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Shadowstalker16: I see you're filling in for rctvb as chief conspiracy theorist and dogma believer.
Sorry good sir, but your Thunderfoot is as valuable to the debate as a heap of shit lumped on the microphone to drown out the sensible voices. Got himself thrown out of the atheist community for essentially being too Trumpkin on sexual harassment issues, tried to open up his own brand of atheism instead, immediately started an all out war on feminist issues, worked himself into a terrifyingly creepy obsession over cultural critic Anita Sarkeesian, which especially included clear cut conspiracy theories in immense measure. And of course then there's the transphobia, the Islamophobia and he wants to tell women how they're supposed to treat their bodies as well. The political opinions of this guy shouldn't be of interest to anyone.

He's just another Alex Jones with all the hate, fears and prejudices, yet without the charmingly chubby cheeks and low IQ.

richlind33: I think it speaks for itself
It does.
Post edited November 07, 2016 by Vainamoinen
low rated
Vainamoinen: The truthers are erroneously using the idea of "free fall" as evidence of demolition charges (using the aforementioned fictional micro-engineered type of explosive that, if it existed, wouldn't be explosive), so they seize on every additional quarter second of it they can get. Non sequitur of course, that needs to be said: It just doesn't follow. But they're not just wrong in their conclusion, they're also wrong in the presupposition: the WTCs didn't drop at free fall velocity, and revisions from the preliminary to the final NIST report don't point at a conspiracy, they point at thorough work. The WTC buildings had 110 storeys; the final report concludes just one part of just 8 storeys in just one of those buildings to have approached free fall velocity in a total of 2.25 seconds time out of the ca. 30 it took for the buildings to collapse. The North Tower TV mast hit the ground 11 seconds after the buildings started to collapse; that alone should have disproven any free fall idiocies.

No "David Chandler" has "forced" NIST to "revise" their report. That is truther mythology, fabricated nonsense, they need their heroes, and stupid ones indeed. One David Chandler did motivate NIST officials to explain certain aspects more thoroughly and layman friendly, like you would to a petulant child who wants to believe that Santa Clause is real.
Does this look fictional to you, m8?

"Nano-thermite or super-thermite is a metastable intermolecular composite (MICs) characterized by a particle size of its main constituents, a metal and a metal oxide, under 100 nanometers. This allows for high and customizable reaction rates. Nano-thermites contain an oxidizer and a reducing agent, which are intimately mixed on the nanometer scale. MICs, including nano-thermitic materials, are a type of reactive materials investigated for military use, as well as for general applications involving propellants, explosives, and pyrotechnics.

What distinguishes MICs from traditional thermites is that the oxidizer and a reducing agent, normally iron oxide and aluminium, are in the form of extremely fine powders (nanoparticles). This dramatically increases the reactivity relative to micrometre-sized powder thermite. As the mass transport mechanisms that slow down the burning rates of traditional thermites are not so important at these scales, the reaction proceeds much more quickly."
BTW, we're talking about WTC 7 here, not the twin towers.

And for the record, I don't think free-fall necessarily proves that explosives were used. My focus is on NIST's failure to acknowledge free-fall in it's draft report, followed by a revision that falsely implies that it didn't engage in outright fraud.
Post edited November 07, 2016 by richlind33
low rated
Shadowstalker16: I see you're filling in for rctvb as chief conspiracy theorist and dogma believer.
Vainamoinen: Sorry good sir, but your Thunderfoot is as valuable to the debate as a heap of shit lumped on the microphone to drown out the sensible voices. Got himself thrown out of the atheist community for essentially being too Trumpkin on sexual harassment issues, tried to open up his own brand of atheism instead, immediately started an all out war on feminist issues, worked himself into a terrifyingly creepy obsession over cultural critic Anita Sarkeesian, which especially included clear cut conspiracy theories in immense measure. And of course then there's the transphobia, the Islamophobia and he wants to tell women how they're supposed to treat their bodies as well. The political opinions of this guy shouldn't be of interest to anyone.

