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low rated
Breja: I see everyone is doing their best to keep the insanity at max level in rtcvb's absence. Excellent.

I guess letting the thread just fucking stop after he finally shut up like we all asked him to would just make too much goddamn sense.
What, and stop watching you and your diminutive friend go into trigger-frenzy every time someone says something you don't like? You're kidding, right? lol
low rated
richlind33: Do you have these SJW types in Germany? They seem to have no ability whatsoever to live and let live, much like the people they incessantly complain about.
morolf: I don't know if Breja is a SJW, don't read here often enough...I just found it strange that he seems to be complaining about threads such as this one which he could just avoid (but maybe I'm misunderstanding the situation).
But yes, Germany is pretty horrible, a large part of the population is simply demented...why do you think Merkel gets away with her madness and (at least according to many polls) is still fairly popular?
A people divided are a people defeated, by foreign nations and ruling tyrants alike.
low rated
richlind33: A people divided are a people defeated, by foreign nations and ruling tyrants alike.
And there's a push for heavy race wars and civil unrest, from Soros and friends.
morolf: I don't know if Breja is a SJW, don't read here often enough...I just found it strange that he seems to be complaining about threads such as this one which he could just avoid (but maybe I'm misunderstanding the situation).
Not really. We have a couple of those uber-liberal and pushy people in the forum (tinyE's going to inevitably get mad at you for using the term "SJW", but before he does, I'd like to hear what he suggests be used instead for such radical individuals), but Breja's far from one of them. He's just witnessed enough political (and otherwise) forum drama that he's grown sick of it. Which he does have a point on. We could use far more fun threads than we've currently got.
Post edited November 05, 2016 by zeogold
Ariod: So the funny thing is that if the average Trump supporter knew his head from his ass, he should be supporting Hillary. Because Sanders and Warren and the progressives have pushed her to commit 100% to campaign finance reform...
richlind33: So they're gonna throw temper tantrums when Hilly thumbs her nose at their alternate-reality fantasies, just like every other Democratic president before her has? lol
Not likely. When it would be 100% political suicide to blow that off, well… yeah you can count on some action on that one. Call me crazy but i think she will want a second term...

Hahahah, yeah the old "alternate reality fantasy" that like 80-85% of Americans are in favor of. Man that's downright hilarious. Nice try, but yet another fail for you here. In a long line of many, I'm afraid. :)
morolf: I don't know if Breja is a SJW, don't read here often enough...I just found it strange that he seems to be complaining about threads such as this one which he could just avoid (but maybe I'm misunderstanding the situation).
zeogold: but before he does, I'd like to hear what he suggests be used instead for such radical individuals),

Any of those work for you?

And I'd like to point out that I have nothing against the term itself but how it's used. It's a flame word, rendered totally meaningless by people using it to bait, sound smart, or more often then not, detract away from the fact that they have NO CLUE what they are talking about. It tends to always show up when someone is losing an argument. Paint them into a corner and they can always scream "Yeah, well you're just another SJW!" They don't know what it means, and they don't care. It just sounds good, and it prevents them from having to give you an actual fucking answer.
Post edited November 05, 2016 by tinyE
tinyE: And I'd like to point out that I have nothing against the term itself but how it's used.
"SJW" is an empty shell of a word ready to be filled with basically any enemy trait you can come up with. The way it's used today, it's the dehumanizing nazi enemy concept of the Untermensch, plain and simple, it's all in there, from the sheer dishonesty via the communist conspiracy to the degenerated art. The literature on the term has been written by Vox Day, the documentary on the term has been made by Davis Aurini, and nazi media like the Daily Stormer or culture war arsonist websites like heatstreet love the term to death. You have absolutely every reason to be fucking pissed if someone uses it.

But you can't just give it a new name because it remains the same moldable enemy concept.

Exaggerated outrage, harassment and online activism over social issues is definitely a thing, of course. But for some reason, when the wildly exaggerated social issue is, say, freedom of speech and censorship, we don't call those outrage activists "SJW" even though the term should logically apply. It's a baffling double standard, really.
tinyE: And I'd like to point out that I have nothing against the term itself but how it's used.
Vainamoinen: But you can't just give it a new name because it remains the same moldable enemy concept.
Those new names I suggested weren't meant to be taken seriously, though I got a feeling there is some developer in here spying on us and all three of those are gonna wind up in the next Elder Scrolls. :P
low rated
richlind33: So they're gonna throw temper tantrums when Hilly thumbs her nose at their alternate-reality fantasies, just like every other Democratic president before her has? lol
Ariod: Not likely. When it would be 100% political suicide to blow that off, well… yeah you can count on some action on that one. Call me crazy but i think she will want a second term...

Hahahah, yeah the old "alternate reality fantasy" that like 80-85% of Americans are in favor of. Man that's downright hilarious. Nice try, but yet another fail for you here. In a long line of many, I'm afraid. :)
80-85% of the people that voted for Obama probably wanted him to fulfill his election promises, but the fact that he didn't didn't keep him from winning a second term, ya know. lol

This shit has played out many, many times before, but people like you keep doing the same ol' thing over and over again, thinking next time it'll be different. Yeah, Hilly will probably throw you fools a meager bone, and maybe a crumb or two, but she knows perfectly well that the path to victory in this corrupt system is paved with money, not votes, and that you'll keep right on voting for scumbags like her because you live in mortal fear of the Republican bogeymen that'll always be there -- and ditto for the Republicans that keep voting for their scumbags because they live in mortal fear of the Democratic bogeymen.

It's an ingenious system that can only be beaten by tearing it down, but twats like you don't have the courage for that sort of work, so you'll keep right on doing the same ol' thing, telling yourself it'll be different next time -- because that's what spineless cowards do.
Post edited November 05, 2016 by richlind33
low rated
rtcvb32: And there's a push for heavy race wars and civil unrest, from Soros and friends.
It's lovely to see you back adding to the banter and discourse, just lovely.
tinyE: Glimphs
Weren't these enemies from Quake?
tinyE: Glimphs
TARFU: Weren't these enemies from Quake?
I love those games but I don't know the names of anything in them. I'm a Quake moron.

Well I'm a moron anyway, but I'm REALLY a Quake moron! :D
TARFU: Weren't these enemies from Quake?
tinyE: I love those games but I don't know the names of anything in them. I'm a Quake moron.

Well I'm a moron anyway, but I'm REALLY a Quake moron! :D
Now there's a game. Quake, with monsters named after US politicians.
low rated
I love this thread, it's like a digital Seinfeld coffee shop.

It's where all the Kramers and Costanzas come to sit and chat.
"Do you have any conceivable reason for getting up in the morning?!"