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Kleetus: I don't want to take sides, but I'm starting to understand why wifey left you.
Likely cause he didn't want to be cuckold like you fam
low rated
Kleetus: I don't want to take sides, but I'm starting to understand why wifey left you.
You have a lot of broken/wrong points.

But I'll say this, the separation took place like 4-5 years ago.
low rated
rtcvb32: But I'll say this, the separation took place like 4-5 years ago.
It's still affecting you, I can tell from your words that you're hurting.

What reason did she give for leaving, I hope it wasn't the old "it's me and not you" routine?

Because everyone here knows, it's you, it's definitely you.
low rated
Today: 25 Nov 2016 - 54 days to office
Part 1

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Yesterday: Thankgiving best of replay (<i>3 hours</i>)

Daily Headlines

Nightly News - Ever since Wikileaks Spiritcooking; The path down the rabbit hole. [url=]Handkerchief code, Alleged charges, articles stating pedophilia isn't a crime. Creepy Biden footage. Uninvited, shutdown any discussion. Religion and expression. Founding fathers and families wanted to avoid theocracy. Bill of Rights 1791, Official state churches. Political free speech. Wall of separation between church and state. Atheists have their gods and they are fiercely worshiped. . 4th Amendment &amp; FISA act. [url=]War on Christmas, Gag rules from Johnson act, Standup in defiance. The <span class="podkreslenie">scam</span> called Black Friday, Interviewing people: Is Black Friday Racist? State run media. 5 Police officers shot this week. Man cuffed trying to push a man onto subway tracks, Pair, explosive device, they planned to shoot cops and start race war. Facebook censor tool given to China. Merkel against '<i>fake news</i>' driving populist movement, anything not the establishment is 'fake'. Flubbed Trump Coverage, Megyn Kelly failing book, Amazon removing bad reviews, calling them '<i>Trump Trolls</i>' and her book is failing (Hillary's book failed as well). 9/11 Mastermind to use immigration to destroy USA, CDC, US abortion rate at lowest point in decades.

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high rated
Sorry I'm so late with responding to your post.

rtcvb32: It's mentioned on Inforwars report. During the video show they mentioned the results were verified by (which redirects to ), however i couldn't find the exact corresponding article for it.
Could you please try again to find the source? I think it's rather critical to have one available for the kind of claim you are making that 95% of them vote Democrat. Also, could you point me in the direction of the remaining 3,999,993 cases of dead people voting? And I mean actual, believable cases of voter fraud, not fear-mongering articles suggesting this, opinion pieces or ongoing investigations.

rtcvb32: hell a reporter proved you could walk in and ask to vote as someone else. How many of these are just fraud or for dead i couldn't say, but until stricter laws are in place, keeping said fraud out is going to be difficult in those states.
Seems to me the voting didn't go through at the end, so we don't know if this would have been a vote that was going te be counted. What if the actual Huma Abedin, the person the journalist was posing as, had voted? And you can bet on it she has voted. Then the fraud would have been discovered. This is why in-person voting fraud is so difficult and rare.

You always have to consider effort, risk and reward. Suppose with some pretty careful planning one person might be able to vote as someone else AND a conflict doesn't arise afterward. Don't you think that in order for this kind of fraud to have any kind of effect in the end, it would have to be organized at a much larger scale? Of course, with this also comes along a huge increase in effort and risk.

rtcvb32: I wonder what I'd find if I was handed all the tips, articles and references to fraud going across the country... That would be interesting. I'd probably die of over-saturation of information.
Considering how Infowars alone is well-versed in presenting these, I agree with you. However, if you're talking about these leading to actual evidence on voter fraud, then let me present you my counter argument of equal value: I don't think so.

rtcvb32: Actually in NC, specifically Durham County was one of the areas that kept the polls open an extra 90 minutes, and during those 90 minutes a large number of the votes favoring one candidate suddenly took a turn for the other candidate. Quite suspicious...
What I think is suspicious is that most of the time that whenever voter fraud allegations like these are made, people like you keep "falling" for it, while previous elections again and again indicate that suggested cases of fraud wind up being the result of rather than conspiracy and, particularly in the case of votes by dead people, [url=]clerical errors and mistaken identities.

The latter would also explain your example of the woman dying in 2006, but voting in other years.

rtcvb32: One woman was sent stacks of ballots (like 80 of them).
And how many people abused this clerical error by committing fraud? The answer comes from your own article: "(...) spokeswoman Brenda Duran said the Postal Service 'has indicated that they returned all of the improperly addressed ballots to our office.'"