He's just another Alex Jones with all the hate, fears and prejudices, yet without the charmingly chubby cheeks and low IQ.

richlind33: I think it speaks for itself
Vainamoinen: It does.
Post proof. If stuff like ''started a war'' or ''was thrown out of the atheist community'' are things that can proven in the first place. You know what thread this is. Proof, for all of it, ''transphobia'' and ''Islamaphobia'' included.
richlind33: Does this look fictional to you, m8?
The obsession with thermite has historically grown in the truther community because the nutjobs desperately wanted to find some kind of explosive that (a) burns with a white smoke and (b) is able to cut through steel columns in a straight line, exactly like a blowtorch.

The latter, of course, because they had found pictures of steel columns that were cut through with actual blowtorches by firemen weeks after the buildings fell. They used these pictures as "proof" of controlled demolition for a few years (years that I have actively witnessed). Thermite fit their measly bill for a while, even though it was clear enough that it wasn't an explosive to begin with and no actual explosive cuts through steel columns in a straight line as explosions tend to expand in all directions at once.

The truther movement, or rather just parts of the movement, have abandoned the smoke signs prophecies and the photograpic "evidence" of a cut through steel column through the years. But even though only that "evidence" had led them to thermite as their culprit of choice, the compound still prevailed very strongly in the conspiracy dogma. They would NEVER move away from thermite theory even though the stuff didn't fill an immediate explanatory need any more. Indeed, now they had to explain why thermite of all stuffs in the world, when conventional explosives would have been more than sufficient to blow the place up.

The truthers squirmed out of it in an expected way. When I stopped investigating the imbeciles, they had mostly sneakily switched to the argument that "nano-thermite" would be TEH perfect thing to blow up the WTC with because it would burn immediately and completely and leave no evidence at all behind.

Then they brought forth some other professor who said he had found clear cut and ample evidence of "nano-thermite" in a ten year old WTC rubble sample from whatever part of the building that had found its way into his laboratory. The literal facepalm.

Which brings us to the actually revised report in this whole fiasco, the report of truther overlord ex-professor Steven Jones (Alex loved this guy back then. They're probably brothers). Explosives and structural analysis never were his area of expertise sadly, so in his first version (not draft, not preliminary version) of his undeniable proof for WTC controlled demolition paper thingie he spoke of "thermite". After being told what an idiot he is, he revised his report (NEW FINDINGS SMOKING GUN) and settled on "nano-thermite", probably because that's what Altavista gave him at the time.

Whether thermite in whatever form has an application as an explosive is doubtful; in any case other compounds that are counted as explosives to begin with are much better suited for nano scale manipulation meant to facilitate controlled demolition.

Correct, m8:

16 years after the World Trade Center buildings fell, nano-thermites and their potential areas of application are still science fiction.
Post edited November 07, 2016 by Vainamoinen
richlind33: It's ignorant to equate "tearing it down" with counterproductive violence. I equate it with doing the sorts of things that the Wobblies did to give us the benefit of things like the 8 hour work day, which largely consisted of having their heads frequently smashed by club-wielding coppers and Pinkertons, but always getting up to keep on fighting. They did much that we should be grateful for, and in a way that was valiant and honorable.

It's also ignorant that you make asinine assumptions based purely on emotion. I've been involved in a fair number of orgs ranging from the Green Party to the Alliance For Democracy, and done a bit of canvassing and lobbying. I certainly could have done more, but what I have done is far more than nothing. So how about you? Have you done anything that's worth mentioning?
Well I could point out how you regularly demonstrate far greater ignorance yourself, but that's not as fun or hilarous as pointing out how you regularly manage to prove my points, yourself, in your responses.

So you list your examples of what you consider "tearing it down", yet you provide examples of what you've done which are the typical "working within the system" crap that a lot of us do. Oh unless I missed that story where the Green party was out there getting beat up standing up for workers rights?

As I said initally, and you have confirmed here, you advocate for a "position" that is so unrealistic that you can't and don't do anything to work towards it.

Hah, and yeah much to your dissapointment I'm sure, nothing I say to you is based on emotion. Rather, I call em like I see em, and I've run across dozens, if not hundreds, of your type in my life. All bluster and no balls (or substance for that matter). Sorry, that's an impression it's gonna be hard to live down, as youv'e now made probably a hundred or more posts in this thread that show it, consistently, again and again.

