Hillary wouldn't have been able to do it, and Trump is the last man on earth to do it.
low rated
Martek: Are you using that dictionary too?
Vainamoinen: When you have your first party in Congress that earnestly and consistently proposes 1100$ minimum unemployment pay and retirement pension for everyone, unconditionally, plus entirely free health care of course, we can talk about 'leftist' forces in the US.
You're doing it wrong then - the first order of business is to suck the wealth from the middle-class to pay for the Lefties' goodies.

Vainamoinen: From the perspective over here, you don't even have a political left.
Hopefully your perspective includes ensuring there's enough Nutella
to go around; because otherwise your country has big problems to be thinking about..
Peddling links to the Bild-Zeitung, are we? Fuck this shit, I'd rather read the Breitbart nazis.

Got somewhere around 750 grams of Nutella left. Good times! No refugee is taking that from me.
Post edited November 23, 2016 by Vainamoinen
low rated
Vainamoinen: Peddling links to the Bild-Zeitung, are we? Fuck this shit, I'd rather read the Breitbart nazis.

Got somewhere around 750 grams of Nutella left. Good times! No refugee is taking that from me.
Personally, I'm not a big fan of this person, but words of wisdom are words of wisdom.

Maybe you'll see the light and discard the foolish Hitler'isms. Or not... But throwing them around so frivolously like parade confetti seriously dilutes their significance.

Vainamoinen: Got somewhere around 750 grams of Nutella left. Good times! No refugee is taking that from me
Better save it - you'll need it as currency to pay your jizyah taxes.
Post edited November 23, 2016 by Martek
low rated
Shadowstalker16: Putting things in other people's mouths without consent isn't very politically correct last time I checked.
Vainamoinen: As opposed to making up literally thousands of imbecilic conspiracy theories about people to further abject political goals? Oh I am so in the green, and I don't give a leprous shit about "political correctness". :)

But, yeah, making social justice advocates' right of free speech go poof by intimidating the living shit out of them 1937 style, that's been pretty darn alt-right programmatic these last two years.

You know it will get worse.

You were there, you put yourself in the thick of it, you've said a whole lot of strangely hateful things about people who generally argue for the very same basic rights that are at stake now. You've made a lot of right steps since you understood what America has voted for, I invite you to take a few more.

This thread has disgusted you just as much as it disgusted me, I am certain of it.
Conspiracy theories are self wrought shame, if one continues to endorse many and without proof. Paraphrasing what someone said to mean something else is just obscuring the truth.

Then discuss those incidents where it happened. I haven't seen any legislation to the effect you describe and I haven't yet seen incidents of people trying to silence others (but I don't follow politics too much) when it comes to the US post-election drama. So please post the incidents of intimidation you describe.

I don't know what will happen. Trump has never seemed to be publicly supporting any of the Nazi-ist stuff like ethnic purity or racial superiority or eugenics. He does seem prejudiced and preying on the fears of others, but then again I don't know about the reasonability of the claims made by and against both candidates, mostly due to the absolute relative nature of most of the arguments being made in the media and my own ignorance.

Hateful or insulting? Is one just a more aggravated version of the other to you? I do realize the mistake I made when I have personally attacked someone and I am sorry for the times it happened but I don't think I've ''Hate''ed on any group beyond insulting them (I'm guessing you're talking about me insulting SJWs?)

I don't get what you're talking about about me making the ''right steps'' but I can assure you I haven't changed much from the GG thread beyond being more controlled when it comes to personal attacks and not talking without knowing all the facts.

This thread is not really anything to me, if not better than the others because conversations can go on for more than 2 posts.

EDIT: BTW; what exactly is the alt-right? Its a media term more than anything else and the objective meaning I can decipher seems to be ''right wingers I disagree with in 2016''. I'm thinking people can differentiate a moderate swing voter from a lifelong KKK neo-nazi guy enough to not paint them both with the same brush.
Post edited November 23, 2016 by Shadowstalker16
Martek: Better save it - you'll need it as currency to pay your jizyah taxes.
You still seem to think I use analogies instead of plainly stating identity when it applies. In that vein, you will have to understand that my surge of nazi comparisons mainly stems from the actual uprising of nazism that the US election has brought fourth.