In closing I'd like to make mention of a pretty thorough factcheck article examining claims regarding the likelihood of dead people and non-citizens voting and on voter fraud in general.
Zjeraar: Could you please try again to find the source?
You're actually trying to engage him in a factual debate?

BTW, you know he's divorced and his wife left him?
low rated
"...[T]he powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole, this system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations....

It must not be felt that these heads of the world's chief central banks were themselves substantive powers in world finance. They were not. Rather, they were the technicians and agents of the dominant investment bankers of their own countries, who had raised them up and were perfectly capable of throwing them down. The substantive financial powers of the world were in the hands of these investment bankers (also called 'international' or 'merchant' bankers) who remained largely behind the scenes in their own unincorporated private banks. These formed a system of international cooperation and national dominance which was more private, more powerful, and more secret than that of their agents in the central banks, this dominance of investment bankers was based on their control over the flows of credit and investment funds in their own countries and throughout the world. They could dominate the financial and industrial systems of their own countries by their influence over the flow of current funds though bank loans, the discount rate, and the re-discounting of commercial debts; they could dominate governments by their own control over current government loans and the play of the international exchanges. Almost all of this power was exercised by the personal influence and prestige of men who had demonstrated their ability in the past to bring off successful financial coupes, to keep their word, to remain cool in a crisis, and to share their winning opportunities with their associates."


The chief architects of this new World Empire are planning another war — World War III — to eliminate any vestiges of political, economic or religious freedom from the face of the earth. They will then completely control the earth, and its natural resources. The people will be completely enslaved just as the people were in the ancient Roman Empire. While the above may sound like fiction, I can assure you that it is true. I wish it was fiction, but it is not, it is reality.

-- Excerpts from 'Tragedy & Hope' by Carroll Quigley - 1966
Post edited November 27, 2016 by rtcvb32
high rated
What a total nutjob. He doesn't even know the basics of how the roman empire worked, yet he still refers to it to fake historical credibility.

All this spreading of false news and false information by confused, ignorant and lying individuals does not make me all optimistic about how the internet will transform us. Have we become better informed or more ignorant? I usually think that the former is correct but sometimes I doubt it.
So, can we establish a way in which we 'prove' an argument online? Because there is always a statistic, article or research journal that you can find online that will 'prove your point'.

I'm sorry for being stupid (I know I am), but I have been going around online during the presidential election process and tried to dig up dirt on Hillary and Trump, and found that both everything and nothing is true according to the internet, even if you disregard articles from obviously shady websites. The only thing I couldn't disprove on the Hillary-side of things was the Clinton Foundation fraud and the campaign contributions from Saudi Arabia (and the e-mails, of course), which would have been enough to keep me from voting for her had I been an American Citizen.

I am not very open to Infowars' content because it mostly relies on fearmongering and just emotional reporting, but that's the same nowadays with mainstream media. So, since we can only rely on ourselves nowadays to verify info (or so it seems, correct me if I'm wrong please, I mean it), what's a sure-fire to decide whether something is credible or not? Google-search for sources?

Sorry for even jumping into this topic, I probably shouldn't even be here :S
Post edited November 28, 2016 by Karterii93
Karterii93: So, can we establish a way in which we 'prove' an argument online? Because there is always a statistic, article or research journal that you can find online that will 'prove your point'.
This obviously isn't a surefire method, but it's a nice, basic start:

Arguments, no, those are always nearly impossible to prove. But you can dig for information yourself, and if you do it right, you'll come to a better understanding.
low rated
Today: 27 Nov 2016 - 52 days to office
First hour - Jill Stein calling for recount in 5 states, all ones Trump won. Al Gore got robbed. Fundraising scam. Wikileaks & codewords. Electoral colleges getting deth threats, Obama urged Clinton to concede on election night. Trump pressuring foreign leaders to probe Clinton Foundation, Soros targeted for protests, Drudge added to blackout because '<i>Russian Propaganda</i>', &amp; [url=]FBI documents on pedophile symbols, , [url=]Atmosphere of fear, Jimmy Savile, Evil goes after children. Spirit cooking. NYT, Julian Assange missing 40+ days & held by assembly, Breitbart tweet and death.

