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richlind33: would you mind putting a good word in for me with tiny and breja?
Kleetus: I cannot, Breja has me blocked.

And tinyE has changed ever since he moved to Iraq, I feel like I'm losing my li'l buddy.
TinyE moved to Iraq? WTF is going on here?

I would not have guessed this would happen.

nvm the new avatar fooled me I didn't remember the name right away.
Post edited November 06, 2016 by johnnygoging
johnnygoging: TinyE moved to Iraq? WTF is going on here?
He just continually changes the location on his account for some reason.
low rated
richlind33: but when he starts complaining about other people -- rightly or wrongly -- for doing things that he does routinely, it does make me think that he is a very unhealthy person.
zeogold: So...we're not going to apply these same standards to you, I guess?
If you're arsed enough to bother citing an example or two, I'll be happy to respond.
richlind33: Dewd, I saw posts turn low-rated 3-4 minutes after they logged on. And I'm not talking about flame posts. First tiny, then Breja. And other people who don't flame at all are getting low-rated.
First of all, with how bugged the forum is, it's nearly impossible to actually tell when someone's online or not. I've seen people who are "offline" be browsing the forum and people who are "online" be sleeping.
Second of all, if you scroll back some pages, you'll note that a good deal of posts of theirs have been "low rated" as well when completely innocuous. If they were truly had alts, do you really think they'd fail to high rate their own posts to make themselves look good or otherwise pump up their rep (let's not forget that tinyE used to be in the 1000+ range)?

There's all other sorts of issues with that logic, but trust me. These guys aren't bothering with rep. The most they can do is give a single posts of yours two downvotes, one from each of them.
If anything, I suspect that some people (not necessarily tinyE and Breja) have become fed up with you and decided to ignore/downvote any post of yours whether innocent or not thanks to your history of flaming (similar fates have befallen Tauto, Kleetus, and rctvb32 himself here).
low rated
richlind33: Dewd, I saw posts turn low-rated 3-4 minutes after they logged on. And I'm not talking about flame posts. First tiny, then Breja. And other people who don't flame at all are getting low-rated.
zeogold: First of all, with how bugged the forum is, it's nearly impossible to actually tell when someone's online or not. I've seen people who are "offline" be browsing the forum and people who are "online" be sleeping.
Second of all, if you scroll back some pages, you'll note that a good deal of posts of theirs have been "low rated" as well when completely innocuous. If they were truly had alts, do you really think they'd fail to high rate their own posts to make themselves look good or otherwise pump up their rep (let's not forget that tinyE used to be in the 1000+ range)?

There's all other sorts of issues with that logic, but trust me. These guys aren't bothering with rep. The most they can do is give a single posts of yours two downvotes, one from each of them.
If anything, I suspect that some people (not necessarily tinyE and Breja) have become fed up with you and decided to ignore/downvote any post of yours whether innocent or not thanks to your history of flaming (similar fates have befallen Tauto, Kleetus, and rctvb32 himself here).
You seem pretty biased here. I think it's safe to say that if someone is posting, they're online. And If someone is childish enough to downvote posts because they don't like an opinion, or a person, they're childish enough to employ a few alts. And it isn't the rep that bothers me. It's the censorship. And if that's something you're comfortable with, you're not a person I'd want to have anything to do with.
Post edited November 06, 2016 by richlind33
zeogold: So...we're not going to apply these same standards to you, I guess?
richlind33: If you're arsed enough to bother citing an example or two, I'll be happy to respond.
And then there's that time you dragged an unrelated 3rd party, PaterAlf, into it:
richlind33: You seem pretty biased here. If someone's childish enough to downvote posts because they don't like an opinion, they're childish enough to employ a few alts.
I can't speak for tinyE and Breja since I honestly have no idea what the heck they do (I was a bit surprised and a touch irritated to see the whole reverse-spam thing, so it's not like I can make any predictions here), but most people around here only downvote opinions when they're given disrespectfully.
richlind33: And it isn't the rep that bothers me. It's the censorship. And if that's something you're comfortable with, you're not a person I'd want to have anything to do with.
I don't really see how anything's being censored here. Yeah, tinyE and Breja DO tend to go a bit overboard with the whole opinion thing, but in this particular thread it's mostly been against rctvb32 and his spamming, not you with the various points you brought up (until you started accusing them of derepping).

