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low rated
richlind33: What you describe is far from being an exclusively Right-wing phenomenon. The Right-wing pissants think their kool-aid tastes better, and the Left-wing pissants think theirs tastes better, but the bottom line is you're all a bunch of ignorant, kool-aid drinking pissants. But go right ahead and keep drinking up while you diligently maintain your frothy rage, because, goddamn it all, you're kool-aid really does taste better! lol
DaCostaBR: Well, that's the pot calling the kettle black, considering he didn't say anything about right-wing or left wing.
So who do *you* think he was referring to when he said "and the mass of idiots like you"? Because it's not like rtcvb32 isn't immediately identifiable as a bonafide, Right-wing partisan, ya know. lol

DaCostaBR: And word of advice: writing "lol" or ";p" at the end of your posts don't suddenly make everything you wrote before not seem angry and deranged.
Works for me so I'm afraid you're shit out of luck. ;p
low rated
rtcvb32: instant freefall
Vainamoinen: Careful, careful, the "freefall" stuff is 2006 truther nonsense. You're quite behind the times. Even in your endlessly repeated low-res and sped up videos, debris is falling significantly faster than the rest of the building. You keep on spinning that yarn, they will brand you as a secret agent hired to spread misinformation! :( :(

rtcvb32: they look identical
Vainamoinen: And, surprise, no, they actually don't.

The truthers have since even had to make up their own fictional explosives to make their nonsense feasible. Always good for a laugh.
DaCostaBR: Well, that's the pot calling the kettle black, considering he didn't say anything about right-wing or left wing.
richlind33: So who do *you* think he was referring to when he said "and the mass of idiots like you"? Because it's not like rtcvb32 isn't immediately identifiable as a bonafide, Right-wing partisan, ya know. lol
Conspiracy theorists. You know, like you!

DaCostaBR: And word of advice: writing "lol" or ";p" at the end of your posts don't suddenly make everything you wrote before not seem angry and deranged.
richlind33: Works for me so I'm afraid you're shit out of luck. ;p
If all the downrated posts are any indication, no, it doesn't work for you.
low rated
rtcvb32: instant freefall
Vainamoinen: Careful, careful, the "freefall" stuff is 2006 truther nonsense. You're quite behind the times. Even in your endlessly repeated low-res and sped up videos, debris is falling significantly faster than the rest of the building. You keep on spinning that yarn, they will brand you as a secret agent hired to spread misinformation! :( :(

richlind33: I wouldn't hesitate to beat myself over the head with the truth, regardless of where the burden of proof lay. ;p
Vainamoinen: You're in quite the fortunate argumentative position here actually (or you would have been, before the abuse). You're questioning a scientific model based on physics. Now, physics are not only an infinitely complex system, we're possibly not even aware of all the variables to boot. No one can 'prove' the model to be accurate, not even I with my enormous brain. So I have no means to beat you over the head with the truth.

Such a theory or model can, however, be disproven. Up to now, you're doing an awfully bad job at that, and unfortunately no links to other conspiracy nutters or youtube videos from 17 year old highschoolers will change that. And in 20 years time, should the rtcvb32s persist in this debate, their argument concerning controlled demolition and WTC collapse still is and will always only be:
NIST disproved it's own model when it was asked why it had failed to acknowledge that the WTC 7 collapse occurred at the rate of free-fall, and simply could not because they couldn't hide behind giant dust plumes as they did with the twin towers. And they eventually did acknowledge that that was the case.

As previously stated, I'll provide some credible sources, and we'll see whether or not you can tear them apart.
Post edited November 07, 2016 by richlind33
low rated
DaCostaBR: Conspiracy theorists. You know, like you!
Not me, bro. I'd be hard-pressed to refrain from beating Alex Jones half to death if I ever ran into him in a dark alley, and my feelings towards Trump are not at all dissimilar. They're complete and utter scoundrels and have no place in human society as far as I'm concerned. They are far more akin to animals than to human beings.

