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rtcvb32: .
gay_pool.jpg (42 Kb)
low rated
rtcvb32: I think I'll be taking a week off from this, need to unwind. Maybe play and beat FF8.
Vainamoinen: Don't worry, I got this.

Part 49.5

Today: 1 Nov 2016 – A Game of Gates

The Hour I first Believed (Wally Lamb, 2008): #FirstladyGate: Michelle Obama dating host-rap ropers, #ThielGate: multi-billionaire Peter Thiel shows concern for the poorest of the poor: “Those one-digit millionaires don’t last a single day in the courtroom. Of course I have to finance those”, hashtag #TheList totally not pro-Trump twitter harassment campaign that threatens journalists into compliance, #RobocopGate: Project Lazarus to introduce cybernetic cops, SJWs demand indispensable skin color recognition technology to be removed for some reason or other, #SoJuGate: political correctness runs amok, Walter Sobchak: “bad hombres is not the preferred nomenclature”, #MediaGate: war against the media, which is rigged by the way so good riddance, #VaccinationGate: Hillary will personally stick giant needle in your baby girl’s eyeball and she’s going to get autism (the baby, not Hillary, though wait a minute, you might be on to something there, watch out for tomorrow’s news), #SextingGate: Trump: “I promise I will never be in a sexting scandal folks, I can’t even read or write, did you ever see my signature, I just make a couple of zigzag lines”, #GamerGate: Trump to allow American citizens to fire at will on those monsters that violent video games create, according to him, details plans to outlaw all those creepy video games at first, after careful consideration gradually allow select media back on market that teach patriotic duty, family values and locker room talk.

48 Hours (Nick Nolte, Eddie Murphy 1982): #TrekkieGate: After rigged unprovoked attacks from most significant Star Trek actors, Trump finally strikes back, aims to digitally alter 726 previous episodes of the series for future generations: “There really should be more American flags on the Enterprise, I don’t know, this anti-capitalist globalism crap has not been teaching our children good things, these last 50 years”, #RefugeeGate: Something going on in Europe again, it’s those refugees, and they’re up to no good I’m sure of it.

The 11th Hour (© Trilobyte 1995): #BilderbergGate Bilderberg meeting 11/5 to determine election results, confirmed guests include Chuck. E. Rockefeller, Olivier Chariot de Marché, Werner von Steißbein, Enrique el Panadero, Kleetus Verata Nikto, Guido Westerwelle, M. Joseph Jackson, Zoe Tiberius… what? No, not Trump, definitely not Trump, not at all, why would he be in a meeting of influential super-rich people from economy and politics who are obsessed with ruling the world, you’re talking total nonsense man, this is not your area of expertise, better get your brain checked, you have autism from all those vaccinations and you’ve secretly died of fluoride poisoning long ago, shut the fuck up, serves you cuck right that your wife fucks Syrian refugees.
oh my sides...
low rated
dick1982: .
Hello Dick.
low rated
tinyE: There he is!

Have you read his new book, "How To Blow Off the Truth and Ignore Smarter People"?

It's a real page turner! :D
Yes, thanks to "smarter people" like tinyE, Americans get to decide which lying scumbag will become their next president.

Were it not for them, our wunnerful "democracy" would no doubt have collapsed a long, long time ago. ;p
Come on rich, just let this thread sleep for another two days. It'll resurface on Monday and we can't do crap about it.

We'll gladly talk about sending classified emails from private servers and some much better Democrat candidates for this presidential race then.

And then, just to balance things out a wee bit, we'll talk about misogyny, sexual predatory behaviour, the alleged rape of a 13 year old girl, University fraud, not paying your employees as a means to make yourself richer, utter pride for not paying your taxes, clear cut bribery of a state attorney, the effects of destabilizing NATO by casually questioning its cardinal rule, we'll talk about climate change denial, systemic racism against black and Mexican people, proudly advertised plans for clear cut war crimes like bombing a country full of civilians into oblivion and torturing the shit out of captives, about making the Middle East personal oil slaves for the US after said bombings, we'll talk about the delusion of having 'witnessed' thousands of muslims celebrate 9/11 on TV and continuing to say it's true, we'll talk about the fascist threat of putting your political opponents in jail once you're elected, we're talking about the idea of "humane" deportation forces in multiple contexts (including Standing Rock), we'll talk about about questioning women's elementary reproductive rights, making fun of disabled people, a lack of awareness of Putin imperialism and basically everything that's going on outside of the US, about praising fascist dictators for being strong leaders, fostering ludicrous conspiracy theories for one's own gain, banning an entire religion from the "land of the free", and much much more.

In short, we'll talk about the greatest liar has on record, and why he is most scary when he isn't lying.
low rated
Vainamoinen: Come on rich, just let this thread sleep for another two days. It'll resurface on Monday and we can't do crap about it.