Second hour - EU censoring free speech with a list cited by unnamed group? CNN Tripling down, CNN aired 30 minutes of porn in Boston. Roger Stone: Romney doesn't share Trump's vision. The best Secretary of States had relationships with the president. Giuliani & NYPD. There will be substantially more proof on Clintons. Justice. Never second guess Trump. Chelsy lobbying Trump's children. Disagreement sessions on marijuana. Preibus. Trump says Stone is loyal and tough. , '<i>No one is above the law</i>'. The recount. $5M raised in 2 days, 5 states challenged that Trump won, [url=]Demographics not hacking, last minute ditch effort for Soros to overtake election. Epic hypocrites. Death threats, 20th December changes? Expected this week: Picks for Secretary of State & Secretary of Interior. Neocon boarding party being rebutted. Trudeau's Castro tribute? Nationalism on the rise; Widespread unhappiness, mainstream media miscalculated enormously. Making of president 2016 (book). Obama urged Hillary to concede. Castro survived 50 years, a thorn in US's side, Life of luxury. A couple good things about Castro. About 7Million voted that shouldn't have (dead & illegals), Trump won Popular vote if you exclude illegals. Trump interview: Bombs in the WTC.

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Post edited November 28, 2016 by rtcvb32
low rated
Pangaea666: Tell me about it. I'm using 1450 ppm fluoride toothpaste, AND 910 ppm fluoride mouth water.
I'm trying to find a mouthwater with any kind of sensible fluoride content right now, and it seems the absolute maximum I can find over here is a 225 ppm one. Dammit. It seems like the German government just doesn't want to properly kill us off.
low rated
rtcvb32: .
What's your roommate's name?
low rated
Today: 28 Nov 2016 - 53 days to office
First hour - Bowne report #Pizzagate update. Muslims; Flogged for close proximity with man, Makeup tips hide domestic violence, Muslim hardliners break up what they think is gay sex party, surrender your homes to migrants or go to jail (very similar to this). . Castro &amp; Racism. Romney &amp; [url=]Pretraeus. Ohio state Machete attack 9 injured 1 killed. TV watching best to avoid it entirely, reading and talk radio are better for you, DARPA & flicker rates. Mark Dice &amp; Bigfoot, uninformed masses. Glyphosate aka Roundup. Real love. Real interfacing with reality. Recounts, and Texas elector. 90% news 10% gut.

Second hour - Animal rights, cows, connecting with the earth. Castro. Green party recounts in 5 states Trump won, some states had 100% Hillary votes. Civil war if election overturned. Everything is unraveling and accelerating. Cathloc church deal with China setting world policy. Matt Bracken: Government Propaganda ban. CIA sent journalists around the world to generate fake stories. Project Mockingbird. Jill Stein donations, recounts intended to push election past Dec 19 deadline, instigate civil war. 'Game of liars'. 'Dec 19 & Jan 20'th critical days', 'we're just seeing the face cards, a tiny fraction of the game. There's a war going on right now at a hidden level, Stein is being pushed as a puppet', OSU incident 3 hours held off as 'shooting' while it was really a butcher knife and car, 9/10 it's Islamists doing it. 1927 Michigan 50 killed and others injured via dynomite. 'Instant Immortality'. Orlando. '<i>Obama purged the trainers</i>', 'a million catch-22 regulations', 'Clearly a deal has been made with Racialist Islamists', violent sleeper cell, long term immigration & demographics plan via breeding. German government giving into Islam. Whipping up race-hate, Whipping boy Breitbart, More Officer deaths called by communists. Light-bulb flickering & bright before it goes out, 'based on a lie, psychological arsonists'. rejuvenation clinics, [url=]Kristol, 'burn down the house now', The History Books: 2017 How soros blew up the world. Cuba funded groups worse than ISIS, Pheonix program, fog of war, communists wrote the book on massacring whole villages. Castro was such a monster, urging Cruise Jeb to launch a first strike. 'Useful idiots'. 'From now til Dec 19th a pivotal role', Trying to instigate something. "Don't be violent, get the electoral college to get the votes, go from there". 'They need a southern white face to do something serious/stupid'. Electoral voters being threatened.

