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low rated
Regals: With people sharing how I should die and how they would kill me with various poisons.
That was so sad, who did this?
low rated
Today: 21 Nov 2016 - 59 days to office
First hour - Obama speeches and '<i>fake news</i>' parroting China's orders, Marine Le Pen likely 2017 French President. 'You are powerful'. Wave of fake hate crimes, Fluoride & books, Communist Chinese &amp; death vans, , [url=]Strikes. Conan the barbarian. Trumpcup, Long term thinking, , [url=]China intensifying censorship.

Second hour - In the last two years, the complete weaponize of media. Russia. Anti-human science. James Wesley Rawles: 'Their basic long term strategy is still in place. Push trump into position where they can't decrease the size of government and increase human liberty. This is going to hit a crisis point, either WW3, or full economic collapse', 'They still want a global governance, one digital currency. They are going to push their agenda economically and geopolitically', the age of deception and betrayal, 'We need to be prepared for traumatic times'. Race-war garbage. 'The globalists are evil and desperate. A few limited possibilities to salvage the agenda. We need to go on the offensive, speak out when they see the agenda and support the Trump administration. Only those well provisioned will be in position to help', 'We need to have our own security and countermeasures', BET & Chappelle ask to give Trump a chance. 'This is a war'. 'The importance of getting prepared, cusp of a major crisis'. 'They are willing to crash the bunker if they can get their agenda implemented', 'Strategic relocation window will close within a year', 'something as simple as raising interest 1-2% can crash everything', Through the legal system attack back, 'We need to be proactive and vocal, but also protect our privacy', 'We have the citizenry that has the means to make a difference, in other countries they spend 99% of their time worrying about starving to death', 'The rise of nationalism is a natural reaction to the forced globalization, Brexit and trump are examples'. George Soros 60 minutes interview, 'We could mop this up very quickly'.

Third Hour - : '<i>Take advantage of the articles and information, free of charge</i>', '<i>Everything the enemy does is to make us dependent</i>'. Global rise of 1776, return of common sense and decency. [url=]Lord Christopher Monckton: 'Brexit and Trump double-whammy'. Hive mind of the left, 'they lost their connection with the working class, and thrown away working people used to vote left', 'A test of the strength of our institutions and buck the trend and deal with the debt problem', 'If you do it right, making massive cuts and we didn't miss we weren't spending on things', 'Now there has to be a tightening in Washington DC. 93% of voters in DC voted Clinton. Cut the federal administration to ribbons, sell off land in phased sales back into the hands of people, defederalize the land', 'If you start shutting down duplicating federal agencies against the constitutions and riddled with leftists, Close the EPA down and America can be open for business again', Fascism and communism, 'those policies killing 10 million a year for climate change that isn't even happening', 'The left is continuing their war on humanity'. Democrats uninviting children. 'This is typical of the left. They don't believe in the popular vote. What we have to do is they either shape up, or they can get out altogether, they can't pretend they like democracy when they don't', Major announcement: Climate Change talk December 2-4, 'There will be enormous resistance to this being published, and will effectively end the climate scare'. 'The left today what they stand for is evil, wicked, of the devil. If you look at what they stand for, climate change is a lie, they favor homosexuality, divorce, abortion; they favor running up massive debts and war', Thatcher government, 'They are anti-progress but want all the wealth and power', 'The next big fight is an internal one; The faction to dominate politics in/for 50 years is a credible workmanlike answer', 'break the grip of the left and the 93% who voted for Clinton, otherwise the money will run out'. 'it is because of this voice of freedom that freedom is once again rising up and exists again', Bannon, finding the good people. What happens if they kill Trump? 'Get clear evidence and go to the police and demand prosecutions/press charges'.

