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rtcvb32: Any law that breaks the constitution is not lawful. As such we outnumber the government at least 10,000 to 1. Sorry, but if we all disagree, then we simply override it. The nation cannot exist without it's people.
May not have been lawful, but it sure did work for World War II, now didn't it? Nobody overrided it back then, and nobody overrided it when the draft was reinstituted later on in time.

rtcvb32: I'll try. While reading technical information on computers and programming is fun for me, not so sure about history.
Please do. Based on what you've said, you really could learn a whole lot from history, because some of the things you've suggested are things that have already been tried and proven not to work.
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it, as George Santayana has said.
zeogold: Name to me even 5 people you've reached so far by staying here.
tinyE: He's reached A LOT OF PEOPLE in here.

Just not the way he intended, and I'm not being silly here.

Any other place and in any other fashion, some of his arguments might have been, at the very least, taken into consideration by some of us, but when you throw them out there the way he does it automatically causes most folks to reject them regardless of their veracity. If he was to come in here with that fucking attitude of his and tell everyone the world was round, there would be no doubt some people here tempted to join The Flat Earth Society.
That's basically what I was getting at in post #1178. He's literally undermining his whole purpose by presenting his arguments so poorly that the majority are inclined to believe the opposite of what he says.
Post edited October 30, 2016 by zeogold
low rated
zeogold: May not have been lawful, but it sure did work for World War II, now didn't it? Nobody overrided it back then, and nobody overrided it when the draft was reinstituted later on in time.
Information was hid and reaching mass audiences wasn't possible, so unless it was a nationwide movement i doubt it would have done much.

But today? Not sure. Depends on how many people are aware and refuse, and find others so they aren't the only voice. There's already backlash against Hillary instituting a draft for females to join the military.

It's going to be very interesting...
Uhm, can we not send rtcvb32 into a panic by explaining to him that the American people can't stop a war when the bombs are already in the air...? That Alex Jones guy kind of capitalizes on the fantasy that Hillary Clinton is about to bomb countries that actually can bomb back.
low rated
tinyE: with that fucking attitude
I know you mean business when you swear.
Vainamoinen: Uhm, can we not send rtcvb32 into a panic by explaining to him that the American people can't stop a war when the bombs are already in the air...?
What I love the most is that the "if the government says we are going to war and we all say no, then we don't go to war." is coming from the guy who recently told us that he want to rejoin the military :D
rtcvb32: Information was hid and reaching mass audiences wasn't possible, so unless it was a nationwide movement i doubt it would have done much.
It WAS a nationwide movement. Try looking up information on the Vietnam War protests. Everyone knows there were protests, but do you know WHY there were protests?
Again I stress that although you may hate history, it's an important subject for this very reason: So you can learn from what's already happened.
low rated
Breja: What I love the most is that the "if the government says we are going to war and we all say no, then we don't go to war." is coming from the guy who recently told us that he want to rejoin the military :D
You wouldn't understand.

Vainamoinen: Uhm, can we not send rtcvb32 into a panic by explaining to him that the American people can't stop a war when the bombs are already in the air...? That Alex Jones guy kind of capitalizes on the fantasy that Hillary Clinton is about to bomb countries that actually can bomb back.
Perhaps. But the US won't be the ones to strike first, we need to be the victim to justify war.

Russia won't be the ones to strike first, they don't want a war. So instead the US has to trick Russia.

It's also said the US also would not retaliate on the first strike, and the first strike would probably be military locations not civilian, then pull out secret weapons.

Russia also has new missiles that can take out an area the size of Texas or France.

We'll just have to see...
Post edited October 30, 2016 by rtcvb32
rtcvb32: You wouldn't understand.
Understanding starts with explanation.
"I'm not going to explain because you can't understand" is no excuse, and only tells of your own lack of understanding.
Post edited October 30, 2016 by zeogold
I just had a nationwide movement,

I gotta cut back on the fiber.
Vainamoinen: Uhm, can we not send rtcvb32 into a panic by explaining to him that the American people can't stop a war when the bombs are already in the air...?
Breja: What I love the most is that the "if the government says we are going to war and we all say no, then we don't go to war." is coming from the guy who recently told us that he want to rejoin the military :D
He is why the Military has "Section 8".
rtcvb32: You wouldn't understand.

Yeah sorry but that's a dead giveaway. :P

Been on the planet a while now and WHENEVER someone says "You wouldn't understand" what they mean is, "I don't have a fuckin' clue."

It's akin to looking up immediately when someone ask you a question. It means you are lying and there is no way around it.

See also "Re-asking the question" ie:

-What are you doing here?

-What am I doing here?

He's looking for something other than the truth to give you.
Post edited October 30, 2016 by tinyE
rtcvb32: Any law that breaks the constitution is not lawful. As such we outnumber the government at least 10,000 to 1.
There were 4.2 million Federal employees last year the OPM has data for. In a nation of 318 million. That means "we" outnumber the government by about 76 to 1.

In case math is also not one of your best subjects, 76 is much smaller than 10,000.

rtcvb32: In Quantum leap this was explained
In a TV science fiction series? I mean, I enjoyed it as much as the next guy, but that's actually a source that's no more reliable than Alex Jones. Of course, not really any less reliable, either. Also, you don't know what fractal means. Your butterfly effect reference isn't a fractal one; it's rather a reference to what used to be called chaos theory. Shall I cite Jurassic Park for you?

tinyE: If he was to come in here with that fucking attitude of his and tell everyone the world was round, there would be no doubt some people here tempted to join The Flat Earth Society.
I think we all know it's turtles all the way down.
Post edited October 30, 2016 by OneFiercePuppy
low rated
rtcvb32: You wouldn't understand.
zeogold: Understanding starts with explanation.
"I'm not going to explain because you can't understand" is no excuse, and only tells of your own lack of understanding.
Unless you've been in the military, it's difficult to explain. Literally you wouldn't understand.

I can try but it wouldn't do much to explain it all. It's a change in body, mindset, training, a certain type of order, and almost family.

OneFiercePuppy: There were 4.2 million Federal employees last year the OPM has data for. In a nation of 318 million. That means "we" outnumber the government by about 76 to 1.

In case math is also not one of your best subjects, 76 is much smaller than 10,000.
So my guesstimate was heavily off, still 76:1 is certainly an overpowering force. There's also quite a few in the government who don't want war, so the ones who actually would want war are going to be fairly small. The military has done soft coups (refusing orders) more than once in the last several years.
rtcvb32: The military has done soft coups (refusing orders) more than once in the last several years.
No, they have not.

Name one.
It's just like that show "Sliders". :D
rtcvb32: The military has done soft coups (refusing orders) more than once in the last several years.
OneFiercePuppy: No, they have not.

Name one.
Oh I'm sure he can name several and has some very reliable sources to prove it. :P


Who the hell put clear plastic over the front of the LA Kings goal!?
There is NO WAY their backup goalie is this good!
Post edited October 30, 2016 by tinyE
tinyE: There is NO WAY their backup goalie is this good!
Real goalies are this good.
low rated
rtcvb32: Unless you've been in the military, it's difficult to explain. Literally you wouldn't understand.
I understand.