And not that I care about proving this point to you, but yeah, I have worked for the Sanders campaign since the early days, and am still involved in Bernie's organization. That's a place where we actually work towards the positions we advocate, not just talk about them.

And sorry, but I have a hard time believing your story of "geting involved". Doesn't exactly jive with a guy who comes on to a political type thread and just tries to endlessly find conflict with anybody else's positions wherever he can and generally acts like a troll. If you truly spent a bunch of time canvassing you'd realize how idiotic and counterproductive that is, and you'd be more interested in expressing ideas and changing people's minds then endlessly attacking and looking for conflict, which does no good whatsoever. So sorry, not buying it, and nothing you have said in this thread would give me or anybody any reason to think there is anything genuine about you.
Post edited November 07, 2016 by Ariod
Richlind are you taking in to account all the barrels of fuel that water head Rudy Giuliani had on floor 23? He had a fever dream that he should have a command center in the most expensive office space in the city and that it should be paid for by the state. So he loaded up floor 23 with barrels of fuel for generators in case the city was hit by a terror attack. Guess putting the command center 23 floors in the air at a location already known to be a target was a really fucking dumb idea. Anyway a bunch of 52 gallon barrels of fuel going up sure has to mess with your tinfoil numbers some how.
low rated
Everyone is going full retard again.

I don't know what it is about this thread, but it seems to bring out the retard in people.
low rated
richlind33: It's ignorant to equate "tearing it down" with counterproductive violence. I equate it with doing the sorts of things that the Wobblies did to give us the benefit of things like the 8 hour work day, which largely consisted of having their heads frequently smashed by club-wielding coppers and Pinkertons, but always getting up to keep on fighting. They did much that we should be grateful for, and in a way that was valiant and honorable.

It's also ignorant that you make asinine assumptions based purely on emotion. I've been involved in a fair number of orgs ranging from the Green Party to the Alliance For Democracy, and done a bit of canvassing and lobbying. I certainly could have done more, but what I have done is far more than nothing. So how about you? Have you done anything that's worth mentioning?
Ariod: Well I could point out how you regularly demonstrate far greater ignorance yourself, but that's not as fun or hilarous as pointing out how you regularly manage to prove my points, yourself, in your responses.

So you list your examples of what you consider "tearing it down", yet you provide examples of what you've done which are the typical "working within the system" crap that a lot of us do. Oh unless I missed that story where the Green party was out there getting beat up standing up for workers rights?

As I said initally, and you have confirmed here, you advocate for a "position" that is so unrealistic that you can't and don't do anything to work towards it.

Hah, and yeah much to your dissapointment I'm sure, nothing I say to you is based on emotion. Rather, I call em like I see em, and I've run across dozens, if not hundreds, of your type in my life. All bluster and no balls (or substance for that matter). Sorry, that's an impression it's gonna be hard to live down, as youv'e now made probably a hundred or more posts in this thread that show it, consistently, again and again.

And not that I care about proving this point to you, but yeah, I have worked for the Sanders campaign since the early days, and am still involved in Bernie's organization. That's a place where we actually work towards the positions we advocate, not just talk about them.

And sorry, but I have a hard time believing your story of "geting involved". Doesn't exactly jive with a guy who comes on to a political type thread and just tries to endlessly find conflict with anybody else's positions wherever he can and generally acts like a troll. If you truly spent a bunch of time canvassing you'd realize how idiotic and counterproductive that is, and you'd be more interested in expressing ideas and changing people's minds then endlessly attacking and looking for conflict, which does no good whatsoever. So sorry, not buying it, and nothing you have said in this thread would give me or anybody any reason to think there is anything genuine about you.
That's right, examples of trying to make the existing system good enough that it was worth having, starting about 30 years ago, stopping about 10 years ago, because it's a thoroughly dead system at this point in time. And beating your head against a brick wall for another election cycle or 2 isn't going to bring it back to life. We're losing everything we once had, and even if Bernie had managed to eke out a win, the most he could have done is slow it down a little. The corruption is so deeply entrenched that it would take decades to root it out, not 2, 3, or even 4 election cycles. And how would you even be able to address the internal corruption when it'd be all you could do to stay in power for more than 4 years?