Fourth Hour - The Modern Liberal. Goal based system. 'They want to scientifically control everything'. Settling $25mil fraud case 'i don't have the time to go through a long but winning trial' vs Laureate International Universities, Bannon interview 'If we deliver we'll get 60 percent of the white vote, and 40 percent of the black and Hispanic vote and we'll govern for 50 years'. Removing unnecessary departments. The $1 Trillion infrastructure plan, the downside of Public/Private Partnerships, Crony capitalism. 'A black hole for the worst elements of society'. Separation of religion and government vs Islam, exercising right of religion vs establishment of religion. Trump has plan for Government workers 'Hiring freezes, an end to automatic raises, a green light to fire poor performers, a ban on union business on the government’s dime and less generous pensions' what everyone else has had to live with for years. 10 Million more federal workers than manufacturing jobs. Taxes and inversion of Thomas Jefferson. Paul Ryan &amp; Repealing Obamacare, setting up a marketplace. Pence & . Sanders [url=]Move Beyond identity politics.
rtcvb32: .
You seem like such a balanced and learned individual, I'm struggling to come up with reasons why your wife left you.

She must be reading your Infowars thread now and regretting her decision, sucks to be her right about now.

BTW, may I have her phone number?
low rated
Kleetus: You seem like such a balanced and learned individual, I'm struggling to come up with reasons why your wife left you.
Something TinyE never understood or grasped on, was she didn't leave me. I left her. Although that reasoning is difficult for some others to understand the whats, and whys.

She already has eyes set on someone else.
low rated
Today: 21 Nov 2016 - 59 days to office
Part 1

Full Audio Podcast (<i>3 hours</i>)
Full (<i>3 hours</i>)
Daily Headlines

Nightly News - Trump $25mil lawsuit settling, Trump's plans for government workers benefits, government employees 10million more than manufacturing. , '<i>An international order will emerge if a system of compatible priorities comes into being. - The extraordinary impact of the president-elect on the imagination of humanity is an important element in shaping a new world order</i>'. The Trilateral Commission. CFR. '<i>The most powerful clique in these elitist groups have one objective in common - they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty of the national independence of the United States</i>', [url=]Kissinger urges Obama to build New World Order, crisis as an opportunity. With Trump he has no baggage and could '<i>mold him</i>', Foreign policy &amp; national security team, Bolton, Cohen, 'US must consider whether Saudi Arabia and Pakistan qualify as US allies'. Senators vow to counter efforts to improve Russian ties. Nato says '<i>Russia is not our enemy</i>'. Bolton pushes war first &amp; cozying up to Bolton is dangerous. Resistance to Sessions, the TPP and trade treaties, Surveillance state, Session's Nomination alarms civil libertarians 'champion of security over all else', Privacy, 3 sinister things Obama did that Trump can use to devastate the US, Pompeo as CIA chief, , Church &amp; Pike hearings, [url=]Feds spying, IRS war on Bitcoin privacy, sweeping confiscation of records. Fake news and first amendment. 'The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. Lies will pass into history' 'In our age there is no such thing is "keeping out of politics", all issues are political issues and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred, and schizophrenia', 'All the war propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from the people who are not fighting' - George Orwell. Seth Rich murdered, DNC staffer beg for public help, security cameras, DNC security chief, weird open-shut case. Texas monument unveiling, redguard and BLM. Bloody Sunday, 4 police officers shot, 'the police uniform is the target', Legacy of Obama and Media narratives. NY Uber drive with ISIS ties arrested '<i>They want an operation in Times-Square</i>', In July boy's leg blown off, Bombing in NY arrested in NJ, and now this. Fukushima earthquake.
Kleetus: That was so sad, who did this?
With so much alt-right butthurt involved, it must have been the Hamilton cast.
low rated
Kleetus: That was so sad, who did this?
Vainamoinen: With so much alt-right butthurt involved, it must have been the Hamilton cast.
sorry you mean alt-left right?
Vainamoinen: Guys, I'm living on the edge... switched from a 1000 ppm fluoride toothpaste to a 1250 ppm one last week... ohhh.
Tell me about it. I'm using 1450 ppm fluoride toothpaste, AND 910 ppm fluoride mouth water.

