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low rated
Regals: BTW it was discovered 3 million Illegal immigrants voted for Trump
Hillary won the Popular vote by 1 million.
I was pretty sure Hillary won the popular vote closer to 680,000 votes; But maybe that was just when she conceded and when there were a few states not yet added in (California for one).

Also 4 million dead voted this election, and you can bet 95% or more went to Hillary. This means that far more likely Trump won in excess the popular vote over 6 million votes.

But that's just a guess. Unless there's a full recount and discounting the 7 million votes, we won't know for sure.
Regals: Globalism is over and by that extent beta males like yourself
You're right, beta males are so over. Of course, alpha males are so much worse. God, those bugs!

I like my men release ready.
Post edited November 19, 2016 by Vainamoinen
rtcvb32: Also 4 million dead voted this election, and you can bet 95% or more went to Hillary. This means that far more likely Trump won in excess the popular vote over 6 million votes.
Just some fact checking here:

There seem to be 4 million dead people on the voter rolls. I haven't seen many reports of them voting. Let alone voting Democrat. In fact, seniors - those more likely to become dead people on the voter rolls - have shown a greater preference to vote for the Republican party.

So this is unsubstantiated, and in all likelihood untrue.
Post edited November 19, 2016 by Zjeraar
low rated
Zjeraar: There seem to be 4 million dead people on the voter rolls. I haven't seen many reports of them voting. Let alone voting Democrat. In fact, seniors - those more likely to become dead people on the voter rolls - have shown a greater preference to vote for the Republican party.

So this is unsubstantiated, and in all likelihood untrue.
There has been rampant reports of voter fraud the 3 weeks leading up to and including the election. Some dead voters have never been purged form the system and vote every time they can, while others people pick through a list of recent dead and grab 2-3 of them and simply vote in their names. So many reported entries it's hard to say. It just blurs together. Generally dead & illegal voters vote democrat. I won't say they all will, but most of them. That's why voting rules are so lax in Democrat controlled areas, because they don't want to prosecute those that would vote them into power.

Here's a handful of references. I could probably find another 100 if I tried. As for how many of them specific to dead voter? Not sure, probably 1/4th of the stories were about dead voters specifically.
rtcvb32: Also 4 million dead voted this election, and you can bet 95% or more went to Hillary. This means that far more likely Trump won in excess the popular vote over 6 million votes.
Zjeraar: Just some fact checking here:

There seem to be 4 million dead people on the voter rolls. I haven't seen many reports of them voting. Let alone voting Democrat. In fact, seniors - those more likely to become dead people on the voter rolls - have shown a greater preference to vote for the Republican party.

So this is unsubstantiated, and in all likelihood untrue.
Wouldn't it be funny if all those dead voters had never got around to voting while alive? Apathetic while breathing, Proactive while pushing up daisies.

If zombies are going to be the new swing vote then I hope Rick Grimes never decides to run for Sheriff.
low rated
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high rated
rtcvb32: Generally dead (...) voters vote democrat. I won't say they all will, but most of them.
You said 4 million dead voters voted. None of your links acknowledge or even hint at this. Also, could you provide a source for above quote, and with that I don't mean Rudy Giuliani.

Onto the links you've provided:

The interviewee from your first link says he filed six cases in the last year where dead voters possibly voted -- not 4 million.

Rudy Giuliani from your second link says "I'm sorry, dead people generally vote for Democrats rather than Republicans", but gives no source as far as I can tell. The same article states that the cheating, Giuliani alleges would occur, would be negligible and not change the outcome.

Your third link leads to an opinion piece featuring a lawyer making unsubstantiated claims starting from the second paragraph. The first paragraph deals with illegal immigrants filling out incorrect employment forms.

Your fourth link seems to be dealing with an ongoing investigation into possible voter fraud, but nothing right now appears to be clear as to what is the case.

From your fifth link:
"CBS4 reported that it 'found multiple cases' of dead people voting around the state" Unfortunately, they don't disclose how many those are. But I'll give you that it appears to be at least one according to this revelatory quote: "Somebody was able to cast a vote that was not theirs to cast".