The only time I've ever seen downvoting reach that point was when Tauto's comments in various parts of the forum started getting spam-deleted, which, in his case was somewhat deserved since 99% of what he posts are indiscriminate insults and he's a person who, if we had any ACTUAL moderation in this forum, would've been banned ages ago for the stuff he's pulled, but that's an extreme case.
Post edited November 06, 2016 by zeogold
low rated
zeogold: ...
To note, links to specific posts don't work too well for some reason on this thread. I get a whole page off, then I have to find the post number and manually find the post afterwards rather than jumping me where it needs to be (been that way since... page 4?)
rtcvb32: To note, links to specific posts don't work too well for some reason on this thread. I get a whole page off, then I have to find the post number and manually find the post afterwards rather than jumping me where it needs to be (been that way since... page 4?)
How long have you been on this forum, mac?
Any thread that gets over pages?...gets borked like that. You have to click on the link and manually look for the number in it (usually it's within 1 or 2 pages backwards). There's not really any other alternative.
low rated
richlind33: If you're arsed enough to bother citing an example or two, I'll be happy to respond.
And then there's that time you dragged an unrelated 3rd party, PaterAlf, into it:
richlind33: You seem pretty biased here. If someone's childish enough to downvote posts because they don't like an opinion, they're childish enough to employ a few alts.
zeogold: I can't speak for tinyE and Breja since I honestly have no idea what the heck they do (I was a bit surprised and a touch irritated to see the whole reverse-spam thing, so it's not like I can make any predictions here), but most people around here only downvote opinions when they're given disrespectfully.
As I said, posts made by people who don't flame are ending up low-rated, as well. But I don't think a great many people are responsible for that, since most people here are mature enough to stay out of threads they aren't interested in.

As far as post 842 goes, that was in response to tinyE, not Pater. More to follow...
richlind33: As I said, posts made by people who don't flame are ending up low-rated, as well. But I don't think a great many people are responsible for that, since most people here are mature enough to stay out of threads they aren't interested in.
Well, actually, looking back on some of the older pages of the thread, it seems that entire pages are getting low rated no matter who/what's in them.
It seems like this might've turned into a repeat of the JerkMuter thread whereby everything gets auto-downvoted due to...I'm not quite sure what. NES getting frisky? Spectators downvoting everything because they don't like the thread?
Either way, it's happened before.
low rated

post 567: You're OK with what Breja's saying there? Who among us isn't a bit nuts, fer chrissakes?

richlind33: As I said, posts made by people who don't flame are ending up low-rated, as well. But I don't think a great many people are responsible for that, since most people here are mature enough to stay out of threads they aren't interested in.
zeogold: Well, actually, looking back on some of the older pages of the thread, it seems that entire pages are getting low rated no matter who/what's in them.
It seems like this might've turned into a repeat of the JerkMuter thread whereby everything gets auto-downvoted due to...I'm not quite sure what. NES getting frisky? Spectators downvoting everything because they don't like the thread?
Either way, it's happened before.
I'm sure it has, and will no doubt continue to happen. Which is OK, things being what they are in this wunnerful world.
Post edited November 06, 2016 by richlind33
low rated
zeogold: I don't really see how anything's being censored here. Yeah, tinyE and Breja DO tend to go a bit overboard with the whole opinion thing, but in this particular thread it's mostly been against rctvb32 and his spamming, not you with the various points you brought up (until you started accusing them of derepping).

The only time I've ever seen downvoting reach that point was when Tauto's comments in various parts of the forum started getting spam-deleted, which, in his case was somewhat deserved since 99% of what he posts are indiscriminate insults and he's a person who, if we had any ACTUAL moderation in this forum, would've been banned ages ago for the stuff he's pulled, but that's an extreme case.
Posts hidden are posts censored as far as I'm concerned. And no shit it isn't just me that's on the receiving end -- I stated as much a couple posts ago. And it's not just rctvb32. Anyone to the right of center is fair game from what I've seen.
Post edited November 06, 2016 by richlind33
low rated
None of these examples shows me complaining about tiny flaming, so where's the hypocrisy you're accusing me of?
tinyE: Fuck the tinfoil hat army, I'm more worried about the burning cross, Holocaust was a lie, machine gun toting army. You know, the ones that have called for civil war if Adol....I mean Donald, loses the election.

I'm just glad I live where I live and should be relatively safe.
morolf: I think you're should rather be worried what Clinton will do if she becomes president (as seems likely). She might start a major international crisis given her bellicose attitude towards Russia and her demands for a no-fly-zone in the worst case this might become something like the Cuban missile crisis and possibly WW3.
What is balance of power? It's not like EU doesn't want to cockblock russia too. Syria is a proxy war, much like the Afghan war during the Reagan years. It won't be WWIII,but we might see another Cold War. You wanna give Vladimir a free pass or something?
low rated
Asbeau: This forum has become a place I'm embarrassed to say I visit.

Thanks for making a major contribution to that with this ignorant and paranoid thread.
Manly type men don't play games, so save your embarrassment for your own fool self. lol

morolf: I think you're should rather be worried what Clinton will do if she becomes president (as seems likely). She might start a major international crisis given her bellicose attitude towards Russia and her demands for a no-fly-zone in the worst case this might become something like the Cuban missile crisis and possibly WW3.
dick1982: What is balance of power? It's not like EU doesn't want to cockblock russia too. Syria is a proxy war, much like the Afghan war during the Reagan years. It won't be WWIII,but we might see another Cold War. You wanna give Vladimir a free pass or something?
Which started during the Carter years.
Post edited November 06, 2016 by richlind33