Will probably grow a second head any day now.
rtcvb32: she didn't leave me. I left her.
Why did you leave her?
low rated
Today: 22 Nov 2016 - 58 days to office
First hour - Bowne report & Fake news, George Orwell; Trump transition update. Trump called in press yesterday and told them off '<i>I hate your network, everyone at CNN are liars</i>'. Leaving TPP & Carbon Taxes (neither of which congress voted for), Stocks up, Yes a wall will be built, Obama fining police departments for not hiring illegals (and following the laws...), Tim Allen '<i>Hollywood calls Trump a bully</i>' he then says there's no source material for bullying/hate. Obama Admin shuts down surveillance on border (He really wants a lot of illegals...), gathering signatures for Ballot. State of Austin Texas &amp; [url=]California. Trump giving Clinton a pass (<i>for now?</i>). How Jared Kushner Won Trump The White House. Deliver tax cuts, spending freezes, secure borders, cut billion dollar fighter programs, stronger military, tariff deals/trade deals. Democrat party going extinct, 96% hopeful: Polls show tremendous confidence in trump. Fukushima earthquake. 360 wins. If you don't learn how to fail you become a butt-hurt wimp. Done with Political Correctness, the media & lack of trust. '<i>If you don't like trump as president, then leave</i>'. Getting uninvited to thanksgiving due to Trump. Jones & Sessions. Chelsy begging Trumps not to edict parents.

Second hour - Backlash, uninvited to Thanksgiving due to election news. Dehumanized, no groveling. The US in the 50's had 80% of the wealth, and in 90's half the world's wealth. Trump telling off media/press; '<i>The Fake Media</i>', Kanye West hospitalized very strange, examples of real fake news by media (Texas). Callers: Hillary & Pardon? (Pardon can't protect against ongoing criminal activity of Clinton Foundation). They are going to fight against having Sessions as AG. Hamilton singles out Pence But they didn't even vote. George Soros, Stocks up (after they tried crashing them). 4 shot police officers; blue lives matter protest/strike. . Imminent terror attacks while [url=]border is totally open. Wikileaks; No more leaks. New big email drop right before inauguration?

Third Hour - 'No politics zone' Left shutting down dialog; TPP / Carbon Taxes never ratified and forced via executive order. BBC had £3.7 Billion budget, not $1 billion budget. 'your views don't count', arrogance, 'High generals see it from within', 'Jeff Sessions is all you need to know', Trump is going to do daily videos for the public vs a press conference. 'The problem with free-market is it works too well', a Civil war. Callers: The lost and ignorant, bussed in protestors need to be locked up, Hillary's Handlers and the Handler's Handlers need to go down. Cutting Taxes. 'This country is a tinderbox'. When the NWO trials start. 'Screw you trump for cutting my taxes!'. Day 1. MSM. Trump shirt and bungalow. Weird liberal stories. Jesse: Trump doing the right move with Hillary, a chess move. 'When presented with solid facts they still won't believe it'. Electorate College. Military Times: Pentagon acknowledges domestic terror threat, concealed handguns authorized for military recruiters and personnel in government facilities. S2 route, drones and the border control. Eddy: Millie to be DC correspondence and be on 24 hours a day. Trump going light while waiting for next wiki-drop.