For example, the Secure America Now propaganda video that you seem to have taken your entire knowledge about the refugee and migrant situation in Germany from: its content and structure is identical to the neo-nazi propaganda we have over here. Not similar, identical. Same thing, same words, same propaganda.

rtcvb32 has bitten on granite concerning the topic before and lost some of those fluoride free argumentative teeth in the process, and so did you. I'll gladly reiterate what I said a few dozen pages ago: I don't see why Europe should bear all of the Middle Eastern chaos that decades of American oil wars have in large part caused. If the Republicans don't want to shoulder their historical responsibility, if the Republicans don't even want to sensibly help in the greatest humanitarian catastrophe this decade, well fuck these assholes. The least thing you could do is to be properly ashamed of those wankers instead of gloating about the countries that would rather not have refugees die in droves at the border.

I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that we provide and then questions the manner in which we provide it.

I would rather that you just said "thank you" and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you take that 1% of your population in refugees and do your part. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think Germany looks like!

(Okay, I may have taken that last part from the movie tinyE likes so much)
rtcvb32: .
So are you going to tell me why your wife left you?

It helps to talk to people sometimes, especially good listeners such as I.

You won't really heal and move on until we discuss this underlying issue.
low rated
Kleetus: So are you going to tell me why your wife left you?

It helps to talk to people sometimes, especially good listeners such as I.

You won't really heal and move on until we discuss this underlying issue.
I've mentioned why in the past, although that topic and it's related content doesn't belong here. So I won't be answering it here. If you really want to know we can talk via PM/chat.

Martek: Just a coincidence that you are apparently playing by the same playbook?

I had a chance to take a sneak-peek at the Leftist Dictionary. Looked up some words; and here's their surprising definitions:

Bigot - Someone that disagrees with you
Chauvinist - Someone that disagrees with you
Hitler - Someone that disagrees with you
Homophobe - Someone that disagrees with you
Misogynist - Someone that disagrees with you
Nazi - Someone that disagrees with you
Racist - Someone that disagrees with you
Xenophobe - Someone that disagrees with you

Are you using that dictionary too?
Might read and glance over rules for radicals (book). More specifically calling these names and labels is to shock someone and keep them from responding which keeps them off-balance and seeming not only defensive but guilty of said charges.

#5 Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.
#13 Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

However especially with the media and with the Left & Democrats, when all they can do is call you racist, you know they've run out of things, tricks and resources.

Vainamoinen: rtcvb32 has bitten on granite concerning the topic before and lost some of those fluoride free argumentative teeth in the process, and so did you.
Having a reply of having to consume whole tubes of toothpaste in order to get poisoned, when clearly fluoride is dangerous in ppm (parts per million) that is a clear sign something is wrong. It's marked as toxic (and corrosive), why we consume something toxic is stupid. Dew on infowars makes a good point. 'It's suppose to be for our teeth, but we drink it, and I don't know anyone with teeth in their stomach'.

If it's for your teeth, having fluoride in toothpaste might be fine as long as it's a choice; However adding it to our drinking water doesn't need to be there. Also people have worse teeth issues than before, one study talked and showed that it was due to more brushing of teeth, although how much that is due to fluoride I can only guess.
Post edited November 23, 2016 by rtcvb32
low rated
rtcvb32: I've mentioned why in the past, although that topic and it's related content doesn't belong here.
On the contrary, this is exactly where it belongs.

And I no longer do private chat, last time I chatted with someone it was with tinyE and that didn't turn out very well.

Anyway, you need to open up about your failed marriage if you want to heal and move on, and I'm here to help you.

Think of me as a cross between Dr Phil and Paul Hogan, I'm putting another proverbial shrimp on the metaphorical barbeque for you.

So open up and don't hold back, I have enough shrimp to last the entire day.
low rated
Kleetus: On the contrary, this is exactly where it belongs.
No, this isn't the place for it. I'll leave it there.
low rated
rtcvb32: No, this isn't the place for it.
Your resistance shows how much you're suffering.

She must have really hurt you, was it anything sexual or contagious?

Because apart from being a good listener, sexual stuff is one of my specialties; it's right up my alley, metaphorically speaking.