DaCostaBR: If all the downrated posts are any indication, no, it doesn't work for you.
The operative word here is "if", and no, I don't think they are. All I see is immature children behaving childishly because they aren't getting their way.
richlind33: Not me, bro. I'd be hard-pressed to refrain from beating Alex Jones half to death if I ever ran into him in a dark alley, and my feelings towards Trump are not at all dissimilar. They're complete and utter scoundrels and have no place in human society as far as I'm concerned. They are far more akin to animals than to human beings.
Said the 9/11 truther.

richlind33: The operative word here is "if", and no, I don't think they are. All I see is immature children behaving childishly because they aren't getting their way.
So does that mean you're gonna stop whining about downvotes?
low rated
DaCostaBR: Said the 9/11 truther.
Oh my, a cheap pejorative! I is shocked, I tell you! Shocked!!!

DaCostaBR: So does that mean you're gonna stop whining about downvotes?
If your post ends up low-rated, I'll think about it. ;p
richlind33: Oh my, a cheap pejorative! I is shocked, I tell you! Shocked!!!
Hardly. It's just the objective truth. Small reminder since within a span of two posts you seemed to forget that you are a conspiracy theorist.

richlind33: If your post ends up low-rated, I'll think about it. ;p
So you're going to keep calling people childish for downvoting you, while you throw tantrums about it?
Post edited November 07, 2016 by DaCostaBR
DaCostaBR: Said the 9/11 truther.
richlind33: I'm shocked I am a human being called a human being

DaCostaBR: So does that mean you're gonna stop whining about downvotes?
richlind33: Waka waka. I am master trollbaiter
richlind33: wheatgrass juice
Foodbabe is almost as bad as Alex Jones.
Post edited November 07, 2016 by dick1982
low rated
DaCostaBR: Hardly. It's just the objective truth. Small reminder since within a span of two posts you seemed to forget that you are a conspiracy theorist.
It's a cheap pejorative, and you are a cheap, pseudo-intellectual numpty. I don't pretend to "know" what happened on 9/11, and never will; you, on the other hand, do pretend to "know" what happened, so if anyone is a genuine conspiracy theorist, it is you. All I've done is point out some glaring flaws in NIST's methodology, for which I shall provide some credible sources, and we'll quickly find out if you and your pals know even a small fraction of what you think you know. ;p

DaCostaBR: So you're going to keep calling people childish for downvoting you, while you throw tantrums about it?
I've decided to do something much more constructive, and that something is: going through the entire thread and replying to all of the posts you gents have made where you glaringly fail to live up to standards that you gleefully impose on others. And when I'm done, I'll start over and do it again, etc., etc. So you boys are going to have plenty of opportunities to do what you love to do, and we shall all live happily ever after. ;p

dick1982: Foodbabe is almost as bad as Alex Jones.
What a coincidence, so are you.
Post edited November 07, 2016 by richlind33

Please note that the AE911 falsifications are in part obviously deliberate. You're being lied to, good sir.

richlind33: NIST disproved it's own model
It's own model what?

...can I be a a cheap, pseudo-intellectual numpty too now?
Post edited November 07, 2016 by Vainamoinen
richlind33: What a coincidence, so are you.
Okay. Try doxxing CIA records for my bad records. Do tell me about myself.
low rated
richlind33: What a coincidence, so are you.
dick1982: Okay. Try doxxing CIA records for my bad records. Do tell me about myself.
Is there a particularly good reason for anyone to want to know more about you than is revealed by your posts?


Please note that the AE911 falsifications are in part obviously deliberate. You're being lied to, good sir.

richlind33: NIST disproved it's own model
Vainamoinen: It's own model what?

...can I be a a cheap, pseudo-intellectual numpty too now?
That's a thoroughly redundant question, my good sir. :p
Post edited November 07, 2016 by richlind33
low rated
dick1982: .
Hiya Dick.
low rated
Why are you all still here?

Go to US and vote, it will be more productive.

No I am not crazy, because the US president says non citizens can vote too.
Post edited November 07, 2016 by Gnostic