Third Hour - Cuban exiles celebrate Castro's death MSNBC footage; Worship of Fidel. Bracken: Raul is afraid; Remote funeral, A funeral can get out of control and cause a revolution. Berlin, 'dragged out and shot' called Romanian term limits. Islamic culture is all about infiltrating and taking over. Italy forced immigrants on populations. Canada celebrates Hijab news anchor while crosses are banned. Propaganda in Films. Crazy enough to try anything (even push WW3?). New Media/Alt-Right, 'Panic, end of their road', making patriots 'scary white nationalists'? Japanese fading into history, Fukushima. Media & Democrats - new term: PIS - Progressive International Socialists. Cuba, Argentina and Venezuela had a huge middle classes, now hell holes. Prager University. 'They can quickly be re-educated with the truth'. 'They are just waiting for someone to shoot a group of BLM in order to burn the country'. Narcissistic Pathological mental illness, Soros. Wikileaks and pedophile codewords. Ritualistic rings. Huma Abedine. Endgame. 'The random killing of people is such an authoritarian thing'. 'I couldn't go 2 weeks as a cop', Montreal strike. Callers: Pray for Jeff Sessions. 'This is a civil war make no mistake', opposites, 90% geographically, food and energy comes from the red areas not the blue. Russian revolution. Mass industrial farming, if oil/gas goes down there won't be food except in self-sufficient areas. French/Russian revolution, harness urban population with execution squads and take food by force, but wouldn't work in the USA. Not enough planes/drones to video-game war. Starvation event, cities would implode into cannibalism. Global financial structure/house of cards. 'Thanks for holding my gun', Language can be powerful, Mexican citizens, Trump Wall, Self-Deportation. FM 41-10. 95% combat arms and war-fighters are patriots. 'The people giving the orders would be hung'
low rated
Fourth Hour - Ohio '<i>shooter</i>' was wielding a knife, and a jihad from Somali named Abdul Artan. ISIS training video how to murder '<i>disbelievers</i>'. New deals to put the economy first. Keeping jobs in the US. Obama/Clinton bragged how they'd shut down coal/energy, Kerry to reduce AC. The transition: Obama Flurry of new rules, Can Trump cut 70% of the regulations?, 'without representation'. Start thinking of EPA/IRS as an extensions of executive orders. The purpose of 'regulations'. Bank mergers. FDA & regulations meant to keep competition out. Romney & Gen Petraeus Democrat inner circle of Bilderburg, KKR & Emerging Kissinger. Secretary of State, eyes and ears, war and peace, trade treaties and climate treaties. 1,000 missing emails between Clinton and Petraeus - so what were they hiding? We've lost nearly all our freedoms in last 15 years in name of 'national security' yet those at the top are given a pass. Regan and how he was co-opted. Comey said Petraeus's case was worse, he'd need a pardon before he could be Secretary of State, 'Petraeus will torpedo the administration'. Dictator Castro Dead, Trump statement not fawning over him. Cubin Missile Crisis, closest to Nuclear catastrophe. Those from repressed communist/totalitarian areas are the most liberal people you will ever find. Castro known as 'El Comendante', 600 attempts on his life. , [url=]Ted cruz. Electoral College: A firewall to corruption. Jill Stein missed Deadline for Pennsylvania. Trying to 'delegitimize the election', colour revolutions.

Full Audio Podcast (<i>3 hours</i>)
Full (<i>3 hours</i>)
Daily Headlines

Nightly News - Tactic to deny Trump a victory. Back in June, Jill Stein blasted Clinton over Email Gate, money raised for recount was more than her own campaign, to recount WI MA and PA. The plan is to delay 3 states so the Electoral college can't vote on Dec 19-20 and delegitimize the election. Wisconson rejected hand recounts so Jill Stein is going to sue. Jill Missed Pennsylvania, Nov 21st was the deadline Giving Trump 280 votes minimum, more irrelevant now. Soros does this with Colour Revolutions: Delegitimize the election, portray winner as authoritarian, energize college students, finally overthrow the electoral college. The electoral college is a firewall against corruption/concentration of power in just a few locations. 15 state strategy vs 4 state strategy for popular vote. Pyramid structure of power. Soros financed Clinton's recount Lawyer Marc Elias, Photo ID is not racist. Getting Multi-party Democracy not a Duopoly. Foundations will continue with a life of their own, stealing money and overthrowing governments. Trump pressuring Foreign leaders to probe Clinton Foundation. China to defend globalism whether they want to, or not. Petraeus and why not to pick him; A worm-tongue for the globalists, a committed globalist. 'Together with Canada and Mexico' the North American Union, supports gun control, calls Climate Change a threat to national security, 1,000 missing emails, opposite of what we need and what Trump wants. GOD-verment: Surveillance on steroids, starting December 1st (VPN privacy is now a crime?). Kaepernick booed after supporting Fidel Castro 'he's ignorant'. 10 Consecutive losses, NFL ratings down, cancelling Thursday nights. . [url=]Ohio state '<i>shooting</i>' with car and butcher knife. These attacks always seem to happen in 'gun-free zones', 'when seconds count and police are minutes away'. Suggest: Getting concealed carry permit and training for self defense. Preventative measures, 'make it a routine and habit'.