We'll gladly talk about sending classified emails from private servers and some much better Democrat candidates for this presidential race then.

And then, just to balance things out a wee bit, we'll talk about misogyny, sexual predatory behaviour, the alleged rape of a 13 year old girl, University fraud, not paying your employees as a means to make yourself richer, utter pride for not paying your taxes, clear cut bribery of a state attorney, the effects of destabilizing NATO by casually questioning its cardinal rule, we'll talk about climate change denial, systemic racism against black and Mexican people, proudly advertised plans for clear cut war crimes like bombing a country full of civilians into oblivion and torturing the shit out of captives, about making the Middle East personal oil slaves for the US after said bombings, we'll talk about the delusion of having 'witnessed' thousands of muslims celebrate 9/11 on TV and continuing to say it's true, we'll talk about the fascist threat of putting your political opponents in jail once you're elected, we're talking about the idea of "humane" deportation forces in multiple contexts (including Standing Rock), we'll talk about about questioning women's elementary reproductive rights, making fun of disabled people, a lack of awareness of Putin imperialism and basically everything that's going on outside of the US, about praising fascist dictators for being strong leaders, fostering ludicrous conspiracy theories for one's own gain, banning an entire religion from the "land of the free", and much much more.

In short, we'll talk about the greatest liar has on record, and why he is most scary when he isn't lying.
Thing is, it takes a POS like Trump to make a POS like Hilary seem fit to be president.
Post edited November 04, 2016 by richlind33
richlind33: Thing is, it takes a POS like Trump to make a POS like Hilary seem fit to be president.
Agreed. Both Rep as well as Dems went with the worst choice each. Hillary Rodham Clinton is still orders of magnitude more fit to be president. Best thing that can happen to the people and the Republican party is a landslide win for Clinton right now, because the Reps would have to present an actually sensible candidate in four years, who would of course beat Clinton hands down and tied behind his (or her) back.

As Peter Thiel's actually pro-Trump speech has demonstrated, Trump votes show a disappointment in the established political apparatus. They're protest votes. But protest votes are stupid. They don't mean you refuse to participate in the system any more, they mean you're actively trying to eat the largest festering piece of shit on the table instead of the smallest, like you usually do in democracy. Protest voting is about making things much worse for yourself so you can blame the people not in power any more afterwards: Completely nonsensical.
Post edited November 04, 2016 by Vainamoinen
Can the US Presidents decide on matters like immigration policy and war by themselves? Don't they need any type of parliamentary approval? Or can Trump build his wall without anything getting in his way?
Shadowstalker16: Or can Trump build his wall without anything getting in his way?
No, he can't.

He can't do anything without loads of votes and approvals.
The president isn't supposed to be able to declare war all by himself. But that's not how Bush and Obama have operated. They have given a flat fuck about that, and declared war on anybody not to their fancy. Hillary will do the same, or Trump if he is elected.

Just following the laws of the country would be a step in the right direction. Following international law as well would be a great leap forward.
Post edited November 04, 2016 by Pangaea666
Pangaea666: The president isn't supposed to be able to declare war all by himself. But that's not how Bush and Obama have operated. They have given a flat fuck about that, and declared war on anybody not to their fancy. Hillary will do the same, or Trump if he is elected.

Just following the laws of the country would be a step in the right direction. Following international law as well would be a great leap forward.
Technically you are off a little, bit it is just a matter of semantics and I mention it only to be anal, and certainly don't mean it as a slam on you.

The President can go to war, but not declare it. A declaration of war does need to be passed by congress. This obviously doesn't mean much because the US spent a decade in Vietnam fighting a war that was never technically declared.
The US already fights the war to presently really worry about. The means are indeed the president's decision, the means are not individually decided upon by Congress to my knowledge. And boy does Trump have some ideas about those means.
Vainamoinen: And boy does Trump have some ideas about those means.

You never want to hear the leader of ANY country say, and I'm quoting Trump here, "Just nuke the shit out of 'em."
Post edited November 04, 2016 by tinyE
low rated
Vainamoinen: The US already fights the war to presently really worry about. The means are indeed the president's decision, the means are not individually decided upon by Congress to my knowledge. And boy does Trump have some ideas about those means.
Nixon and Kissinger had some ideas, too; genocide, namely, and stopped only because they were reined in on account of how much it was costing. Christ man, Vietnamese are still being blown to bits because we refused to give them the maps for the minefields.

Shadowstalker16: Or can Trump build his wall without anything getting in his way?
tinyE: No, he can't.

He can't do anything without loads of votes and approvals.
You ought to read up on all the executive powers a president has during states of emergency.
Post edited November 04, 2016 by richlind33
So war is more easily conducted it seems; but the wall or change in immigration policy (whether pro or anti) will need approval from congress correct?