The article behind your sixth link "Florida election officials busted massive voter fraud" features an admittedly awesome headline, but probably has nothing do with voter fraud according to this update: "It was determined that the ballots were being completed by SOE staff on behalf of overseas military personnel who had voted by faxing their ballots to the election office. The fax paper does not scan into the voting machines and the votes must be transferred onto a ballot that can be scanned. State law allows such a transfer of vote to a computer ballot."
Post edited November 20, 2016 by Zjeraar


That Jones guy, eh? What a boundless liar.
Post edited November 20, 2016 by Vainamoinen
low rated
Politifact is ran by a libtard in his basement.
Regals: Politifact is ran by a libtard in his basement.
I understand your anger. You must hate really her for ruining all those lies you tell yourself before going to sleep.

Though I see no particular debunking article for your absolute favorite, the Nazi gun control theory.
low rated
Zjeraar: You said 4 million dead voters voted. None of your links acknowledge or even hint at this. Also, could you provide a source for above quote, and with that I don't mean Rudy Giuliani.
It's mentioned on Inforwars report. During the video show they mentioned the results were verified by (which redirects to ), however i couldn't find the exact corresponding article for it. Although i certainly don't doubt the results, as most of the results are going to be in states that don't require ID or verification, hell a reporter proved you could walk in and ask to vote as someone else. How many of these are just fraud or for dead i couldn't say, but until stricter laws are in place, keeping said fraud out is going to be difficult in those states.

I wonder what I'd find if I was handed all the tips, articles and references to fraud going across the country... That would be interesting. I'd probably die of over-saturation of information.

Zjeraar: The interviewee from your first link says he filed six cases in the last year where dead voters possibly voted -- not 4 million.
Yes, he filed and found 6, one of which was a man who died in the 1940's. The [url=]PEW article a while back[/url] found there were millions of dead voters on the rolls (1.8 Million). I'm not sure about you, but my impression is you have to register each year you want to vote. That means someone is registering them. It is possible you don't have to register every year, in Oregon for example everyone eligible is automatically sent a voter pamphlet and ballot via mail.
* Approximately 24 million—one of every eight—voter registrations in the United States are no longer valid or
are significantly inaccurate.
* More than 1.8 million deceased individuals are listed as voters.
* Approximately 2.75 million people have registrations in more than one state.
Actually in NC, specifically Durham County was one of the areas that kept the polls open an extra 90 minutes, and during those 90 minutes a large number of the votes favoring one candidate suddenly took a turn for the other candidate. Quite suspicious...

One woman was sent stacks of ballots (like 80 of them).

Oh well...
high rated
rtcvb32: Yes, he filed and found 6, one of which was a man who died in the 1940's. The [url=]PEW article a while back[/url] found there were millions of dead voters on the rolls (1.8 Million). I'm not sure about you, but my impression is you have to register each year you want to vote. That means someone is registering them. It is possible you don't have to register every year, in Oregon for example everyone eligible is automatically sent a voter pamphlet and ballot via mail.

* Approximately 24 million—one of every eight—voter registrations in the United States are no longer valid or
are significantly inaccurate.
* More than 1.8 million deceased individuals are listed as voters.
* Approximately 2.75 million people have registrations in more than one state.
Onefiercepuppy already explained this in this very thread, have you already forgotten? That's voter registration, not voter fraud. Records aren't purged everyday so dead people can still show up in them, don't worry about it I'm sure it's usual practice to do it right before an election. But unless these people actually vote, it's not voter fraud. That's why the fact that he only ever found 6 cases of voter fraud is so important.

rtcvb32: I wonder what I'd find if I was handed all the tips, articles and references to fraud going across the country... That would be interesting. I'd probably die of over-saturation of information.
I'm sure that won't happen, it would require you to actually read them past their titles. That's why you didn't refute his assertions of your 5 other links, because they weren't videos, they were articles, so you never read them before posting them here. Just the titles. If you did you'd have seen he was right. That's the problem with this:

rtcvb32: Here's a handful of references. I could probably find another 100 if I tried. As for how many of them specific to dead voter? Not sure, probably 1/4th of the stories were about dead voters specifically.
I'm sure you can find 100 references, but can you read them? Can you actually read what they are saying and digest the information for yourself? Or will you stop at the title 100 times and just copy paste the link, completely oblivious of what is being said?
Post edited November 21, 2016 by DaCostaBR
low rated
DaCostaBR: Onefiercepuppy already explained this in this very thread, have you already forgotten? That's voter registration, not voter fraud. Records aren't purged everyday so dead people can still show up in them, don't worry about it I'm sure it's usual practice to do it right before an election. But unless these people actually vote, it's not voter fraud. That's why the fact that he only ever found 6 cases of voter fraud is so important.
He only found/filed 6 cases recently. The dead can easily be forgotten about, and the family of the dead rarely manage the administration duties to notice if their dead family is voting, hell I don't call up and ask 'did my uncle Joe who died 2 years ago register to vote?', it doesn't happen, if it did they would be swamped and couldn't get anything done. There's other cases of a woman dying in 2006, but voted in 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014. What you (and Onefiercepuppy ) was referring to are people who died and were registered, then they didn't vote because naturally they couldn't. As for the multiple states, no it wasn't regarding moving as there have also been people caught voting in multiple states, so it's not registering and happening to be moving.

Multiple times I've heard the joke 'my grandma always voted straight republican, then when she died she voted Democrat'. Jokes like legends often contain a seed of truth, or a sometimes a whole orchard.

I've seen way too many articles of voter fraud just from this last election to make my head spin. A number of counties in NC and other states had 100%+ population voting, which is impossible, some reporting 160% or higher.

DaCostaBR: I'm sure that won't happen, it would require you to actually read them past their titles. That's why you didn't refute his assertions of your 5 other links, because they weren't videos, they were articles, so you never read them before posting them here. Just the titles. If you did you'd have seen he was right. That's the problem with this:

I'm sure you can find 100 references, but can you read them? Can you actually read what they are saying and digest the information for yourself?
I have tried to read every article I've referenced and that has come out of interest in the last 2 months. Sometimes there's too much information. Things are actually starting to calm down just a hair, enough to take a breather.
low rated
Today: 20 Nov 2016 - 60 days to office
First hour - Truth about '<i>Fake News</i>', Ron Paul makes list of actual fake news sites (and guess who's on it). White papers, production in 1955 the US was doing 80% of manufacturing in the world, Bannon '<i>It's about not Americans not getting F'd Over</i>', zero sum, lose/win. &amp; [url=]Apple to return to US. Agenda 21. Hollande says Climate commitment '<i>irreversible</i>'. Al Gore &amp; Carbon Taxes, Food Tax to '<i>reduce Climate change</i>'. Disconnected from the land, inbred elites, China &amp; Secret papers/owning Debt, China &amp; Hollywood, China &amp; fake news/internet censorship, China internet control getting stricter Also in Chinese. Chinese tyrant seeks global control after Obama gave up internet. Leftists/Communists open carry in Austin Texas, Harassment in Cleveland from '<i>Tolerant</i>' left. Mainstream media fake news where people died. Bloomberg put out fake Trump tweets.

Second hour - Fake news to be censored?, Pence singled out and lectured at Hamilton play. China calls for more censorship, Do you know what an extra $10k-$12k will do for working families? Patriots Rand Paul, Mad dog Mattis. Hillary a Chinese agent representing the Chinese president. Story/video and bullying. Callers: 'A testament to what we can do when we enter the arena', 'it starts small and explodes quickly', 'Don't go easy on the globalists. Arrest them and do the biggest rico case in history', Analyzing election results and it's fishy vs 2012, Sessions AG, Kamikaze committed. Writing blueprint for president Trump? Bannon blue collar, 'get ready for real populism'. Globalism in crisis everywhere, Turkey pulling out. Ventura interview and the electoral college. Larry Nichols: 'You're seeing what they want is falling and they can't stop it. They are bullies. We won a battle, but we're still in the war. We have to get behind Trump, and states rights; Send it back, states need to rule themselves.', 'This is a time for revival'. Trump & Media breaking convention and lowering their power. 'We haven't had a president since as long as i can remember, left alone Trump will deal with it properly', 'It would kill Trump to not keep his word', 'They will attack him viciously', Sessions as AG 'I've known Sessions 25 years, he's the one person who's kept his word all these years'. Secret service and DoD team serving Trump 'They will take care of long range hits', Facebook/twitter/Youtube censorship, 'They want to shut me down, all I'm doing is promoting freedom and lower taxes'. Pence & EU. 'A lot of good people were fooled and brought into globalism/world government'.

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Post edited November 21, 2016 by rtcvb32
rtcvb32: .
You're starting to go full retard, you should never go full retard.