You see, power is a queer and nasty bit of business that befuddles all but a very, very few. As soon as you get your hands on it you quickly realize that most, if not all of it, has to be utilized for the purpose of *keeping* your hands on it, and that means "revolutionary" or "progressive" agendas quickly transform into the very same thing we've seen every single time before, for thousands upon thousands of years: a pathetic and despicable fool desperately clinging to something he sought to wield in triumphant majesty. lol

Funny, but also very, very sad. But hey! For you guys it'll all be different the next around because...well, just because.

But I really do like you, so here's a free protip: get into community-building, because if you have community, you have a chance. And if you already are, double up and do more of it. ;p
Post edited November 08, 2016 by richlind33
low rated
richlind33: Does this look fictional to you, m8?
Vainamoinen: The obsession with thermite...blabbady bla bla...
Save your gratuitously large walls of text for assclowns such as yourself. I'm not interested in explosives because I know perfectly well that it's extremely unlikely that anyone is ever going to prove anything one way or the other, so I leave it to people like you who are certain it is focus-worthy, and it matters not the least little bit that you think it's focus-worthy because you think the "truthers" think it's focus-worthy. For you, there are truthers, and there are anti-truthers, and nothing inbetween, and I have no interest in any of you.

Good day.
richlind33: For you, there are truthers, and there are anti-truthers, and nothing inbetween
I'm an inbetweener, I'm special.
low rated
EBToriginal: Richlind are you taking in to account all the barrels of fuel that water head Rudy Giuliani had on floor 23? He had a fever dream that he should have a command center in the most expensive office space in the city and that it should be paid for by the state. So he loaded up floor 23 with barrels of fuel for generators in case the city was hit by a terror attack. Guess putting the command center 23 floors in the air at a location already known to be a target was a really fucking dumb idea. Anyway a bunch of 52 gallon barrels of fuel going up sure has to mess with your tinfoil numbers some how.
I assume that NIST took that into account, but regardless, can you tell me how it's relevant to the matter of how a building that is undergoing a progression of structural failures somehow manages to achieve 2.25 seconds of free-fall?
EBToriginal: Richlind are you taking in to account all the barrels of fuel that water head Rudy Giuliani had on floor 23? He had a fever dream that he should have a command center in the most expensive office space in the city and that it should be paid for by the state. So he loaded up floor 23 with barrels of fuel for generators in case the city was hit by a terror attack. Guess putting the command center 23 floors in the air at a location already known to be a target was a really fucking dumb idea. Anyway a bunch of 52 gallon barrels of fuel going up sure has to mess with your tinfoil numbers some how.
richlind33: I assume that NIST took that into account, but regardless, can you tell me how it's relevant to the matter of how a building that is undergoing a progression of structural failures somehow manages to achieve 2.25 seconds of free-fall?
Better than you can explain why your crazy tinfoil bullshit is real?
low rated
richlind33: I assume that NIST took that into account, but regardless, can you tell me how it's relevant to the matter of how a building that is undergoing a progression of structural failures somehow manages to achieve 2.25 seconds of free-fall?
EBToriginal: Better than you can explain why your crazy tinfoil bullshit is real?
Do it or bugger off, shit-sausage.
richlind33: how a building that is undergoing a progression of structural failures somehow manages to achieve 2.25 seconds of free-fall?
It happens because buildings collapse both in free fall and not in free fall during different stages of the same collapse, as I mentioned earlier. Hopefully this reply will be short enough not to fatigue you.

Research stack collapses. Use whatever sources satisfy you.
low rated
richlind33: how a building that is undergoing a progression of structural failures somehow manages to achieve 2.25 seconds of free-fall?
OneFiercePuppy: It happens because buildings collapse both in free fall and not in free fall during different stages of the same collapse, as I mentioned earlier. Hopefully this reply will be short enough not to fatigue you.

Research stack collapses. Use whatever sources satisfy you.
Long is fine if it's required, but succinct is always preferable.

Could you show me some examples of this phenomenon you think are germane so we can compare it to WTC 7?
Post edited November 08, 2016 by richlind33