Fourth Hour - Ron Paul warns of false flag to force into war. Roger Stone: This is up to the AG and court. Either we are a nation of laws or a nation of men. The 650,000 emails having no damning information is false. NYPD blackmailed through election day. 'Somewhere Nixon is Smiling'. Media was dire to defeat Trump. Making of President 2016 (book). 'Trump playing the long game, a pardon blocker'. 2,000 miles of wall. Twitter purge of alt-media; Meanwhile Convicted Pedophile's twitter account is active and tweeting. Twitter also <span class="podkreslenie"><span class="bold">verifies</span> Muslim Brotherhood</span> account despite pledges to curb hate speech. Racism and double standards, Twitter becoming a cesspit of pedophiles, racists and violent Islamists. Zoomed in trump memo for building the wall. Fake media CNN makes false claim and Press picks it up, and the quote about Jews doesn't exist. Tweets & National editor of Politico doxing Spencer advocating for baseball bats. More hate crimes that never happened; Leaving notes apparently is a hate crime now? (WTF?), Tim Allen '<i>Hollywood calls Trump a bully</i>' and it's hypocrisy. Secret underground group of Hollywood conservatives who shut down careers for differing opinions (see Kanye West), Sweden builds new cities for Muslims even as rapes are skyrocketing. Don't forget the mayors being inserted are Muslim too. Germans feel like strangers in their own country, meanwhile '<i>sharia Police</i>' didn't (<i>??</i>) break law by trying to impose Muslim rules in German town, Milo Yiannopoulos barred from speaking in schools also banned from Twitter for talking against Islam. France 'end of Le Pen' (We saw this already with Brexit and Trump, she will likely win). New study shows Liberals more prone for criminal behavior.
low rated
Full Audio Podcast (<i>3 hours</i>)
Full (<i>3 hours</i>)
Daily Headlines

Nightly News - Don Lemon & Discecting smears from CNN. Kim Jong-un writes 9 page letter to Trump to stop '<i>hostile nuclear threats</i>'?? Then what about this??. New UN chief says politicians are '<i>failing losers of globalization</i>' and the rise/return of Nationalism. School bus crash, was this intentional? Why? Exacerbated. Child neglect charges vs bus driving, 1998 no car seat fought 6 years to overturn it. Fukushima earthquake and nuclear power plants near fault lines, How long can we contain spent fuel? Former NRC chairman says Nuclear industry is '<i>going away</i>', Nuclear waste storage, Obama power plan and Nuclear power, Environmental groups (<i>2016</i>) change tune on Nuclear power (let's worry about carbon dioxide, don't worry about nuclear waste), Renewable energy, John Kerry and AC. Kanye West and craziness after supporting Trump. Un-invited due to election/politics, get together and be thankful. Two Americas. What is Obama's Legacy? Failed Obamacare, doubled debt, divided America, killed police officers.

Recommended Videos:
<span class="bold">NNN</span> &amp; climate change 2014 interview.
Winning the war against SJWs
low rated
rtcvb32: -snip-

What else is there to say?
The police went into his home handcuffed him and he is currently imprisoned on no charges.

Here is what they imprisoned him over.
Post edited November 23, 2016 by Regals
rtcvb32: Winning the war against SJWs
Wait, didn't you win that "war" already?

Ohhhh I see. You're looking for more of a Final Solution.

Pangaea666: Tell me about it. I'm using 1450 ppm fluoride toothpaste, AND 910 ppm fluoride mouth water.
I think 1500 ppm is sadly the maximum they put into toothpastes, but I just can't find one above my current 1250 (one without the ingredients I actually react badly to, that is – sodium lauryl sulfate and menthol). My dentist has suggested I use a high fluoride mouth water as well, but I just can't find a sensibly priced one that has enough fluoride. Man, that government really makes poisoning yourself REALLY DIFFICULT. :)
Post edited November 23, 2016 by Vainamoinen
low rated
Regals: What else is there to say?
The police went into his home handcuffed him and he is currently imprisoned on no charges.
They mentioned he has seemed unstable for a while, however it was after he basically says 'I'd give trump a chance' to basically impressionable young fans that he is suddenly taken away. Very suspicious, considering the establishment and media has so demonized Trump so far and aren't backing down yet.
low rated
rtcvb32: Winning the war against SJWs
Vainamoinen: Wait, didn't you win that "war" already?

Ohhhh I see. You're looking for more of a Final Solution.
Putting things in other people's mouths without consent isn't very politically correct last time I checked.